
yè xínɡ xìnɡ
  • nocturnal habit
  1. 夜行性壁虎在澳门生态的平衡性及延续性

    The redemption and balance of nocturnal GEKKOS in Macao ecology

  2. 结果表明黄颡鱼幼鱼为夜行性摄食,但投喂频率、投喂量等因素直接影响其摄食节律。

    The result showed that the circadian feeding rhythm of juvenile yellow catfish belongs to nocturnal .

  3. 他们是夜行性动物,在夜幕的掩护下会更加活跃。

    They are a nocturnal breed , and are more aggressive under the cover of darkness .

  4. 南美洲食果夜行性鸟,幼鸟油脂丰富可加工成黄油的替代品。

    Nocturnal fruit-eating bird of South America that has fatty young yielding an oil that is used instead of butter .

  5. 夜行性动物是在夜间活动的;夜间植物有晚上开放、白天关闭的花朵。

    Nocturnal animals are active at night ; nocturnal plants have flowers that open at night and close by day .

  6. 夜行性昆虫的趋光行为及黑光灯对棉铃虫体内酶系的影响

    Nocturnal Insects ' Phototactic Behavior to Different Light and the Effects of Black Light on the Enzyme in Bollworm , Helicoverpa Armigera

  7. 此后的原始蛇类很有可能是夜行性动物并且像现代的蛇类一样,有针一样的牙齿,以便在吞咽猎物之前将其制服。

    The proto-snakes that followed thereafter were probably nocturnal and had needle-like teeth with which to subdue prey before gulping them down like modern snakes .

  8. 这种乌贼是夜行性的,因此在白天它们藏在沙子里睡觉,但是到了晚上,它们必须出来猎食。

    The squid is nocturnal , so during the day it buries itself in the sand and sleeps , but then at night it has to come out to hunt .