
  1. 上海大都市圈人口发展战略研究

    Research on Population Developmental Stratagem of the Great Metropolitan Agglomeration of Shanghai

  2. 上海大都市圈的构建及其人口特征分析上海郊区化的新态势与大都市区的建设

    The Formation of Shanghai Metropolitan Area and Its Demographic Traits The New Trend of Shanghai Suburbanization and Construction of Metropolitan Area

  3. 近年来上海大都市圈经济的快速发展带动了人口在短时期内的高速集聚。

    Shanghai Metropolitan Area has been in rapid population growth in a short period due to its fast economic expansion in recent years .

  4. 在中国,上海大都市圈的构建具有特殊的重要性,它将强有力地促进长江三角洲地区的经济发展及区域整合。

    The formation of Shanghai metropolitan area is of special importance in China . It will powerfully promote economic developments and also district integration in the Yangtze Delta .

  5. 对上海大都市圈人口发展与经济增长关系的定量分析结果表明,在目前粗放型经济占主导的发展模式下,人口增长与经济发展的相关程度较高;

    This paper conducts a quantitative analysis on the relationship between Shanghai Metropolitan Area population growth and economic expansion , which tends to be highly co-related in the context of extensive growth-dominated economic development .

  6. 指出心弱边强和空间结构松散是上海大都市圈空间结构的突出特征,因而强心和加强都市圈圈域范围内的分工合作成为现阶段上海大都市圈提高效率、健康发展的重大战略性课题。

    The author points out weak core and strong peripheral region and loose structure are the outstanding characteristics of Shanghai MA , therefore strengthening the core-city and the cooperation inside metropolitan area become the most important issues for the time being .

  7. 上海大都市圈不是单纯意义上的仅限于上海一市的大都市圈,而是沪苏浙彼此之间紧密联系、特色、发展相对均质的都市圈,是两省一市的大都市圈。

    Shanghai Metropolitan sense of not simply limited to the city of Shanghai , a metropolis , but close contact between Shanghai and Jiangsu , Zhejiang , features , relatively homogeneous metropolitan area , the two provinces and one city is a large metropolitan area .

  8. 济南都市圈作为山东区域发展战略一群一圈一带的一部分,是东北亚和环渤海经济圈的重要部分,南北承接上海、北京两大都市圈,连接山东半岛城市群。

    Jinan Metropolitan area is as a part of strategies of Shandong metropolitan regional development . It is an important part of Northeast Asia and Bohai-Rim Economic Circle , north-south to undertake two major metropolitan of Shanghai and Beijing , connects Shandong Peninsula Urban Agglomeration .

  9. 上海大都市区空间结构的重构上海大都市圈空间格局新探

    A new probe into the Spatial Structure of Shanghai Metropolitan Coordinating Region