
yè niào zhènɡ
  • enuresis;bed-wetting
夜尿症 [yè niào zhèng]
  • [bed-wetting;enuresis] 见遗尿

  1. 研究人员还发现,睡眠受到干扰被视为夜尿症最烦人的症状,KEKEShuan.约三分之一的夜尿症患者在起夜后就难以入睡,演变成失眠。

    The researchers also found that disturbed sleep is considered to be the most burdensome symptom of nocturia , as around a third are unable drop off again which leads to insomnia

  2. 针挑刺法治疗夜尿症、尿便失禁67例报告

    Treatment of the Nocturia , Urinary and Fecal Incontinence by Needle-Pricking Method

  3. 夜尿症定义为一晚必需排泄两次或两次以上的症状。

    Nocturia was defined as needing to void two or more times a night .

  4. 夜尿症患者白天进行休闲活动的能力也会因此降低34%。

    The ability to carry out leisure activities in the day was also reduced , by 34 percent .

  5. 本文报道用针挑刺疗法治疗夜尿症35例、尿便失禁32例的疗效。

    This is a paper for the therapeutic effects of 35 nocturia and 32 urinary and fecal incontinence with needle-pricking method .

  6. 研究发现,夜尿症会使工作效率降低24%,这比哮喘病或肺病患者因病导致的生产率损失还要多。

    Nocturia reduced work productivity by 24 percent - greater than the productivity loss shown by people with asthma or lung disease , it was found .

  7. 这些数据显示,夜尿症对睡眠和白天的表现都造成了负面影响,它对工作效率产生的影响和许多其他慢性病是一样的。

    These data show that nocturia negatively affects both sleep and daytime performance and its impact on work productivity is in line with many other chronic conditions .

  8. 研究团队对有夜尿症的261名女性和385名男性进行了检查,并询问这一健康问题对他们的工作能力和日常活动的执行力产生的影响。

    The team of researchers examined 261 women and 385 men with the condition and questioned them about the effect of health problems on their ability to work and perform regular activities .

  9. 这项提交到米兰的欧洲泌尿协会大会的研究称,夜尿症会导致工作效率的显著下降。夜尿症指一个人晚上至少一次起夜排尿。

    Nocturia - where a person wakes up once or more in a night to urinate - leads to notable work productivity loss , the study presented to the European Association of Urology congress in Milan claims .

  10. 这项提交到米兰的欧洲泌尿协会大会的研究称,夜尿症会导致“工作效率的显著下降”。夜尿症指一个人晚上至少一次起夜排尿。

    Nocturia - where a person wakes up once or more in a night to urinate - leads to " notable work productivity loss , " the study presented to the European Association of Urology congress in Milan claims .