
  • 网络moral choice
  1. 孟子的关于道德选择的理论十分丰富。

    The content of Mencius ' moral choice theory is very rich .

  2. 道德选择利弊析

    An Analysis on Advantages and Disadvantages of the Moral Choice

  3. 论社会赏罚对道德选择的导向作用

    On Guidance Function of Social Rewards and Punishments towards Moral Choices

  4. 护理工作的价值取向、道德选择及评判标准

    Merit Orienation , Attendant Morality and Value Criterion in Nursing

  5. 当代青年道德选择途径的理论探析

    On Correct Way of Moral Selection by Today 's Youth

  6. 自我同一性危机与道德选择多元化

    Self - identity crisis and the pluralistic selection of moral

  7. 青少年在课余体育竞赛中运动成就动机和道德选择的关系。

    The relationship between sport achievement motivation and moral choice in after-school sports .

  8. 在当代生物医学领域中,存在诸多道德选择活动。

    Many moral choices occur in the contemporary biomedicine .

  9. 道德选择的价值判断与逻辑判断

    Value and logic Judgment of Moral and Ethnic Alternatives

  10. 高技术的道德选择何以可能?

    Why Is Moral Selection of High Technology Possible ?

  11. 道德选择是内外自由耦合作用的结果,其主要的心理机制是道德判断力和自我意识。

    Moral sense and self-consciousness is the main psychological mechanism for moral selection .

  12. 我们得做出正确的道德选择。

    We have to make the right moral decision .

  13. 道德选择是人类活动中最重要的选择形式之一。

    The moral choice is one of the important choice forms in human activity .

  14. 从道德选择式到市场选择式:我国养老模型研究

    From Moral Choice Model to Market Choice Model : Study on Chinese Support Model

  15. 道德选择能力浅析

    A Brief Analysis on Choosing Power of Moral

  16. 论大学生道德选择教育

    A Study On Moral Selection Education in University

  17. 试论当代生物医学中的道德选择

    On the moral choice in the contemporary biomedicine

  18. 论孟子的道德选择理论

    On Mencius ' Theories of Moral Selection

  19. 多元文化背景下我国青少年道德选择能力培养研究

    On the Youngsters ' Cultivation of Moral Choice Ability under the Multi-culture Background in China

  20. 论竞技体育中的道德选择

    On the Morality Choice in Athletic Sports

  21. 在道德选择上,发挥随时而中的权变智慧;

    Exert instant mean in ethical choice ;

  22. 编辑道德选择能力是编辑道德实践活动的重要内容。

    The selection ability of editorial moral behaviors is the key content of editorial moral practice .

  23. 企业管理的道德选择

    The Moral Trend of Enterprise Management

  24. 从林纾的翻译活动看译者的道德选择翻译:选择与顺应&语用顺应论视角下的翻译研究

    On the Translator 's Moral Decision-making-Based on the Case Study of Lin Shu 's Translation Activity

  25. 在这个世界里,自由,自我决定和道德选择都是真实的、可能的。

    In this world , freedom , self-determination , and moral choice are real and possible .

  26. 个体经济行为的道德选择

    Moral Choice in Individual Economic Behaviour

  27. 论信用道德选择

    On the Choice of Credit Morality

  28. 主体的信用道德选择受制于利益、环境和制度诸因素。

    The choice for main credit moralities is subject to benefit , environment and system , etc.

  29. 道德选择的心理分析

    A Psychological Analysis of Moral Selection

  30. 道德选择的困难,是由于人们经常处于现实生活的道德困境之中。

    It 's difficult to make decisions in moral choices because we are often in moral dilemmas .