
  1. 随着我们离城市越来越远,房屋也逐渐在视线中消失了。

    The houses fell away as we left the city .

  2. 卡车开走了,她听见卡车的隆隆声越来越远。

    The truck pulled away , and she listened to the rattling noises fade down the lane .

  3. 一旦发生了这种事,我就不断地把我的学习推得越来越远。

    Once that happened , I just kept pushing my studying further and further back in my day .

  4. 然后往窗外看,越远越好。重复几次。

    Then look outside the window as far as possible . Repeat this several times .

  5. 他想,他们走得越远,冰就越硬。

    The farther in they went , he thought , the harder the ice would become .

  6. 魏王脱口说道:“唉!这个人真固执。他不知道方向错了,条件越好,离开目的地就越远。”

    The King of Wei blurted . He doesn 't realize that if his direction is wrong , the better he is equipped , the farther he would be away from his destination . "

  7. 产生这一问题的根本原因在于我们的头部:它们重达4至5千克。我们低头时,就会很难支撑头的重量——这种情况有点儿类似用胳膊拿重物,离身体越远就会显得越重。

    The root of the problem appears to be our heads which , weighing in at 4-5 kilos , are harder to support when we bend over - a little like carrying a weight at arm 's length rather than closer to the body .

  8. 从有效核电量方面来想一想为什么,这是因为,尽管,Z,原子序数依然在变大,但我们同时也在离原子核越来越远。

    This is because even though z , the atomic number is still increasing , we are also getting further away from the nucleus .

  9. 华尔街各银行正在拟定将部分伦敦业务迁往爱尔兰的初步计划,以化解英国偏离欧盟(EU)越来越远引起的担忧。

    Wall Street banks are drawing up preliminary plans to move some London-based activities to Ireland to address concerns that the UK is drifting apart from the EU .

  10. 在同一水平面,离导气管距离越远,CH4体积分数越高。

    In the same horizontal plane , the distance from airway was bigger , the concentration of CH4 was higher .

  11. pH值偏离pH7越远,土壤中2,3,7,8-PCDD/Fs含量越高。

    The farther the deviation of pH value from neutral value , the higher the content of 2,3,7,8-PCDD / Fs in soil .

  12. 结论Survivin基因在喉鳞癌组织中强表达,但在癌旁黏膜中阳性表达可随着离癌灶越远,表达越低。

    Conclusion The expression of Survivin is enhanced in LSCC tissues , and becomes weaker with the increase of the distance from the cancer lesion .

  13. Cu随距离河道越远,含量越少,在离河道5m表层土及下层土污染指数较高,污染较严重。

    The farther the place away from the river was , the less Cu content was . In the place of 5 m from the river , the surface soil and subsoil pollution index were higher than the middle soil , and with more serious polluted .

  14. 当时,V-VS只有三种飞机型号有效地能达到目标,目标随着德军进入俄罗斯尔变得越来越远。

    At that time , the V-VS had only three aircraft types available that could reach a target that was becoming more and more distant with each day the German army advanced into Russia .

  15. 但所有口号都距离事实越来越远。

    But each one of them is increasingly detached from reality .

  16. 且离短细胞越远的长细胞越长。

    And the longer cell was farther from the short cell .

  17. 生命中成为永恒的部分,越远越清晰。

    Eternal parts in life , the farther , the clear .

  18. 你离得越远,看起来就越帅。

    The farther away you are , the better you look !

  19. 难道我们之间越来越远是因为你的恨意?

    Did we play to become only pawns in the game ?

  20. 你期待什么,什么就会离你越远;

    You expect and what will be farther away from you ;

  21. 但是他的青春去得越远,他的兴致却越高。

    But in proportion as his youth disappeared , gayety was kindled ;

  22. 2,现代主义运动的困境:艺术与生活的距离越来越远。

    The predicament of modernism movement : art is parting from life .

  23. 你的心离我越来越远了

    I feel that your heart is getting farther and farther

  24. 物体之间的距离越远,则引力越小

    " The farther apart the bodies , the smaller the force "

  25. 现在跑题跑得越来越远了。

    Originally posted by qrui this is getting farther and farther away .

  26. 管理人员距离工人们越来越远。

    The management is becoming increasingly remote from the workforce .

  27. 很久没有一起交流过了,感觉大家越来越远。

    Together long after the exchange , we feel farther and farther .

  28. 并且离史查沙少校越远越好。

    And as far away from major Strasser as possible .

  29. 他们必须从越来越远的地方寻找鲜血。

    They must seek blood from further and further away .

  30. 还要跑的离这监狱越远越好。

    And as far away from this prison as possible .