• throw away;discard;abandon;give up
  • 舍去,扔掉:抛~。遗~。~权。~市(古代在闹市执行死刑,并将尸体暴露街头)。~世(超出世俗或指去世)。~养(父母死亡的婉辞)。~置不顾。~瑕录用。


(放弃;扔掉) throw away; discard; abandon; give up:

  • 遗弃妻儿

    forsake one's wife and children;

  • 弃之可惜

    hesitate to discard sth.; be unwilling to throw away;

  • 敌军弃城而逃。

    The enemy abandoned the city and fled.

  • 他早年弃医从文。

    In his early days he abandoned medicine for literature.

  1. 你又弃之如敝履。

    To throw away like garbage .

  2. 鸡蛋的营养价值极高,如果把蛋黄弃掉,其实你同时也抛弃了许多营养。

    In fact , you are throwing away a lot of nutrition when you throw away the yolks .

  3. 大雪迫使许多驾驶者弃车步行。

    Snow forced many drivers to abandon their vehicles .

  4. 你为什么弃教从政呢?

    Why did you desert teaching for politics ?

  5. 他的大多数顾问都弃他而去。

    He has been deserted by most of his advisers .

  6. 《弃我而去》这首歌非常伤感,听起来很晦涩。

    ' Rid Of Me ' is harrowing , uneasy listening

  7. 去年他在因涉毒被控告期间弃保潜逃。

    He had jumped bail last year while being tried on drug charges .

  8. 他接住对方的弃踢球,成功达阵,取得了制胜得分,此时比赛只剩最后一分钟。

    He caught a punt and scored the winning touchdown , with a minute left to play .

  9. 摩加迪沙2/3的居民已弃城而去,据说已成了一座名副其实的废都。

    Mogadishu is said to be a virtual ghost town , deserted by two-thirds of its residents .

  10. 暴风雨愈发猛烈,我最终不得不弃车步行。

    The storm got worse and worse . Finally , I was obliged to abandon the car and continue on foot

  11. 他早年弃医从文。

    In his early days he abandoned medicine for literature .

  12. 敌军弃城而逃。

    The enemy abandoned the city and fled .

  13. 庸可弃乎?

    How could this possibly be relinquished ?

  14. 他弃家出走,是对旧社会婚姻压迫的反动。

    He finally left home in an effort to counter the tyranny of arranged marriage in the old society .

  15. 取其x,弃其y。

    Select ( what is ) x , and reject ( what is ) y.

  16. 取其多,弃其少。

    Select a few , and reject the majority .

  17. 文章中与主题无关的内容应予割弃。

    The parts irrelevant to the topic of the essay should be cut out .

  18. 若蒙不弃,愿效犬马之劳。

    Should I be fortunate enough not to be rejected , I would render such humble services as I could .

  19. 并且,大部分成年子女会一如既往,像“以往的美好年代”一样,为他们渐渐老去的父母提供同样多的照顾和支持,大部分老年人并没有被拋弃的感觉。

    Moreover , most adult children provide every bit as much care and support to their aging parents as was the case in the " good old days " , and most older people do not feel abandoned .

  20. 我国每年弃婴10万名,“婴儿安全岛”内99%为残疾弃婴、弃童。

    About 100000 babies are abandoned every year , and 99 percent of them are disabled or have diseases .

  21. 其中一个士兵马上逃跑了,另一个则勇敢地握着剑立在原地,强盗不得不弃他而逃。

    One of them ran away , but the other stood his ground , and laid about him so lustily with his sword that the robber was fain to fly and leave him in peace .

  22. 如果我爱你,我会相信你将接受我的关心与爱意,我会相信你不会故意把我伤害,我会相信你终将发现我的可爱之处,我会相信你不会把我弃于不顾;

    If I love you , I trust that you will accept my caring and my love and that you won 't deliberately13 hurt me . I trust that you will find me lovable and that you won 't abandon me ;

  23. 虽然,不应该将shell脚本弃为替代来使用。

    You shouldn 't discard shell scripts as an alternative , though .

  24. 全量养分中,只有全N在弃耕地自然恢复中有增加的趋势。

    As for total nutrients , only total N showed an increasing trend with the restoration process .

  25. 所得SiC颗粒纯弃高,球状,直径约0.2μm,体积分市均匀。

    The SiC particles are pure , spherical , and uniform in size , their diameters are about 0.2 μ m.

  26. 该公司表示,决定弃亚洲市场而在aim上市,原因是其客户大部分来自欧洲。

    The company , which is advised by Northland capital , said it had decided to join aim rather than an Asian market because most of its customers were European .

  27. 弃奶期为4d。

    The milk abandon time was 4 days .

  28. 我认为最好的处理方式并不是消灭掉这些JVM,而是取其精华,弃其糟粕。

    In general , I think it 's great that they are not just dropping either of these JVMs but trying to take the best of both .

  29. 这次阻挠是由TourdeFrance的主任ChristianPrudhomme造成的。不久抗议者就慌乱的弃自行车运动员而去。

    An intervention by none other than the Tour de France director Christian Prudhomme apparently walked to wonders the protestors were soon hustled away from the cyclists .

  30. 叙述了FOXBASE+编程在噪声监测数据修约中弃去多余数字的应用。

    This paper described a special application of Foxbase + for getting rid of unnecessary numbers from calculating noise data .