
  • 网络Clotting mechanism;coagulation;mechanism of coagulation;coagulation function
  1. 电磁脉冲辐射对猕猴凝血机制影响研究

    Studies for electromagnetic pulse ( EMP ) influence on the clotting mechanism in monkeys

  2. 微循环的变化主要表现为凝血机制的改变,局部组织广泛的微血栓的形成。

    The main displays of the changes of microcirculation is the change of coagulation and formation of micro-thrombus .

  3. 维生素K1对小儿心内直视手术围术期凝血机制的影响

    Effect of Vitamin K_1 on Perioperative Blood Coagulation Factors During Open Heart Surgery in Children

  4. 结果慢性肝病肝脏CT增强扫描主要存在以下的护理问题:心理问题,交叉感染,血管缺陷和凝血机制障碍。

    Results The typical problems of nursing for patients with chronic liver diseases receiving enhancement CT scanning were psychological problems , cross infection , vascular deficiency , and blood coagulation disturbance .

  5. 凝血机制紊乱在全身炎症反应综合症(SIRS)发展、恶化过程中起重要作用。

    Coagulation disorder exerts a very important effect on systemic inflammatory response syndrome ( SIRS ) .

  6. 方法:将46例CRF合并凝血机制障碍者随机分为2组。

    Method : 46 cases of CRF and disturbance of blood coagulation were devided randomly into two groups .

  7. 结论:老年男性,首次CT检查距受伤时间短,凝血机制障碍的减速性损伤是迟发性外伤性颅内血肿的潜在高危因素。

    Conclusion : Male sex , older age , short time from injury to the first CT scan , injury of deceleration and abnormalities of coagulation appear to be potential factors of DTICH .

  8. 结论CPB期间既有粘附凝集功能下降,也有粘附凝集功能增强的血小板膜糖蛋白,而凝血机制缺陷的原因可能与血小板总数下降、低温及肝素的后续作用有关。

    Conclusion During CPB agglutination defect may result from platelet counts decrease hypothermia and heparin administration , not from the PMG changes .

  9. 结论:PNH患者存在血栓前状态,其发生可能主要与凝血机制亢进和纤溶机能减弱有关。

    Conclusion : Prethrombotic state is present in PNH patients , which may be caused by hypercoagulability and low fibrinolytic activity .

  10. 显色分析揭示,GS的抗凝血机制主要在于通过抗凝血酶AT-Ⅲ的调节作用抑制凝血因子Ⅱa和Xa的活性。

    Chromogenic analysis revealed that the anticoagulation mechanism of GS was mainly due to the inhibition of the coagulation factors ⅱ a & Xa activities mediated by antithrombin AT - ⅲ .

  11. 单因素Logistic分析显示:术后血压的波动、出血(发病)至手术时间、术中止血困难或止血不彻底、出血部位和是否有影响凝血机制的因素与再出血的发生显著相关(P<0.05);

    Univariant logistic analysis disclosed that postoperative blood pressure fluctuation , the period between initial bleeding to operation , difficulties met during the operation and inadequate hemostasis , the hemorrhage site and coagulation factor disorders significantly related with recurrence of hemorrhage ( P < 0.05 ) .

  12. 本研究从临床及动物实验两方面来探讨中药复方肾络通的临床疗效和其对实验性MsPGN大鼠脂质代谢及凝血机制影响的可能作用机制。

    In this study , to explore the clinical effect of shenluotong ( SLT ) on curing MsPGN and its possible mechanism on effect which is lipid metabolism and blood coagulation mechanism .

  13. 结论SIRS新生儿存在凝血机制的活化,符合SIRS诊断标准项数越多,病情越重,凝血功能紊乱越显著,病死率越高。

    Conclusion There was an activation of the coagulation system in the newborn infants with SIRS . The more items of the diagnostic criteria for SIRS , the patients had the more severe and much remarkable the coagulation disturbance and much higher the mortality .

  14. 桑叶提取液对凝血机制的影响

    The Effect of Mulberry Leaf Extract on Blood Coagulating Mechanism

  15. 腹部手术大失血并凝血机制障碍的处理

    Managment of massive bleeding with dysfunction of blood coagulation in abdominal surgery

  16. 尖吻蝮蛇毒去纤酶对人体出凝血机制的作用

    The effect of agkistrodon acutus venom on blood coagulation system

  17. 重度失血性休克后凝血机制的异常改变及原因分析

    Changes in coagulation properties in patients with severe hemorrhagic shock

  18. 它在机体抗凝血机制中发挥了重要作用。

    TM play a important role in blood anticoagulant mechanism .

  19. 老年难治性鼻出血凝血机制方面的检测与研究

    Detection and research of coagulation mechanism on elderly intractable epistaxis

  20. 黔金丝猴凝血机制的测定分析

    Determination and analysis of the coagulation mechanism of the Guizhou Golden Monkey

  21. 奥扎格雷钠对慢性肺心病急性加重期凝血机制的影响及治疗作用的研究

    Efficacy of Sodium Ozagrel in the Treatment of Cor Pulmonale in Exacerbation Period

  22. 凝血机制紊乱在重症胰腺炎发展中的作用

    Relationship between blood coagulation mechanism disturbance and severe pancreatitis

  23. 尿激酶治疗颅内血肿对凝血机制的影响

    The Effect of Blood Coagulation Mechanism on the Treament of Intracranial Hematoma with Urokinase

  24. 紫绀型先天性心脏病凝血机制异常的研究

    The Study on the Coagulation Function Anomalies for Patients with Congenital Cyanotic Heart Diseases

  25. 心脏直视术后凝血机制的变化及其临床意义

    The blood coagulation mechanism changes and the clinical significances after cardiac operation under direct vision

  26. 止血与凝血机制研究进展

    Research Progress on Hemostatic and Coagulation Mechanism

  27. 化验提示对凝血机制发生显著影响,并有出血倾向。

    Laboratory presentation marked that it impacts on the latter mechanism , and a bleeding tendency .

  28. 目的:观察分析重度失血性休克后凝血机制的变化及其处理。

    AIM : To observe and analyse abnormal changes in coagulation mechanism after severe hemorrhagic shock .

  29. 老年维持性血液透析患者内皮细胞损伤和外源性凝血机制的变化

    Endothelial cell injury and the changes of extrinsic coagulation mechanism in elderly patients on maintenance hemodialysis

  30. 结论重型肝炎患者肝素应用后凝血机制的变化更加明显,相对于肾透析而言应显著减少肝素用量。

    Conclusion The change of coagulation function after applying heparin is more obvious in gravis hepatitis patients .