
  1. B2C模式下网络书店营销服务研究

    Study on Marketing Service of Bookshop Online under B2C Mode

  2. 本章是对网络书店发展现状做了介绍,并用SWOT分析方法对网络书店的优劣势等进行分析。第四章,实体书店转型中电子商务应用研究。

    SWOT analysis method is used to carry out analysis for network bookshop for good inferior position.4th Chapter , In entity bookshop transition , E-business application studies .

  3. 论网络书店经营策略中的虚拟社群构建

    On the Construction of Virtual Group in the Management Strategies of Internet Bookstore

  4. 科技是如何改变分销渠道的,例如网络书店、机票、拍卖等?

    How is distribution changed by new technologies e.g.books via the Internet , flight tickets , auctions , etc ?

  5. 与传统书店相比,网络书店拥有许多的优势。

    The rise of the online bookstore , in fact it is foregone conclusion of Internet and EC developing book industry .

  6. 我国的网络书店在人员素质、资金等方面还存在着许多问题。

    There are many Problems in Personnel quality , capital , and so on , in the web bookshop of China .

  7. 本文对电子商务个性化服务的研究,所做的主要工作有三个部分:首先,是电子商务应用系统&网络书店的设计与实现;

    This paper addresses the personalized service as follows : Firstly , the bookshop of E-commerce application System was designed and implemented ;

  8. 网络书店蓬勃发展、电子出版物每年都在不断增加,传统的实体书店受到越来越大的挑战。

    Network bookshop is vigorous to develop . Electronic publication annual is increasing constantly . Traditional entity bookshop gets more and more big challenge .

  9. 书店业务不能适应网络书店的发展以及中国市场日益激烈的竞争,让我们不得不作出这一决定。

    Bookshop business cannot fit the competition with the development of network bookshop and Chinese increasingly intense market , let us must make this one decision .

  10. 该网络书店作为一个实际的电子商务应用系统,具有一定实用性。

    Finally , it makes use of correlative techniques to design an application system of network bookshop , which is a kind of electronic commerce project .

  11. 针对如此大规模的机遇与挑战,对国内网络书店的发展状况有一个全面而科学的分析已是迫在眉睫之事。

    Aim at such cosmically opportunity and challenge , full-scale and scientific analytical study about online bookstore 's the state of art in our country is the most urgent situation .

  12. 网络电子书店的产生,是互联网电子商务在图书业中发展的必然结果。

    The development of online bookstores is the result of the blooming of Internet E-commerce in book industry .

  13. 在介绍了网络环境下网上书店对图书馆采访的影响后,提出了网上采访也将是未来图书馆采访的主要工作方式。

    After analyzing the online bookstore influence on book acquisition of library under network environment , this paper holds the view that book acquisition from online bookstore will become the main means of book acquisition in libraries .