
  • 网络Bridge;bridged;Network bridge;WDS
  1. 基于Web的嵌入式网桥与监控单元的研发

    R & D of Embedded Web-based Bridge and Monitoring Unit

  2. 基于Linux系统实现透明网桥式安全接入点

    Building Secure Network Access Point Based on a Linux Transparent Bridge

  3. NetworkManager负责管理IP转发、网桥和虚拟局域网。

    The Network Manager administers IP forwarding , network bridges , and virtual LANs .

  4. IP地址要在网桥配置完成后配置。

    The IP address needs to be set after the bridge has been configured .

  5. 讨论了网桥模块中IP地址的组织方法,并对内存分配进行了一些简单管理。

    It also shows the organization method and some basic memory management in this system .

  6. 不要在客户端使用USB无线网桥。

    Don 't use USB wireless bridges at the client end .

  7. VC++6.0编程中的串口通信技术在三菱PLC网桥中的应用

    Application of Serial Communication Technigue of VC + + 6.0 Programming in MITSUBISHI PLC Networkware

  8. 在MAC网桥内的内部子层服务的规定。

    Provision of the Internal Sublayer Service within the MAC Bridge .

  9. 基于Linux的网桥和NAT网关集成的实现

    Implementation of Integration of Bridge and NAT Gateway Based on Linux

  10. 基于Linux以太网桥的防火墙技术

    Firewall Based on Linux Ethernet Bridge

  11. 双端口RAM在LON/485网桥中的应用

    Application of dual-port RAM to LON / 485 net-bridge

  12. 互连局域网(LAN)中的网桥和网桥算法

    Bridge and Bridge Algorithms in interconnected LAN

  13. 在分析Linux以太网桥的基础上,阐述了在Linux内核链路层开发防火墙的技术。

    This paper analyses Linux Ethernet Bridge and expounds how to develop firewall in link layer of Linux kernel .

  14. WindowsXP的网桥功能

    Network bridge function of Windows XP

  15. 仅需使用containersetup.sh脚本(参见下载小节)设置网桥(bridge),容器网络设备将在此进行对话。

    Simply use the container_setup.sh script ( see the Download section ) to set up the bridge on which container network devices will talk .

  16. 嵌入式HFC透明网桥实现技术研究

    Implementation Research of Embedded Transparent Bridge in HFC

  17. 网桥(和交换机)根据目的MAC地址将帧从一个接口转发到另一个接口。

    Bridges ( and switches ) forward frames from one interface to another based on the destination MAC address .

  18. 转发处理,参见7.7,描述了在MAC网桥里使用用户优先级和通信类别。

    The Forwarding Process , 7.7 , describes the use of user priority and traffic classes in MAC Bridges .

  19. 选择苏通大桥首级GPS控制网桥轴线附近的几条跨江基线为研究对象,分析基线精度随观测时间的变化情况。

    Selected several crossing-river baselines beside bridge axis of GPS network of Su-Tong large bridge , the baseline accuracy varying with observation time is analyzed .

  20. 基于透明网桥算法的ARCNET与ETHERNET网络互连方法

    A Network Interconnection Method of ARCNET and ETHERNET Based on Transparent Bridge Algorithm


    The Design of Bridge between ARCNET and ETHERNET

  22. 如果所有网桥都具备相同的优先值,MAC地址最小的网桥将被选举为根。

    If all bridges have the same bridge priority , the bridge with the lowest MAC address is selected as the root .

  23. 提出了同时支持路由和网桥两种模式的VPN处理框架,拓宽了VPN网络的应用模式;

    Put forward vpn process which can sustain route and network bridge mode , which can broaden the network application mode .

  24. 无线网桥即是AP功能的一个扩展,它可以实现AP间远距离的无线通信。

    The wireless bridge is a function expansion for AP , which may realize the long-distance range wireless communication between access points .

  25. 实现了一种在光纤同轴电缆混合接入(HFC)中连接电缆网络和以太网的透明网桥。

    This paper presents a design of transparent bridge which can connect cable network and Ethernet in HFC network .

  26. NOVELL网络网桥安装技术

    The Technology of NOVELL Network Bridge Installation

  27. 原型系统通过配置透明网桥和Apache服务器,利用CGI外部扩展程序,实现了用户的可视化控制管理。

    With the configured transparent bridge and Apache server , the prototype system implemented visualized control management using CGI extend programme .

  28. 讨论了一种结合网桥和路由器功能的集成桥路器及其在嵌入式Linux下的实现原理。

    A system for an Integrated Routing and Bridging that can realize the functions of the router and the bridge was introduced . The design and implementation in the embedded Linux were analyzed .

  29. 现场总线及接口网桥技术在BTM中的应用

    Application of Field Bus and Interface Bridge Technology to BTM

  30. 通过自行设计的网桥,实现了以NOVELL网低层软件支持的SCADA系统向以DECNET支持的MIS系统的实时数据传送。

    Using a network bndge designed by ourselves the SCADA which is based on NOVELL can communicate with MIS which is supported by DECNET .