
  • 网络Image of God
  1. 我们相信,人人生而平等,因为人都是按照上帝的形象创造出来的。

    We believe that all men are created equal because they are created in the image of God .

  2. 人们说帝王是拟诸上帝的形象而造就的;我感到替上帝难为情,假使那就是他的庐山真面目的话。

    They say kings are made in the image of God ; I feel sorry for God if that is what he looks like .

  3. 你们看到了我,就是看到了上帝的形象。

    You see me , is to see God 's image .

  4. 圣灵使人重生,能在人身上恢复上帝的形象。

    Now the Holy Spirit gives rebirth to holy characters in mortals , restoring in man the image of his Maker .

  5. 达尔文又给了人们当头一棒,弗洛伊德对人们隐藏的自我所进行的探索再次动摇了我们关于人可能是按照上帝的形象所创造出来的信念。

    Darwin dealt another blow and Freud 's search into the operations of our hidden selves shook our conviction that man could be made in the image of God .

  6. 人是按照上帝的形象创造出来的,爱是深知自己为上帝所创造的人的基本宗教经验,它创造出无限及永恒。

    Man is created according to the image of God and ' love ' is the basic religious experience of knowing well that one is created by God who created infinity and eternity .

  7. 霍桑所著《红字》中A字的象征意义的变化揭示出上帝的形象由神性向神性与人性结合的变化。

    Referring to the different symbolic meaning of letter A in the Scarlet Letter , the author gets an idea that the general tendency of God 's deity to the reconciliation of deity and humanity .

  8. 我们赋予上帝的拟人形象。

    Our anthropomorphic image of god .

  9. 第二,建构女性视野下的圣经解读,体现为:解除父权制附在夏娃身上的魔咒,挖掘上帝的母性形象及智慧女神,体认耶稣与妇女之间的亲密关系。

    The other , feminists interpret the Bible from feminine perspectives , such as setting free Eve from the patriarchy , picking the maternal God and the Sophia , confirming the harmonious relation between Jesus and women .

  10. 上帝按照自己的形象创造人(创1:26-28)。

    God created man in his own image ( Gen.1:26-28 ) .

  11. 据《圣经》所叙,上帝按自己的形象创造了人。

    According to the Bible , God created man in his image .

  12. 创造世界的第六天,上帝以自身的形象创造了人类。

    On the sixth day , god created man in his own image .

  13. 上帝照着自己的形象创造了我。

    Domino : god created me in his image .

  14. 不过:为什麽我们在圣经里会看到上帝这种暴力的形象呢?

    But : why we can find such violent images of God in the Bible ?

  15. 比如你要如何把上帝的羔羊的形象翻译给一个连羊都不存在的人类文明?

    How do you translate the image of the Lamb of God for a culture in which sheep do not exist ?

  16. 上帝按自己的形象创造了具有情感的我们,所以渴望被爱的感觉是合情合理的。

    God created us in His image to have emotions , so the longing to feel loved is legitimate and good .

  17. 如果你认为上帝是猥琐的形象,那么我想,那是不值得赞扬的,但是如果,不爱猥琐形象的原因,你们知道偶像,因为他们是物体,而上帝是纯精神。

    If you think of God as that craven image , then I think that is not very commendable , but if the reason for not loving craven images , you know idols , because they are things and God is pure spirit .

  18. 上帝以他自己的形象和样式造了第一个人亚当,并给了他灵魂使他可以永远活着。

    God made the first man Adam in His own image and gave him a soul that will last forever .

  19. 认识上帝的可能性:上帝的形象,类比的思维,和清晰,真实,权威的知识。

    The Possibility of Knowing God : The Image of God Analogical Thinking , and Clear , Real , Authoritative Knowledge .

  20. 按照亚米念主义的看法,由于人的自由意志独立于上帝的计划之外,那么人性就不可能是上帝的启示、上帝的形象。

    Since human free will , on the Arminian understanding , is independent of God 's plan , it cannot be a divine revelation , the image of God .

  21. 人对上帝,对自己,和对世界的认识之所以有可能,一方面是基于上帝按著祂的形象造人,人起初有类比的思维的可能和任务;

    It is possible for man to know God , know himself , and know the world ,( a ) because God created man according to his image , and man 's analogical thinking ;