
  • 网络The Shanghai International Settlement;International Settlement in Shanghai
  1. 以1941年12月8日太平洋战争爆发为分水岭,外国势力对上海公共租界的争夺在此前后发生了急剧的变化。

    As a watershed , the Pacific War broke out on December 8,1941 , which gave rise to a dramatic change of the grasp of the foreign forces to the Shanghai International Settlement .

  2. 近代上海公共租界工部局的水费监管及特征分析晚清上海租界公共卫生管理探析(1854&1910)

    The Characteristics of Regulation of Water Tariff of Charges by Shanghai International Settlement Municipal Council The Analysis on Public Health Management in Shanghai International Concession , 1854-1910 ;

  3. 20世纪30年代上海公共租界非疾病因素导致的伤亡考察

    Review on Non-Disease Factors-Induced Casualty During 1930s in Shanghai International Settlements

  4. 中、美西北地区近代城市化进程比较人力车:近代城市化的一个标尺&以上海公共租界为考察点

    Comparison on modern urbanization between the northwestern areas in America and China

  5. 1926年上海公共租界会审公廨收回交涉述评。

    Commentary of the negotiation on the trial organization in Shanghai public concession in1926 .

  6. 20世纪30年代上海公共租界医疗救护概况

    General situations of medical rescue at Shanghai public concession in the 30s of 20th century

  7. 论上海公共租界混合法庭

    The International Mixed Court of Shanghai

  8. 哈罗德。希德特在有很多美国和英国人居住的上海公共租界内上学。

    Harold Giedt went to school in Shanghai 's International Settlement , home to many Americans and British .

  9. 从上海公共租界会审公廨看中西法律制度和思想的冲突与融合

    Clashes and Reconciliation of Chinese and Western Legal Systems and Thinking Viewed in the Perspective of Shanghai International Mixed Court

  10. 上海公共租界会审公廨是西方列强侵夺中国司法权的工具之一。

    The Mixed Court of the International Settlement in Shanghai is one of the tools for Western powers to infringe upon the jurisdiction of China .

  11. 最后一章即第三章,是在分析第一、二章的基础上进行理论升华,通过对比、归纳和分析,概括出日伪时期上海公共租界法制变异后的特点及其影响,并据此得出最终结论。

    By comparison , in summary and analysis , the author will generalize the features and impacts of the legal variation in Shanghai International Settlement during the Japanese Puppet Regime period . And hence come out the final conclusion .

  12. 上海原公共租界建筑高度控制

    Building Height Control in Shanghai Customary International Settlement

  13. 中国的上海法租界、汉口租界、厦门租界的混合法庭均仿上海公共租界混合法庭而设,比较主要在中国上海公共租界混合法庭与埃及混合法庭之间进行。

    The French Mixed Court at shanghai , the Mixed Court at Hankou and the Mixed court of Amoy were all copied with the international Mixed Court so the comparison is to proceed between the Egypt Mixed Court and the international Mixed Court at shanghai .