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yè hú
  • chamber pot
夜壶 [yè hú]
  • [chamber pot] 见便壶

  1. 我们把小瓶里的东西倒进了夜壶里。

    We poured our little cups into the chamber pot .

  2. 是的,我们有一个夜壶。

    Yes , we had a chamber pot .

  3. 上次是倒垃圾,这次是倒夜壶。

    So last time it was garbage and this time night soil .

  4. 以前的人没有厕所,都是用夜壶。

    The ancient people had no toilets so they used night pots .

  5. “屠夜壶来捉人了!”

    " Look out ! Chamber-pot tu 's coming to get us !"

  6. 你们想巴结屠夜壶,自管去做他的小老婆!

    You 're trying to crawl round chamber-pot Tu and be his concubines !

  7. 我意思是自己的夜壶得自己倒。

    People ` s gonna have to empty their own night jars is my point .

  8. 那好吧,你要怎么倒夜壶呢?

    All right , then , how are you going to empty the chamber pot ?

  9. 他们错把夜壶当装饰,用来冷藏酒或当做装面包的篮子。

    They misused chamber pots for decoration , to chill wine , or as bread baskets .

  10. 他在黑暗中对着夜壶撒尿时,熊老的乌鸦正一旁嘀咕着牢骚。

    He pissed in darkness , filling his chamberpot as the old bear 's Raven muttered complaints .

  11. 她恨死了屠夜壶和姚金凤他们,也恨死了所有去上工的女工。

    She hated chamber-pot Tu and Yao chin-feng ; she hated all the girls who were going back to work .

  12. 而且你要说服她,让她认为如果没有一个得克萨斯州这么大的夜壶,人生就白活了。

    And you 're gonna convince her that life is not worth living unless she has jugs the size of Texas .

  13. 这些以收集粪便为工作的人,奔走在厕所,粪坑和夜壶之间,目的就是获得充足的农作物肥料。

    Those tasked with collecting fecal matter went from privy to cesspit to chamber pot , aiming to get enough for crop fertilization .

  14. 嫁妆包括许多实用的物品,比如夜壶,装满水果的盆,几串铜钱。

    The dowry consisted of practical items , including a chamber pot , filled for the occasion with fruit and strings of coins .

  15. 甚至到了十九世纪中期,伦敦与其他城市的居民仍然将夜壶中的排泄物倒到窗外的街道上。

    Even in the mid-nineteenth century , residents of London and other cities were still throwing chamber pots of waste out of their windows into the street .

  16. 美国内战期间的霍乱瘟疫让人们意识到,把夜壶里的脏东西倒到窗外不合适,并对公共卫生作出坚定承诺。

    A cholera epidemic during the Civil War made people realize that it was inappropriate to throw the contents of a chamber pot out the window , and generated a deep commitment to public hygiene .

  17. 《日咒》(1996)是模仿中国古代乐器编钟,不过那些分层排列的铜钟被木制夜壶代替。

    For " Daily Incantations " ( 1996 ) , he created what resembles a bianzhong , an ancient Chinese musical instrument with bronze bells , except wooden chamber pots replace the typical graduated arrangement of bells .

  18. 中央放置着一大堆乱七八糟的旧收音机、旧电视机和旧电话,悬挂的夜壶中发出清洗马桶的声音——那是陈箴童年时每天在上海街上都能听到的声音。

    A large jumble of old radios , televisions and telephones is placed at the center of the structure , while the sound of the daily ritualistic cleaning of night stools , routinely heard on the streets of Shanghai during Mr. Chen 's childhood , emanates from the suspended chamber pots .