
yuè yě pǎo
  • Cross country running;cross-country race
  1. 马术,击剑,游泳,射击和越野跑。

    Equestrianism , fencing , swimming , shooting and cross-country race .

  2. 怎样才能避免越野跑损伤?

    How can you prevent cross country running injuries ?

  3. 什么是越野跑?

    What is cross country running ?

  4. 以下是全年龄段越野跑参与者比较常见的损伤清单。

    Below is a list of some of the more common injuries seen in cross country runners of all ages .

  5. 初中、高中及更年长的越野跑参与者中,最常见的损伤有哪些?

    What injuries most commonly affect athletes running cross country , at the middle school level , high school level and beyond ?

  6. 很多跑者之所以热爱越野跑及其姊妹运动——野外跑,正是因为这种跑步运动与公路跑不同。

    Many runners love cross country and its sister sport , trail running , precisely5 because running in this way is not the same as road running .

  7. 无论是中学生、大学生还是成年跑者,都需要了解越野跑会带来的伤病风险。

    High school runners , college runners , and adult runners all need to be aware of the risks of injury that come with running cross country .

  8. 然而,让越野跑有趣、快乐的这些因素,恰恰也会对所有年龄段的跑者身体构成挑战。

    However , the same aspects of the sport that make it diverting and enjoyable also make it rough on a runner 's body , at any age .

  9. 在得克萨斯州,阳光强烈(同时海边湿度高),越野跑还有脱水、晒伤和中暑的风险。

    In Texas , with our strong sun ( and on the coast , high humidity ) , there 's the additional risk of dehydration16 , sunburn and heat stroke .

  10. 讲到这里读者应该明白了,我的这个故事是与练越野跑的朋友有关的,下面我要说的是我和几个胆大的朋友某一天的发现…

    That being said , I shall relate the story of my friend on the CC run , and the subsequent discovery made by myself and some intrepid7 companions one day ...

  11. 如果热爱户外与自然,那么越野跑是极好的运动。与其他团体运动相比,它通常都很安全——但是,在开始训练并参赛前,参与者就应该了解潜在的损伤及如何预防损伤。

    Cross country running is a wonderful sport if you love the outdoors and nature , and it 's mostly very safe in comparison to other team sports — but before you begin training and racing , you should be aware of potential injuries and how to avoid them .

  12. Bela的兴趣包括网络协议,性能,群组通讯,越野跑,骑自行车和Beerathlon(注:一项有关啤酒的游戏)。

    Bela 's interests include network protocols , performance , group communication , trail running , biking and beerathlon .

  13. 小时候我是个越野跑运动员。

    I was a cross-country runner when I was a boy .

  14. 可以预料的是,我的腿骨密度是很好的,是越野跑中数英里打击法按摩的结果。

    Predictably , the bone density in my legs is fine , the result of miles of pounding on running trails .

  15. 测定了24名定向越野跑运动员和32名普通大学生的心功能指标,并进行分析比较。

    The article is carried by measuring , comparing and analyzing the cardiovascular function of 24 orienteering athletes and 32 ordinary college students .

  16. 我是不大喜欢体育运动,但是有几个朋友在田径队练越野跑。

    Although I was never much into sports , I had a few friends who were , and several were on the cross-country running team .

  17. 不管是越野跑,爬山,夜跑,两项铁人或公路接力,一个新的尝试意味着新的个人最好成绩。

    Whether it 's a trail run , hill climb , midnight run , biathlon or road relay , a new event means a new personal best .

  18. 讲到这里读者应该明白了,我的这个故事是与练越野跑的朋友有关的,下面我要说的是我和几个胆大的朋友某一天的发现

    That being said , I shall relate the story of my friend on the CC run , and the subsequent discovery made by myself and some intrepid companions one day

  19. 越野跑的路线是一段围绕着学校弯弯曲曲的路,还要穿过附近的牧场(当然,事先已经取得了主人的许可)。

    The course lay out for the cross-country track took a meandering path around the school , then out into the pastures around the school ( with the permission of the farmers , of course ) .

  20. 体育及运动科学系与数学系合办「香港教育学院越野跑及步行筹款」活动,目的在于提倡跑和步行对健康的重要性,同时为学系筹款,增进学生的学术及专业发展。

    The HKIEd cross country fund-raising run and walk , which is jointly organized by the Department of physical education & sports science and the Department of mathematics , aims at raising students'awareness of the importance of physical health and enhancing students'academic and professional development .

  21. 最近一个周末在芝加哥参加他的第十三次马拉松时(他是学校的越野跑教练),沃思科看到新闻,说《走进好莱坞》节目组的一个麦克风捕捉到了在大巴上的特朗普自夸调戏女性的经历。

    In Chicago on a recent weekend to run his 13th marathon ( he is also one of the school 's cross-country coaches ) , he read the news that an " Access Hollywood " microphone had captured Mr. Trump on a bus bragging about groping women .

  22. 现代五项越野赛中上坡跑和台阶跑技巧探讨

    A Probe into the Running Skills in Cross-Country Running in Modern Pentathlon

  23. 采用数码摄影研究方法,对比分析现代五项越野赛中上坡跑和台阶跑技巧。

    Applying the method of taking pictures , this essay analyses the running skills in cross country running in modern pentathlon .

  24. 为3在每个范畴在越野识途比赛跑的顶和在在跌倒的每个范畴的3个队运用的顶的奖金。

    Prizes for the top3 in the Orienteering races in each category and the top3 teams in each category in the tumbling run .

  25. 随着比赛规则的标准化,越野赛跑和越野识途跑越来越国际化。

    Cross-country running and orienteering are becoming more and more international as requirements and rules are standardized .

  26. 非越位的处于这种位置,以便在不违反规则的条件下踢球或接同伴的传球随着比赛规则的标准化,越野赛跑和越野识途跑越来越国际化。

    In such a position as to be able to play or receive a ball or puck legally . Cross-Country Running and Orienteering are becoming more and more international as requirements and rules are standardized .