- sleep terror fright at night;night terror

During a night terror , which may last anywhere from a few minutes up to an hour , the child is still asleep .
The symptoms not significantly more common in habitual snorers were as follows : sleep walking , enuresis , night terror , morning headache , falling asleep while playing alone , watching TV , and eating meals , aggression , growth abnormalities . 4 .
Sweat in head , shaked head , pavor nocturnus , etc.
A study on family care effectiveness for children with night-terrors
If he 's having night terrors I want to see them .
Fatigue and psychological stress may also play roles in their occurrence .
I usually don 't move during night terrors .
Today night terrors , tomorrow he 's bleeding out of his eyes .
Night terrors can be a frightening phenomenon of childhood but they are not dangerous .
Objective : to explore effective nursing care for children with night-terrors to reduce unfavorable factors of influencing sleep of children .
A sleep diary compiled over several nights may help identify unusual sleep patterns and sleep disorders ( eg , sleepwalking , night terrors ) .
Results : The prevalence of sleep disorder was 25.7 % in Chongqing . The most of all is sleep terrors , its prevalence is10 % .
Conclusion : to carry out family care and to provide some intervention for children with unfavorable sleep behaviors could improve night-terrors of children and promote the sleep quality of children .
People with sleep disorders , such as apnea , night terrors or sleepwalking , may benefit from having a bed partner who can observe nighttime behaviors and help with a diagnosis .
But parasomnias ( sleep walking or night terrors ); periodic limb movement disorder or restless leg syndrome ; and other conditions , such as asthma and eczema , can also affect a child 's sleep .
The 3 - month rate of amelioration was 68 . 6 % in the treatment group and 46 . 7 % in the control group , with significant difference ( P < 0 . 05 ) .
There were higher prevalence in nighttime waking , sleep rhythm disorder , falling asleep prematurity , snoring and night terrors in children aged 0 ~ 2 years old while the percentage in difficulty falling asleep , sleeptalking and molar were higher in children aged 2 ~ 5 years old .