
  • 网络Huangpu District;Huangpu Area
  1. 上海市黄浦区老年人心理健康状况分析

    Mental Health Status of the Elderly in Huangpu District , Shanghai

  2. 上海黄浦区某社区城市老年人心理健康干预效果评价

    Evaluation on effect of psychological health intervention in shanghai huangpu community elders

  3. 这个域名被指向了上海黄浦区某地。

    This domain name had been redirected to Shanghai , PRC .

  4. 黄浦区蟑螂种群变化分析

    Analysis on variety of the cockroach population in Huangpu district

  5. 黄浦区的特色产品是旅游纪念品。

    The distinctive commodity of Huangpu industry is tourism craft .

  6. 上海市黄浦区社区居民健康大讲坛活动效果评价

    Effectiveness evaluation of residential health forum in Huangpu District , Shanghai City

  7. 黄浦区医务人员吸烟状况与戒烟服务情况的调查

    Investigation on Smoking Status and Smoke-quitting Services among Medical Workers in Huangpu District

  8. 黄浦区499例随访肿瘤患者需求调查

    Survey on requirements by 499 cancer patients follow-up visited

  9. 结果黄浦区医务人员的吸烟率为13.7%;

    Results The smoking rate among medical workers in Huangpu District was 13.6 % .

  10. 上海市黄浦区居民心脑血管疾病死亡率分析

    Analysis on the Mortality of Cardiovascular Disorders in the Inhabitants of Huang Pu District Shanghai

  11. 上海黄浦区外滩社区老年人群心理健康状况的相关研究

    Mental health among the elderly population in the Bund community , Huangpu district , Shanghai

  12. 上海市黄浦区初高中毕业生乙肝病毒感染情况

    Hepatitis B Virus Infection among Junior and Senior High School Graduates in Huangpu District of Shanghai City

  13. 上海市黄浦区部分社区糖调节受损人群营养状况调查

    Investigation on nutritional status of people with impaired glucose regulation in certain community of Huangpu district Shanghai

  14. 上海市黄浦区全科服务团队人力资源现况分析

    Analysis of the Current Human Resources of Community General Practice Service Team in Huangpu Community , Shanghai

  15. 上海市黄浦区2002&2005年新发盲人原发致盲病因分析

    Analysis of the Etiology of Blindness in the New Blind Sufferers from 2002-2005 in Huangpu District of Shanghai

  16. 黄浦区社区居民吸烟知信行纵向观察

    Analysis on the KAP of smoking among community residents of Huangpu District , Shanghai City : a longitudinal study

  17. 方法三阶段分层随机抽样方法。抽取黄浦区15~69岁上海户籍居民,调查1996~2002年吸烟方面的信息。

    Methods During the period from 1996 to 2002 , a survey from three - stage stratified sampling was conducted .

  18. 目的了解黄浦区医疗卫生单位医务人员的吸烟现况及向病人提供戒烟服务的情况。

    Objective To understand the present situation of smoking and the smoke-quitting services for patients provided by medical workers in medical units .

  19. 方法对上海市黄浦区2002&2005年新发704例盲人的原发致盲病因作了统计分析。

    METHODS We statistically analyze the primary causes of the blindness in the 704 new blind from 2002-2005 in Huangpu District of Shanghai .

  20. 同时,黄浦区劳动就业政策也十分有利于简单手工操作与低附加值的劳动力密集型工业发展。

    In addition , the labor and employment policies of Huangpu District are designed to benefit labor-intensive industries of handwork and low added value .

  21. 第二部分系统分析了黄浦区青年职业见习工作目前的运行情况及所遇到的问题和隐忧。

    The second part of the systematic analysis of the Huangpu District Youth Job Shadow work and the operation of the current problems and worries .

  22. 开发一条岸线:充分利用黄浦区三面环水的特点,合理开发建设滨水区域。

    Development of a hand : to take full advantage of Huangpu District Surrounded by water features , and reasonable development and construction riparian region .

  23. 老西门茶城:上海黄浦区复兴东路1121号,电话:862153865555营业时间:上午9:00-下午9:00

    Laoximen Tea Plaza , 1121 Fuxing Dong Lu , Huangpu District , Shanghai ; + 86 21 5386 5555 ; open daily 9 a.m. - 9 p.m.

  24. 黄浦区既是重要的行政中心又是商贸中心,著名的南京路就在这里;

    The city hall and major administration units are located in Huangpu District , which also serve as a commercial area , including the famous Nanjing Road .

  25. 方法在黄浦区某社区对94名有心理卫生问题的老年人进行干预前后的配对t检验,设对照组和心理健康组。

    Methods 94 old people with psychological health problems were divided into intervention group , control one and health one , and adopted analysis of paired-t test as well .

  26. 位于上海九江路的金融广场,雄踞黄浦区商业中心的心脏地带。交通方便,商贸往来频繁,地点理想适中。

    The Financial Square , located in Jiujiang road in Shanghai , is strategically situated in the heart of the Huangpu commercial center , with convenient traffic and flourishing trade .

  27. 该文对上海市黄浦区的大气中污染因子二氧化硫、氮氧化物、总悬浮颗粒近5年内的变化情况以及产生这种变化的原因作了介绍和分析。

    Changes in atmospheric environmental pollution factors ( SO 2 , NO x , TSP ) during the past five years in Huangpu district of Shanghai are reviewed , and the causes are analyzed .

  28. 笔者通过大量实地考察与专家访谈,以上海市中心地区黄浦区以及市郊地区青浦区为例,进行比较研究。

    Based on lots of on-site surveys and interviews with experts , we take Huangpu District central district in Shanghai , and Qingpu District peripheral district in Shanghai as examples to make a comparative study .

  29. 1996-2005年黄浦区本市户口居民共报告急性病毒性肝炎3248例,年平均发病率48.51/10万;1996-2005年急性病毒性肝炎发病率总体呈逐渐下降的趋势。

    From 1996 to 2005 , 3248 acute viral hepatitis cases who were from the registered residents in Huangpu District were reported , and the annual average incidence rate was 48.51 per 100,000 . Overall the acute viral hepatitis incidence rate was on gradually downtrend from 1996 to 2005 .

  30. 黄浦江源区主要植被类型土壤水土保持功能研究

    Study on Soil and Water Conservation Function of Main Vegetation Category Soil in Headwater Region of the Huangpu River