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qì fù
  • deserted wife;divorced wife
弃妇 [qì fù]
  • [deserted wife;divorced wife] 同弃妻

弃妇[qì fù]
  1. 从美狄亚、刘兰芝看中外弃妇形象

    On Image of Deserted Wife Through Analyzing Medea and Liu Lan-zhi

  2. 她是一个弃妇。

    She was a deserted wife .

  3. 大量的弃妇悲剧说明,女性社会地位的跌落是不争的社会现实。

    The declining of status female society was an obvious social reality .

  4. 中国古代诗歌弃妇意象的发生研究

    Research on Wife Abandonment in Ancient Chinese Poems

  5. 论秦汉弃妇诗的悲剧根源

    On the Tragic Origin of Poetry about Abandoned Wives in the Qin and Han Dynasties

  6. 二十世纪中国小说中的弃妇形象简论

    Research on the Images of Deserted Women in the Novels of 20 ~( th ) Century

  7. 信息延迟与读者认知&试析《弃妇》的叙事手法

    Information Delay and Reader Response & Analysis on the Narrative Techniques The Jilting of Granny Weatherall

  8. 第三类弃妇挣扎在职业女性和传统女性角色的困境中,但最终走出了困境,走向了自立。

    The third struggled in the dilemma between the professional and traditional women and finally gained independence , breaking away from the difficult situation .

  9. 美狄亚和赵五娘是古希腊悲剧家欧里庇得斯的悲剧《美狄亚》和高则诚改编的中国古典悲剧《琵琶记》中演绎的两位弃妇形象。

    Medea and Zhao Wuniang are two abandoned women respectively in ancient Greek tragedian Euripides'tragedy Medea and classical Chinese tragedy The Story of the Pipa adapted by Gao Zecheng .

  10. 关于弃妇题材,从诗到词,从小说到剧本,在中国文学这个大舞台上,一直有着不可或缺的地位。

    On the abandoned women theme , from poetry to word , from the novel to the script , in Chinese literature on this large stage , there has been an indispensable position .

  11. 现将这类诗歌做进一步的剖析,以便深入认识与弃妇诗相关的人物内心世界及悲剧产生的社会根源。

    This paper attempts to make an in-depth analysis of such poetry so as to bring about a better understanding of the inner world of the characters and the social root of such tragedies .

  12. 作为诗歌创作的源头,先秦两汉时期的弃妇诗开启了弃妇诗创作的基本模式和表现形式,对后世的弃妇题材文学作品产生了重大影响。

    As the source of poetry , the poetry of abandoned wives in Pre-Qin and Han Dynasty opened the basic pattern and form , and had a major impact on literature of abandoned wives ' subject .

  13. 君是烟霞妾为尘&20世纪40年代弃妇形象分析

    You , Noble as the Smoke and Rosy Cloud in the Twilight , whereas I , Humble as Dust & The Images of Deserted Women in the Period of Forties of 20 ~ ( th ) Century

  14. 第二类弃妇在原始性平等意识的支配下稍稍做了些反抗,但是对失去依附地位的恐惧使她们又重返回男权社会的牢笼;

    The second kind , dominated by the the consciousness of equality of the sexes , made some slight struggle , but forced backed into the cage of male supremacy , for fear of the loss of economic parasitism .

  15. 本论文主要分三部分展开:第一部分,对《二南》婚恋诗的内容进行分类,包括恋诗、婚诗、求子诗、弃妇诗和拒婚诗。

    In this paper , launched three parts : The first part of the " Nan " to classify the content of the love poems , including love poems , wedding poetry , poetry Praying for Children , Deserted Wife Poems poetry and refusal to get married .