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dào lǐ
  • Daoli;common standard for measuring distance;journey
道里 [dào lǐ]
  • [milage] 路程,里程

  • 度道里(路上行程)会遇之礼毕。--《史记.廉颇蔺相如列传》

  1. 食物在消化道里分解。

    Foods are broken down in the digestive tract

  2. 把托架安放在这个槽道里。

    You fit the shelf bracket into this slot here .

  3. 这两条诫命,是律法和先知一切道里的总纲。

    On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets .

  4. 我们要把全部精力集中在这些地下道里。

    I want to concentrate all our energy in these tunnels here .

  5. 我们在他的耳道里发现一些疤痕。

    We found some scarring in his ear canal .

  6. 容易在消化道里被吸收;不肥腻或者没有大量的调味料。

    Easily assimilated in the alimentary canal ; not rich or heavily seasoned .

  7. 现在把车转到边道里去。

    Turn off on a side street right now .

  8. 消化道里有过多的气体,为此而患病。

    Suffering from excessive gas in the alimentary canal .

  9. 消化道里分泌的酶,对脂肪分解有催化作用。

    An enzyme secreted in the digestive tract that catalyzes the breakdown of fats .

  10. 她在第五道里。

    She 's in the number five lane .

  11. 雨水积聚在排水道里。

    Rain water collected in the drainpipe .

  12. 类癌瘤通常在胃肠道里发现的一种小肿瘤,分泌血清素。

    A small tumor , usually found in the gastrointestinal tract , that secretes serotonin .

  13. “觉得有什么卡在耳道里,”我回答说。

    " It feels as if I have something stuck in ears ," I told her .

  14. 他们希望的答案是,方的井盖可能会掉到井道里,而圆的不会。

    The answer they are looking for is that square covers could fall down the hole , but round ones can 't.

  15. 它能在你的消化道里拍照片,当它通过你的消化道的时候帮助你诊断和治疗。

    It can take pictures of your GI system , help diagnose and treat as it moves through your GI tract .

  16. 在振藩截拳道里使用木人桩训练的一个主要用途就是训练桥手技术。

    One of the main uses of the mook jong in Jun Fan Jeet Kune Do is to train trapping hand techniques .

  17. 因为说不知道的,他实际上已经深入道里;而答知道的,他却还是只知些皮毛而已。

    It is because that he who doesn 't know has gone deep into Tao and he who knows just knows the surface .

  18. 在较浅的沟道里,如果流量过大就可能使沟水漫溢,并引起连锁反应,从而产生冲沟。

    The resulting overload on the lower furrow could cause it to overtop and begin a chain reaction that would likely produce a gully .

  19. 病毒在跳蚤的胃里繁殖,继而生存在跳蚤的消化道里。跳蚤的消化过程便被大大滴限制了。

    It begins to reproduce in the flea 's stomach , living in the digestive tract of the insect and effectively blocking its digestive process .

  20. 在截拳道里,我们只是去发掘我们所不知道的东西,并不是把人家现成的东西给拿过来。

    In Jeet Kune Do , we have only to discover that we do not know what the others are not ready to take over things .

  21. 地域大小、道里远近和人口疏密等都与亭的多少不无关系。

    The number of pavilion is subject to the size of the area , the distance of the way , and the density of the population .

  22. 这个暖气和电力组合系统为中国东北城市哈尔滨道里区的一百万居民带来了洁净、节能、最优的暖气。

    The combined heat and power system brings clean , efficient and optimal heat to one million residents in the Daoli district of Harbin in northeast China .

  23. 凡听见天国道里不明白的,那恶者就来,把所撒在他心里的夺去了。

    When anyone hears the message about the kingdom and does not understand it , the evil one comes and snatches away what was sown in his heart .

  24. 其中一些,特别是那些生活在消化道里的微生物,实际上是有益的,不仅有助于消化还保持肠道良好的工作秩序。

    Some of them , particularly those that live in the gut , are positively beneficial , helping with digestion and keeping the intestines in good working order .

  25. 他们还发现,即使杏仁在胃肠道里消化之后,也仍然会发挥提高免疫系统对病毒的防御作用。

    They discovered that even after the almonds had been digested in the gut , there was still an increase in the immune system 's defense against viruses .

  26. 它的作用就像一个防御空气变应原的天然屏障,在鼻道里形成一层无色的、粘液样的、凝胶层,其作用就像一个灰尘和细菌的过滤器。

    It acts as a natural barrier to airborne allergens , forming a colourless , mucus-like gel lining in the nasal tract that acts as a filter for dust and germs .

  27. 本文结合哈尔滨市道里区某高层建筑基础桩工程施工实例,阐述了钻孔压浆桩的施工控制要点。

    Combining with the engineering example of base pile construction of high building in Daoli district of Harbin city , this paper states the construction control outline of bored mudjack pile .

  28. 在野外要采集到具备活潜叶虫的叶子是比较难的,要么错过了季节,要么虫子直接就死在虫道里。

    In the wild it is difficult to collect leaves with active miners , one reason may be that we miss the season , the other is that the larva died in the trail .

  29. 在地球这里的音乐是如此碎裂和局限,它仅是道里的一声飘渺耳语而已,这就是为什么我们被遗忘的缘故&因为我们的声音无法被听到,至爱的人类。

    The music here upon earth is so fractured and limited that it is barely a whisper within the Tao ; which is why we have been forgotten ; as we cannot be heard beloved .

  30. “那是我在行骑士道里最近的一个,”他说道,闪着某种我们以前认为这个一板一眼的演员不太可能做到的:一个大大的灿烂笑容。

    " That 's the closest I 'll ever come to getting a knighthood ," he said , flashing something we never thought this magnificently intense actor was capable of : a broad , blinding smile .