
dào yì zé rèn
  • moral responsibility;moral obligation
  1. 其实,企业社会责任的实质是企业对社会的道义责任。

    In fact , the nature of CSR is corporations moral responsibility to society .

  2. 将食品交到穷人手中是我们的道义责任。

    We have a moral responsibility to get food into the hands of poor people .

  3. 我们有道义责任保护环境。

    We have a moral obligation to protect the environment .

  4. 所有其他基于道义责任的慈善都变得无关紧要。

    every other moral imperative of philanthropic cost just becomes irrelevant .

  5. 现在不是模糊道义责任的时候。

    This is not the time for moral equivocation .

  6. 你提到法律和道义责任。

    You mention your legal and moral responsibilities .

  7. 美国对这些优秀男女要付深厚的道义责任。

    America has a deep moral obligation to these fine men and fine women .

  8. 所以,审判这些罪人,是我们的道义责任,也是我们向案发的职责。

    So it was our moral duty , our constitutional responsibility to try these offenders .

  9. 对辛格先生来说,改变这一状况是一种道义责任。

    For Mr Singh , it is a moral imperative to change this state of affairs .

  10. 企业负有帮助全职和兼职员工存下足够多的钱的道义责任。

    Companies have a moral responsibility to help both full-time and part-time employees to save enough .

  11. 和谐社会的企业责任归结为经济责任、社会责任、道义责任。

    In a word , harmonize society the business enterprise duty include economic duty , righteous duty .

  12. 世卫组织认为,临床试验注册是一项科学、伦理和道义责任。

    WHO believes that the registration of clinical trials is a scientific , ethical and moral responsibility .

  13. 和谐社会公益活动是企业承担道义责任主要途径之一。

    The public-spirited activity is one of important paths that business enterprise undertake righteous duty in Harmonious society .

  14. 我们的确感到对他们有一种道义责任,让他们在澳大利亚定居。

    And we do feel that we have a moral obligation to them , to resettle them here in Australia .

  15. 如《英国编辑守则》所述:“新闻工作者有道义责任保护秘密消息来源。”

    As the British Code of Practice says ," Journalists have a moral obligation to protect confidential sources of information . "

  16. 这就是承担那些一旦履行便似乎总是切合我们最大利益的道义责任。

    to take on those moral duties which , when assumed , seem invariably to be in our own best interests .

  17. 该学派认为刑事责任的根据在于意志自由,刑事责任本质上是一种道义责任;

    The school argues that the basis of the criminal liability is the freedom of will and it is essentially that of morality .

  18. 消灭脊灰关系到卫生公平问题和为每名儿童提供有效卫生干预措施的道义责任。

    The eradication of polio is about equity in health and the moral imperative of reaching every child with an available health intervention .

  19. 我对两家公司都负有法律和道义责任,但我又不能克隆自己,因此不知道怎么去履行我的责任。

    I have legal and moral responsibilities to both businesses , but short of cloning myself I cannot see how I can meet them .

  20. 同样人类对动物的道义责任不是一个高等生物对低劣生物欠下了什么的问题。

    In the same way , our moral obligation toward animals isn 't a question of what a superior being owes an inferior one .

  21. 用道义责任和政治责任代替法律责任是与法治政府的要求背道而驰的。

    Using responsibility for morality and justice and responsibility for politics to take place of the responsibility for law is far beyond the requisition of being the nomocracy-government .

  22. 他独自一人出去看戏;总而言之,正如奇克夫人对他说的那样,他已摆脱一切社会义务与道义责任的束缚了。

    went to the play by himself , and in short , loosened ( as Mrs Chick once told him ) every social bond , and moral obligation .

  23. 因而他自觉地秉承了作家对社会的道义责任,试图引起大家对人们生存状况的关注;

    So he consciously took the writer 's responsibility to help shape society in the attempt of calling for the attention to the miserable living state of the people .

  24. 尾身茂说,和公众分享有关信息是我们这类国际组织的道义责任。

    " In my view , international organizations like us , it is our moral obligation to share this kind of information with the general public ," he said .

  25. 即便撇开对这个前英国属地民众的深远道义责任,《中英联合声明》也让英国政府负有法律上的义务。

    Even if one puts aside the profound moral obligation to the citizens of the formerly British territory , the Joint Declaration imposes a legal duty on the British government .

  26. 社会契约论、三权分立论、道义责任论、意志自由论、心理强制说构成了公正刑的理论基础。

    The theory of society contract , theory of three powers separation , theory of morality liability , theory of will freedom and theory of mind force compose it 's theoretic base .

  27. 社会责任主要是指现代企业的一种道义责任,是一种企业对人的价值和环境、社会的肯定和保护。

    And the idea of social responsibility is mainly a kind of moral duty for the enterprise , and it 's an affirmation and protection of human values , environment and society .

  28. 在部长级官员们的议程上有那么多困难得令人震惊的国际问题之际,提醒他们英国对香港的情况负有道义责任,可能不受这些官员们的欢迎。

    It may not be welcome to ministers , at a time when so many appallingly difficult international issues crowd their agenda , to remind them that we have moral responsibilities for what happens in Hong Kong .

  29. 企业作为内部推进的主体,在经济、法律和道义责任层面均需加强响应机制和自律自制,在道义责任层面加强传播机制。

    Enterprises , as the subject of internal promotion , need to strengthen the response mechanism and self-discipline in the economic , legal and moral responsibility levels , meanwhile strengthen the transmission mechanism in social responsibility level .

  30. 至今主要有社会契约/保护失败理论、风险共担/社会保险理论、社会福利/道义责任理论、政治动机或政治工具理论、社会契约/自治恢复理论。

    These are : the social contract / failure to protect theory , the shared risk / insurance theory , the social welfare / moral obligation theory , the political motivation theory , the social contract / autonomy recovering theory .