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  1. 在论文的第二部分,作者采用二项式logit模型分析了越中两国企业和金融特征对企业信贷获取的影响,并研究了信誉,行业和地区等哑变量对企业获得信贷可能性的影响。

    In the second section , the binominal logit model is used to access the influence of firms and financial characteristics , creditworthiness , industry and region dummy on the probability of which firms accessed credit .

  2. 越中典籍中的两国诗人交往

    Intercourses Between Vietnamese and Chinese Poets in Ancient Books and Records

  3. 越中两国已经有着往来长久的历史。

    China and Vietnam have had a long history together .

  4. 越中浪漫主义文学之比较

    A comparison between Romantic Chinese and Vietnamese literature

  5. 论晚明越中曲家戏曲创作精神

    On the Creative Spirit of the Qu School Opera in the Late Ming Dynasty

  6. 他对越中禅学影响深广。

    He had big influence in Central Vietnam .

  7. 越中传统医药历史和现状比较研究

    Compared Study on History and Current Situation of Traditional Medicine in China and Viet-Nam

  8. 主要表现在越中边贸发展的规模逐年上升、进出口结构不断优化、层次越来越高,以及边贸进行的方式与主体不断变化。

    The frontier scale is developing , export - import structure and method is optimizing .

  9. 第二章主要介绍越中两国对于俗语研究的一些问题。

    The second chapter is mainly about the study of the saying between China and Vietnam .

  10. 越中边境贸易研究

    Research on the Vietnam-China Frontier Economy

  11. 越中曲家传奇创作在主题取向、情节、结构、语言诸方面都有著鲜明的地域特色。

    Their works have distinctive regional flavor in the aspects of subject , plot , structure and language .

  12. 越中派的戏曲创作在思想和艺术上都取得了不少新的成就。

    The drama writing of the school had made a lot of new achievements in thoughts and art .

  13. 范平明表示,越方承诺维护越中全面战略合作伙伴关系。

    Pham Binh Minh says the Vietnamese side is committed to upholding the Vietnam-China comprehensive strategic cooperative partnership .

  14. 越中关系正处在甜蜜期,但同时也面临不少障碍。

    The Vietnamese and Chinese relations are occupying the happy time , but simultaneously also faces many barriers .

  15. 这就是我选取越中两国寺庙对联文化作为研究对象的原因。

    For this reason , Chinese and Vietnamese temples antithetical couplets are the central point of this research work .

  16. 第二阶段以王骥德为中心,他与越中诸曲家有广泛的交往;

    The center of the second is Wang Ji-de , who had a broad association with the writers at Yue Thong .

  17. 越中边贸的发展已对两国经济贸易、及政治关系的发展起到了重要作用:首先是维护边境地区的稳定,促进当地经济发展和人民生活水平的提高;

    The good results for this development show firstly in stabilization boundary , promotion frontier economy and improvement the living standards .

  18. 自1991年越中两国恢复正常关系后,双方经贸合作不断深化和加强,越中边贸从此也不断得到发展。

    After the relationship between Vietnam and China became normal in 1991 , the bilateral economy cooperation grew rapidly including the frontier section .

  19. 绪论部分,主要论述越中曲家群得名的由来、研究现状、研究方法和意义。

    Introduction is mainly about the origin of the name of the collective , current research about it , method and the significance of such research .

  20. 越中两国是有着友好关系的邻邦,两国人民的传统友谊代代相传。

    The two countries of Vietnam and China have a long-standing friendly neighbouring relation and traditional friendship between the two peoples passed from generation to generation .

  21. 越中边贸发展过程中也存在不少问题,但21世纪越中睦邻友好与全面合作关系的健康稳定发展会为两国边贸发展奠定坚实的基础。

    Inspire of some existence issues in the 21st century , the stable relation and total operation of the two neighbors is background for this development .

  22. 这一部分,首先阐述越中派特有的地域色彩,对其作为一个文学流派存在的因素进行证明。

    In this part , the author demonstrates the local color special of the school and produces the evidence to prove its existence as a literature school .

  23. 文中对越中派戏曲理论观点主要概括为三部分:本色论、当行论和戏曲史论。

    The major points of drama theory can be summarized as the theory of prototype , the theory of trait of work and the theory of drama history .

  24. 本文依据区域一体化经济发展的理论,分析中国&东盟自由贸易区的建立对越中经贸发展的影响。

    Basis on the economic development theory of regional economic integration , this paper analysis the effect of CAFTA on the economic and trade cooperation between Vietnam and China .

  25. 越中经贸关系和发挥越中口岸优势促进东盟&中国及越中经济合作的建议

    A Study on Vietnamese and Chinese Economic and Trade Relations and a Proposal to Fully Employing the Favorable Conditions of the Border Ports to Promote ASEAN - China Economic Cooperation

  26. 对越中派的研究,有利于进一步梳理澄清明代戏曲理论史和戏曲文学史发展的脉络和轮廓,并促进人们对该派的了解和发现。

    The research into this school can further crystallize the history of drama theory history of both Qing and Ming Dynasty and promote people 's understanding and discovery of this school .

  27. 越中两国友好交往比较频繁,双方充分利用中国&东盟自由贸易区及南博会有利契机,在国际合作新框架下积极发展双边关系。

    The two countries friendly contact frequently , making full use of the opportunity that from the china-ASEAN free trade area . Then develop new framework of bilateral relations in international cooperation actively .

  28. 在旅游领域,越中双方在旅游产品开发、旅游线路组织、旅游市场营销、旅游项目建设、旅游市场管理、应急机制建设、旅游人才培训等各方面都有良好的合作。

    In the field of tourism , the both have good cooperation in tourism product development , tourism line organization , tourism project construction , tourism market management mechanism , tourism talents training and other aspects .

  29. 经过几千年的接触与交流,今日越中两国的文化、语言等很多方面可算是大同小异的,其中成语是甚为明显的。

    After the millennia of contacts and exchanges , today , many aspects of their culture and language are largely identical with only minor differences . Therefore , idioms are extremely obvious between the two countries .

  30. 本文引入利益相关者和共生演化理论来分析中越边境旅游在新国际合作框架下发展,从新的视野来认识越中边境旅游问题。

    It is a kind of new knowledge views that Introducing the stakeholder economic theories and symbiosis evolution theory to analyze the problem about Vietnam – China border region tourism under the framework of new international cooperation .