
  • New Oriental;New Oriental School;EDU
  1. 全国政协委员、新东方创始人俞敏洪

    Yu Minhong , CPPCC National Committee member and president of New Oriental Education & Technology Group

  2. 全国政协委员、新东方创始人/CEO俞敏洪

    Yu Minhong , CPPCC member and founder / CEO of the New Oriental Education & Technology Group

  3. tom努力学习,为了成为新东方最好的学生。

    Tom studied hard in order that he could become a top student in New Oriental school .

  4. 遭到浑水阻击的两家中国企业新东方教育科技集团(neworientaleducationandtechnologygroup)和东方纸业(orientpaper)的代表都分别表示,律师曾建议他们保持克制。

    Representatives of both New Oriental Education and technology groupand orient paper two of the Chinese companies targeted by muddy waters said separately that lawyers had advised them to hold back .

  5. 新东方泡泡(POP)少儿教育是全国最大的少儿英语教育品牌,为3到14岁幼儿,少儿和少年提供一流的英语教学服务。

    At present , POP Kids Education is the largest English language training providers for young learners between the ages of4-14 in China .

  6. 即使妇女的HIV是被丈夫传染的,一旦病情泄露,仍会受到他的冷待或抛弃.(见上海新东方的《中级口译笔试备考精要》和《高级口译笔试备考精要》二书)

    A woman infected with HIV may be ostracized or abandoned by her husband if her conditions is revealed , even when he is the source of the disease .

  7. 新东方教育科技集团(neworiental)总裁俞敏洪(michaelyu)称,如果程序能更简便,他知道有多名企业家愿意成立慈善基金会。

    Michael Yu , chairman of New Oriental , a language school company , said he knew of several entrepreneurs who would like to set up charitable foundations if the process were easier .

  8. 毕竟在中国,对学习英语的渴望已经推动缔造了美国上市的新东方教育科技(集团)公司(NewOrientalEducation&TechnologyGroup)这样的公司,热播电影《中国合伙人》(AmericanDreamsinChina)的灵感就来自于新东方。

    It is , after all , a country where the thirst to learn English has spawned companies such as U.S. - listed New Oriental Education & Technology Group , which inspired the hit movie ' American Dreams in China ' .

  9. 北京是新东方泡泡(POP)的发源地。从创建之初至今,已有数十万孩子在泡泡课堂内外留下了欢乐的笑声和骄人的成绩。

    Beijing POP , the cradle of POP Kids English , which has trained tens thousands students since its establishment , is known for its students'crazy favor and great successes .

  10. 同时,新东方更为重视俞敏洪所说的“vip教学”,以迎合能够负担得起更多个性化课程的新一代中国学子。

    There is also greater emphasis on what Mr Yu calls " VIP teaching " , a response to a new generation of Chinese students who can afford more customised courses .

  11. 新东方首席财务官谢东萤(louishsieh)表示,布洛克对新东方的商业模式描述不当,把公司旗下一个很小的子品牌的情况类推到了整个公司。

    Louis Hsieh , chief financial officer of New Oriental , says Mr block had misrepresented its business model by focusing on one small subsidiary brand and extrapolating to the entire company .

  12. SAYBOT:目前中国出现了许多英语培训机构,比如以考试类为主的新东方,以提高口语为主的华尔街,您怎么看待这些培训学校,他们会给传统的英语教学方式怎样的冲击?

    What do you regard as the best thing about these training schools ? How do they enhance the teaching of spoken English ?

  13. 如果你需要通过某种考试,如GRE、GMAT,你最好还是忘掉乐趣,进新东方下功夫。

    If you need to pass some kind of exam , like GRE , GMAT , You 'd better forget about having any fun , go to New Oriental School , and work hard .

  14. 但愿我们将来有自己对外汉语版的新东方!

    The New Oriental of Studying Chinese as a Second Language !

  15. 你在新东方学校学习了多久?

    How long have you learnt English in new oriental school ?

  16. 让我们来欣赏一下李阳对待新东方。

    Let 's appreciate how Liyang is fighting against New Oriental .

  17. 激情的老师挑剔的学生&新东方成功的秘诀

    Key to Success £ - The Energetic Teachers & the Captious Students

  18. 新东方教育科技集团飞速发展的修辞解读

    A Rhetorical Interpretation of the Rapid Development of New Oriental

  19. 他以前在淄博新东方培训学校工作过。

    He used to work for new Oriental training school in Zibo .

  20. 新东方教育品牌的产品营销

    Product Marketing of the Educational Brand of New Oriental School

  21. 在新东方,我看到了这样的人!

    In the new Oriental , I saw this man !

  22. 新东方的老师很友好,也很有意思。

    I think the teachers in New Oriental are very kind and interesting .

  23. 我喜欢新东方,我愿意继续在这里学习。

    I like New Oriental , I would like to continue learning here .

  24. 新东方大厦二期工程转换层大体积混凝土施工

    Mass concrete construction of transfer floor in New Oriental Plaza project phase II

  25. 我喜欢在新东方泡泡学英语,原因就在于此吧!

    That 's the reason that I like learning English in New Oriental .

  26. 我在新东方任清洁工一职。

    I used to work as a dustman in NOS.

  27. 新东方&英语课是要开始了的。

    New Orientation & the english course will begin .

  28. 新东方老师总是讲些笑话,不会是使课堂重要吧?对了,是使课堂有生机。

    Teachers at New Oriental often tell some jokes to vitalize the class .

  29. 风雨东方路&对新东方管理体制的不断探索

    Constant Exploration of Management System in New Oriental School

  30. 下周去新东方补补漏。

    Next week I will go to new oriental .