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yè yǔ
  • night rain
  1. 广西夜雨特征及其农业利用

    The Features Of Night Rain And Its Utilization In Agriculture of Guangxi

  2. 重庆评书江湖夜雨百年灯

    Chongqing Storytelling : Night Rain and A Hundred-year-old Lantern

  3. 她的热切的脸,如夜雨似的,搅扰着我的梦魂。

    Her wishful face haunts my dreams like the rain at night .

  4. 不要等到手无分文的时候再去ATM。“屋漏偏逢连夜雨”,取款机有可能没钱或者暂停使用。

    Don 't wait until you 're out of money to go to an ATM , the machines can run out of money or break down .

  5. 夜雨霖铃,天在为谁哭?

    Night Yulin Ling , day in whom are you crying ?

  6. 一夜雨之后天空变得晴朗蔚蓝。

    After an overnight rain , the sky appeared clear and blue .

  7. 你希翼的脸庞,一如夜雨,萦绕在我的梦乡。

    Your wishful face haunts my dreams like the rain at night .

  8. 月影烛光,夜雨轻风。

    Moon Shadow candlelight , night rain breeze .

  9. 就在那一年,他的中篇小说《春夜雨霏霏》出版了。

    That was the year his novella , Drizzle on a Spring Night , was published .

  10. 你肯挟瘸足的泥沙而俱下么?她的热切的脸,如夜雨似的,搅扰着我的梦魂。

    Will you carry the burden of their lameness ? Her wishful face haunts my dreams like the rain at night .

  11. 屋漏偏逢连夜雨,即使说欧元区经济还未陷入衰退,那也已有迹象表明它也已经踏上了这条不归路。

    Worse , there are signs that the euro zone 's economy is heading for recession , if it is not there already .

  12. 夜阑卧听风吹雨,就是这夜雨,只能用耳在听它的喜怒哀乐。

    Stayed lie listen in wind and rain , is this night , can use to ear in listening to its joys and sorrows .

  13. 当夜雨很大,附近又没有人。于是夏朋婕就把尸首拖到那所空屋里去。

    The night was so wet that no one was about , so Charpentier dragged the body of his victim into the empty house .

  14. 北部天域:5月21日至22日,除夜部门天域将会经历由多云迪契间多云到中雨再到除夜雨的气候进程。

    North China : May21 to22 , most parts to be cloudy to overcast with light to moderate rain turning heavy in some areas .

  15. 夜雨引来了一个雾气蒙蒙的早晨下着霜,又飘着细雨临时的小溪横穿过我们的小径从高地上潺潺而下。

    The rainy night had ushered in a misty morning half frost , half drizzle and temporary brooks crossed our path gurgling from the uplands .

  16. 因此,深入探讨夜雨和雾雨资源是制定有效防御干旱对策的重要依据。

    For this reason , the night rain and fog rain resources will become the important basis in making the drought prevention countermeasures in Xishuangbanna .

  17. 他作曲的作品主要有:《水之变态》、《春之海》、《伦敦夜雨》、《日莲》等等;

    His main compositions are Changing Water , Sea of Spring , Night Rain in London , The Sun and the Lotus , and so on .

  18. 虽然昨晚下了一夜雨,早晨的天气却相当适意,只见天上的乌云正被驱散,太阳时隐时现。

    The morning was rather favourable , though it had rained all night , as the clouds were then dispersing across the sky , and the sun frequently appeared .

  19. 整天整夜雨都下得很大,但岛上没有树,也没有屋檐,我的衣服裹着身体,又冷又潮。

    All day and all night it rained heavily , but there was no roof or tree on the island , and my clothes were cold and wet on my body .

  20. 你一如既往的轻舞飞扬,无怨无悔的零落泥渠,只消一番夜雨,一阵东风,你一世的芳华,就已被雨打风吹去!

    You always Qingwu flying , unmitigated scattered clay pipes , takes only some night rain , burst of wind , your I 's Fang-hua , had been the wind and rain to go !

  21. 通过对广西历年降水资料的分析,找出全区的夜雨地域分布和季节分布特征,并提出合理利用夜雨资源的建议。

    To find out the geological and seasonal distribution features of night rains in whole Guangxi by analyzing the precipitation information over the years and to offer proposals for reasonable utilization of night rain resources .

  22. 年平均相对湿度为52.6%,雨季和干季分明,全年夜雨率为78.6%;

    AIR SEA INTERACTION IN DRY AND WET YEARS The average annual relative humidity is 52.6 % , and the wet and dry seasons are distinct , the precipitation happening at night ( 20:00 & 8:00 ) accounts for 78.6 % of the total .