
  • 网络Minhang district;MinXing
  1. 上海市闵行区家禽畜大肠杆菌O157∶H7带菌状况监测

    Monitoring the presence of E.coli O157 : H7 in the feces of domestic animals and fowls in Minhang district

  2. 从2000年8月到2001年8月,我们在上海龙华污水处理厂和上海闵行区污水处理厂现场进行了VBF处理城市生活污水的试验。

    From Aug. 8th , 2000 to Aug. 8th , 2001 , the test of disposing sewage was carried out in Shanghai Longhua Sewage Treatment Plant and Shanghai Minhang District Sewage Treatment Plant .

  3. 第五章是就闵行区现今正在进行的规划或项目对人口、产业等产生影响做进行分析。

    Chapter 5 analyses the plans influences to population and industry .

  4. 上海市闵行区六年供水事业的发展

    Years ' Development of Water Supply Service in Minhang District , Shanghai

  5. 上海市闵行区药品管理改革的评价研究

    Evaluation of pharmaceutical management reform in Minhang district Shanghai city , China

  6. 上海闵行区物种多样性初步调查与保护对策

    Investigation and Conservation Countermeasures of Bio-diversity in Minhang District of Shanghai City

  7. 一个个访谈纪实,呈现了闵行区在沪务工人员子女教育现状和存在的问题。

    Many live interviews have reflected the current education problem and situation .

  8. 闵行区水污染状况分析及治理对策

    Treatment Countermeasures and Water Pollution Situation in Minhang District

  9. 上海市闵行区甲型肝炎暴发流行的调查分析

    Investigation of the prevalence of hepatitis A outbreak in Minhang district , Shanghai

  10. 目的探索适合闵行区实际的糖尿病管理模式。

    Objective To explore the suitable managing model of diabetes in Minhang district .

  11. 上海市闵行区食源性疾病监测状况分析

    Foodborne diseases in Minhang district , Shanghai , 2006-2007

  12. 2006-2008年上海市闵行区腹泻病病原菌的流行特征

    Epidemiological characteristics of pathogens of diarrhea in Minhang district of Shanghai , 2006-2008

  13. 上海市闵行区外来人口卫生服务研究

    Studying on Health Care of Internal Immigrants in Shanghai

  14. 上海市闵行区糖尿病管理模式探索

    Explore of Diabetes Managing Model in Minhang District

  15. 上海市闵行区严重职业病危害企业的职业卫生管理现状及分析

    Sampling Study and Analysis of Occupational Health Management in Enterprises with Serious Occupational Hazards

  16. 上海市闵行区已婚流动人口避孕节育知情选择状况分析

    Study on Informed Choice of Contraception among Married Migrants in Minhang District of Shanghai

  17. 上海市闵行区居民死亡年龄分析

    An analysis on the death age of the inhabitants in Minhang district of Shanghai

  18. 生境制图在生境质量评价中的应用&以上海市闵行区为例

    Application of Biotope Mapping in Assessment of Biotope Quality in Minhang District , Shanghai

  19. 上海市闵行区特殊职业人群弓形虫感染调查

    Investigation on Toxoplasma gondii infection among special occupation persons in Minhang district , Shanghai

  20. 闵行区外来育龄妇女艾滋病知识、态度、行为研究

    Study on HIV Knowledge , Attitude and Behavior among Migrant Fertile Women in Minhang District

  21. 项目管理模式对闵行区慢性病工作的影响分析

    Assessing the Effect of Project-management Model on Managing Chronic Disease in Minhang District , Shanghai

  22. 上海市闵行区工业企业职业卫生现状调查

    Current Status Investigation of Occupational Health in Industrial Enterprise in Minhang District of Shanghai City

  23. 卫生局项目经费对闵行区一级医院首诊测压工作的影响分析

    Effects of health bureau project fee on the first blood pressure measuring in Minhang District

  24. 选择流动人口高度集中的上海市闵行区做为研究现场。

    Migrant highly concentrated workplaces of Minhang District in Shanghai were selected randomly as study sites .

  25. 上海市闵行区性病门诊本地和外来病人的比较研究

    A comparative study of migrants and local residents attending STD clinics in Minhang district of Shanghai

  26. 上海市闵行区1650名城镇居民口腔健康知识与行为调查分析

    An Analysis of Oral Health Knowledge and Behavior in 1 650 Urban Residenters of Minhang District

  27. 上海闵行区社区肿瘤病人随访工作模式探讨

    Discussion on Working Pattern of Tumor Patient Followed up in Community in Minhang District , Shanghai

  28. 上海市闵行区流动人口生育状况调查分析

    Survey and Analysis of the Reproductive Status of Floating Population in Minhang District of Shanghai City

  29. 上海市闵行区居民小区自动售水机的卫生现状

    Sanitary Status of Automatic Water Sales Machine in Residential Quarter of Minhang District of Shanghai City

  30. 七宝老街在闵行区七宝镇,2000年重建。

    Qibao old street locates in the Minhang district , Qibao town , was rebuilt in2000 .