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  • cross-country skiing;Nordic skiing
  1. 他很快就使我迷上了越野滑雪。

    He quickly converted me to the joys of cross-country skiing .

  2. 冬天她会在瑞士圣莫里茨(StMoritz)越野滑雪。

    in the winter she goes cross-country skiing in St Moritz .

  3. 对我国越野滑雪运动员的无氧阈和最大有氧能力的研究

    The anaerobic threshold and maximal oxygen uptake of Chinese cross-country skiers

  4. 他意识到他对自适应北欧滑雪(越野滑雪)有激情。

    He realized he had a passion for adaptive Nordic skiing .

  5. 艾伯特:在瑞典,我进行越野滑雪运动。

    Albert : In Sweden , I go cross-country skiing .

  6. 越野滑雪运动员力量训练的重要性

    Importance of the Strength Training for the Cross Country Skier

  7. 而在冬季观光的游客则可以享受斜坡障碍滑雪和小道越野滑雪运动带来的乐趣。

    Winter visitors can enjoy the slalom slopes and cross-country ski trails .

  8. 越野滑雪为什么有两种滑雪技术?

    Cross country skiing : whe are there two techniques ?

  9. 无氧运动能力的提高无疑会促进越野滑雪成绩的改善。

    Anaerobic capabilities will undoubtedly promote the improvement of cross-country skiing performance .

  10. 对业余少年越野滑雪运动员训练的思考

    My Thoughts on Training the Amateurish Juvenile Cross-country Skier

  11. 因此,人们对越野滑雪项目特征的认识有了不断的深入。

    Therefore , it is characteristic of cross-country skiing has been in-depth understanding .

  12. 共有滑冰、越野滑雪、高山滑雪、现代冬季几个项目。

    The events were skating , jumping skiing , alpine skiing and biathlon .

  13. 约翰。法拉是前奥运会越野滑雪选手。

    John Farra is a former Olympic cross-country skier .

  14. 越野滑雪带来的宁静感是你通过努力获得的。

    The peacefulness of crosscountry skiing is the kind you earn by effort .

  15. 关于越野滑雪你要说什么呢?

    What are you going to say about skiing ?

  16. 我决定写越野滑雪。

    I decided to write about crosscountry skiing .

  17. 这是一项结合了越野滑雪和精度射击对体力要求很高的运动。

    It 's a physically demanding sport that combines cross-country skiing with precision shooting .

  18. 我们去越野滑雪时带了几保温瓶备用的热咖啡。

    We took several thermoses of hot coffee to drink when we went cross-country skiing .

  19. 瑞士东南部一处没有降雪的野地里,有两名路人走在越野滑雪坡道上。

    Two people walk on a cross-country slope built on a snow-free field in southeast Switzerland .

  20. 你就坐过一次摩托雪橇,玩过几次越野滑雪。

    You 've only been on a snowmobile once and gone cross-country skiing a few times .

  21. 北欧滑雪包括个人越野滑雪项目及男子接力、女子接力项目。

    Nordic skiing consists 0f individual cross country event and relay event for Both men and women .

  22. 北京提出,在崇礼地区举办冬奥会的单板滑雪、自由式滑雪和越野滑雪项目。

    Beijing has proposed the Chongli area for events like snowboarding , freestyle skiing and cross-country skiing .

  23. 青少年越野滑雪运动员作为我国越野滑雪运动的后备人才,必须受到重视。

    Youth cross-country skiing cross-country skiing athletes as a reserve of talent , must be taken seriously .

  24. 如今,两项运动被看作是一种混合运动项目:越野滑雪和步枪射击。

    Today , biathlon is considered a combination of two sports : cross-country skiing and rifle shooting .

  25. 挪威运动员已经连续第二个比赛日在一项越野滑雪赛中无奖而归。

    For a second consecutive day , the Norwegians finished out of the medals in a cross-country relay .

  26. 随着运动训练方法和手段的不断变革,越野滑雪的运动成绩也有了很大的提高。

    With the training methods and means of constant change , cross-country skiing athletic performance has been greatly improved .

  27. 小屋主要是在冬季使用,并在此基础上在附近的森林越野滑雪。

    The cabin is mainly used during wintertime , as a basis for cross-country skiing in the nearby forests .

  28. 滑冰靴,滑雪靴及越野滑雪用鞋靴、滑雪板靴、角力靴、拳击靴及赛车鞋。

    Skating boots , ski-boots and cross-country ski footwear , sn-owboardboots , wrestling boots , boxing boots and cycling shoes .

  29. *骑自行车*越野滑雪*游泳*网球*艰苦的瑜珈训练*壁球*徒步旅行*划皮艇*高尔夫球*英式足球*跳跃(跳绳或小蹦床)*跳舞

    biking cross country skiing swimming tennis strenuous yoga squash hiking kayaking golfing soccer jumping ( jump-rope or mini-trampoline ) dancing

  30. 班夫的穷乡僻壤路径访问的沉默和无与伦比的美丽荒野世界越野滑雪和雪鞋提供了手段。

    Banff 's backcountry paths access a wilderness world of silence and matchless beauty & cross country skis and snowshoes provide the means .