
  • 网络Wang Zhong;Chung Wang
  1. 了哥王中的1个新双香豆素

    A new dicoumarin from stem bark of Wikstroemia indica

  2. 在2003赛季,麦迪得到了他生涯连续两个得分王中的第一个。

    During the 2003 NBA season , McGrady won his first of two consecutive scoring titles .

  3. 王中是我国著名的新闻学家、杰出的新闻教育家。

    Wang Zhong is a well-known information scientist in China , an outstanding educator of the news .

  4. 这一首,是很早以前听过无数遍的,当然也知道,它是狮子王中的主题曲。

    The song was heard several times before . I know , of course , it is the theme song of 《 The Lion King 》 .

  5. “黑暗”以及“魔法”在游戏王中反复出现,那么您自己是否对恐怖和超自然的东西非常感兴趣?

    " Darkness " and " magic " are recurring themes in yu-gi-oh ! . do you have any personal interest in scary things or the occult ?

  6. 希西家倚靠耶和华以色列的神、在他前后的犹大列王中没有一个及他的。

    He had faith in the lord , the God of israel ; so that there was no one like him among all the kings of Judah who were before him .

  7. 作为他们的使命和对真正的辩护,神经常授予他们奇迹:亚伯拉罕从火中被拯救出来,诺亚是从大洪水中获救,摩西是从法老王中获救。

    As vindication of the truth of their mission , God often vests them with miracles : Abraham was saved from fire , Noah from the deluge , and Moses from the Pharaoh .

  8. 汉代诸帝、诸侯王中通经术、有学术造诣者很多,不少人具有较高的政治文化素养。

    Han Dynasty Emperor Zhu , in the feudal lord king passes after the technique , has the academic attainments to have its person greatly , many people have the high political culture accomplishment .

  9. 你所没有求的,我也赐给你,就是富足,尊荣,使你在世的日子,列王中没有一个能比你的。

    And I have also given thee that which thou hast not asked , both riches , and honour : so that there shall not be any among the kings like unto thee all thy days .

  10. 《指环王》中的树人Ente可以通过行走四处移动。

    The tree people in the Lord of the Rings — the Ents --- can get around by walking .

  11. Common和Day将会演绎电影《马歇尔》中的歌曲《StandUpForSomething》还有Settle会演唱电影《马戏之王》中的歌曲《Thisisme》。

    Common and Day will perform " Stand Up For Something " from " Marshall " and Settle will perform " This is Me " from " The Greatest Showman . "

  12. 南极乔治王岛中&新生代岩浆岩Sr-Nd-Pb同位素组成及源区特征

    Sr Nd Pb Isotopic Compositions and Source Features of Mesozoic to Cenozoic Magmatic Rocks on King George Island , Antarctica

  13. 《我的世界》玩家已经造出了游轮、火箭船甚至是初级计算机,还用像素完美还原出了《指环王》中的米那斯提力斯城堡(MinasTirith)。

    Minecraft players have made cruise liners , rocket ships and even basic computers , as well as pixel-perfect recreations of Minas Tirith in Lord of the Rings .

  14. 1989年,他在《死亡诗社》里扮演激励人心的英语老师JohnKeating。1991年,他在《渔王》中扮演精神失常的流浪汉鳏夫。这两个角色都为他赢得了奥斯卡提名。

    He added more Oscar nominations for his performance as the inspirational English literature teacher John Keating in 1989 's " Dead Poets Society " and for playing a mentally ill homeless man mourning the loss of his wife in 1991 's " The Fisher King . "

  15. 《指环王》中的矮人和精灵吸引了大量的游客来到新西兰。

    Hobbits and elves have been drawing tourists to New Zealand .

  16. 亚瑟王传奇中的三类女性


  17. 你还记得他在大胃王竞赛中赢了多少吗?

    And do you remember how much he won in that eating contest ?

  18. 精灵语:《指环王》中的语言&威斯康星大学

    Elvish , the language of " Lord of the Rings "– University of Wisconsin

  19. 这里是我们要介绍的《功夫之王》中的优秀成员其中的一部分。

    Here is part one of our introduction to some of the talented crew of The Forbidden Kingdom .

  20. 王象棋中主要的棋子,可以向任何方向移动一个方格,但必须保护它不被将死。

    The principal chess piece , which can move one square in any direction and must be protected against checkmate .

  21. 朗斯洛爵士是亚瑟王朝廷中最骁勇善战的圆桌骑士。

    Sir Lancelot was the finest knight in the court of King Arthur , a bravest and most skillful fighter .

  22. 尽管,在最近的数十年中,得益于女权主义的出现与发展,亚瑟王传奇中的女性在文学研究中开始占有一席之地。

    Attributable to the advent of feminism , in recent decades there have emerged the studies focused on Arthurian women .

  23. 在王伯家中,记者看到这个青铜“怪物”4不像,像水牛又似山羊。

    In Wang Bojia , the reporter saw the bronze " monster " 4 are not , like buffalo and a goat .

  24. 希拉里·克林顿在书中提到两个头发很长而且留着胡须的男人,他们看上去就像《指环王》中的人物。

    Clinton writes of being approached by two long-haired , bearded men , " looking like characters from ' Lord of the Rings ' ,

  25. 排名前十位中最近的电影人物形象是影片《指环王》中的格伦,为他配音的是英国演员安迪·沙坚斯。

    The most recent character in the top10 was Gollum from The Lord of the Rings , as voiced by British actor Andy Serkis .

  26. 怀孕期满,留在了菩提王鹿群中的母鹿妈妈,生下一只小鹿。

    In the fullness of time , the pregnant doe , who had stayed with Banyan 's herd , gave birth to a fawn .

  27. 在九分王战役中,赛尔弥可是那个杀出一条血路最终砍掉了最后的黑火篡位者的人。

    During the War of the Ninepenny Kings , Selmy had cut a bloody path through their ranks to slay the last of the Blackfyre Pretenders .

  28. 耶和华就差遣一个使者进入亚述王营中,把所有大能的勇士和官长,将帅尽都灭了。

    And the Lord sent an angel , who annihilated all the fighting men and the leaders and officers in the camp of the Assyrian king .

  29. 他曾在五世纪末和六世纪初率领不列颠人反抗盎格鲁克逊人的入侵,取得过一些小规模的胜利,但决不可能像亚瑟王故事中所描写的那样了不起。

    The real King Arthur probably won some victories over the Anglo-Saxons , but he was not nearly as great as the King Arthur of the stories .

  30. 《俄狄浦斯王》中的“父亲”形象是隐蔽的,但他身上凝聚着人类对“父亲”原型的认识和思考,代表着“父亲”这一形象的文化意义。

    " Father " of " Oedipus Rex " image is obscure , but he condenses understanding and thinking of " father " prototype of mankind , and represents the cultural meaning of this image .