
  • 网络do no evil;do not evil;Don't be evil;Do not be evil;Don't Do Evil
  1. 谷歌的座右铭“不作恶”(Don’tbeevil)并非说说而已。

    There is a reason Google 's motto is " Don 't be evil . "

  2. 2006年在中国接受自我审查制度,对谷歌的声誉来说是一个转折点。谷歌的不作恶(Don'tBeEvil)口号首次遭到质疑与批评。

    Submitting to self-censorship in China was a turning point for the company 's reputation in 2006 , and the first time it 's Don 't be evil motto was subjected to sceptical critique .

  3. 2010年,谷歌放弃了中国内地的互联网搜索市场,原因是该公司认定其著名的“不作恶”(donoevil)原则与中国政府的审查制度不相容。

    In 2010 , the company abandoned the country 's internet search market after deciding its famous " do no evil " ethos was incompatible with Beijing 's censorship regime .

  4. 另外,Facebook至少从没有将“沟通互联”的目标与“不作恶”的道德使命混在一起——它是个不可知主义的沟通平台。

    Also , Facebook has at least never confused its goal of connecting people with a moral mission of the " Don 't be evil " kind : it is an agnostic communications platform .

  5. 不作恶是走向美德的第一步。

    The first step to virtue is to abstrain from vice .

  6. 不作恶,则恶必不降临于你。《便西拉智训》(犹太-基督教)

    Do no evil , and evil will never befall you .

  7. 这样,谷歌履行了自己不作恶的誓言。

    Google has thus fulfilled its pledge of doing no evil .

  8. 伯34:12神必不作恶、能者也不偏离公平。

    Surely , God will not act wickedly , And the Almighty will not pervert justice .

  9. 神必不作恶、全能者也不偏离公平。

    It is unthinkable that God would do wrong , that the Almighty would pervert justice .

  10. 我从不伤害人类我不作恶的我是两兄弟中善良的那个

    I don 't hurt people . I don 't do that . I 'm the good brother .

  11. 那时谷歌的管理人员说他们努力找到让审查制度与公司座右铭“不作恶”共存的方法。

    At the time Google executives said they struggled with how to reconcile the censorship concessions with the company 's " don 't be evil " motto .

  12. 然而,道德与政治之间存在着张力,成为一个道德上的好人是一个有关不作恶的问题,而成为一个好公民则意味着要承担对公共世界的责任。

    However , there is a tension between morality and politics . To be a good man is a matter of keeping off evil-doing , whereas to be a good citizen means assuming shared responsibility for the public world .

  13. 两年前,谷歌首次公开发行(IPO)时,谷歌创始人们说的是把世界变得更好和不去作恶。

    The talk at the time of Google 's initial public offering two years ago was of " making the world a better place " and " don 't be evil " .

  14. 病人们就他们的睡眠习惯接受了问询,比如他们是否有失眠或是否睡不安稳,以及作恶梦的频率等。

    The patients were interviewed about their sleep habits , such as whether they had trouble falling asleep or staying asleep , and how frequently they experienced nightmares .

  15. 20看哪,神必不丢弃完全人,也不扶助作恶的人。

    Indeed , God will not reject a perfect man , Nor will He support evildoers .

  16. 追求不可能的即疯狂:恶人让他们不作恶都不可能。

    To seek what is impossible is madness : and it is impossible that the bad should not do something of this kind .