
  • 网络Hwang Woo-suk
  1. 该项目也因另一个原因而蒙上了阴影,因为韩国合作伙伴的负责人黄禹锡(HwangWoo-suk)有丑闻缠身。

    The undertaking has also been clouded by a scandal that embroiled the head of the South Korean partner , Hwang Woo-suk .

  2. 秀岩生命工学研究所由韩国曾经的科学明星黄禹锡(HwangWoo-suk)执掌,他在被发现伪造一些研究后名誉扫地。

    Sooam Biotech is headed by Hwang Woo-suk , the South Korean superstar scientist who fell from grace after he was found to have faked some research .

  3. 最近,韩国科学家黄禹锡伪造数据并在《Science》上发表,他声称已经从人类胚胎中培养出成体干细胞。

    Most recently , South Korean scientist Hwang Woo Suk fabricated data published in Science , claiming to have grown stem cells from human embryos .

  4. 10年前,黄禹锡教授培育出了全球第一只克隆狗“斯纳皮”(Snuppy)。

    Professor Hwang cloned the world 's first dog , Snuppy , a decade ago .

  5. 其实这正是本周某卓越委员会的推荐,该委员会负责调查黄禹锡(hwangwoo-suk)的不幸事件及伪造的肝细胞数据。

    That , in essence , is the recommendation made this week by a committee of the great and good who have been looking into the unfortunate incident of Hwang Woo-suk and the invented stem-cell data .

  6. 没有证据表明黄禹锡的事件出现了这种情况。

    There is no evidence that this happened in Hwang 's case .

  7. 黄禹锡被誉为韩国“克隆之父”,民族英雄。

    Hwang ," as the " father of south Korean cloning , a national hero .

  8. 黄禹锡因学术欺诈而面临终身监禁

    Hwang Woo-suk faces life for fraud

  9. 韩国黄禹锡和中国上海交通大学汉芯造假的陈进等丑闻有力地说明了这一点。

    The scandals over Hwang Woo-suk in Korea and Chen Jin in China convincingly illustrate this point .

  10. 韩国科学家黄禹锡承认假造数据

    Korean Scientist Admits Faking Data

  11. 黄禹锡的卵子风波反映了干细胞研究领域中伦理规范的缺位。

    The ovum storm about Huang Yuxi shows the absence of ethic rules in stem cell research .

  12. 但是导致黄禹锡辞职的原因,是围绕他的研究的一个特殊的争议,这个争议与上一个争议很不一样。

    But it was a very different and specific controversy surrounding Hwang 's work that led to his resignation .

  13. 干细胞研究的批评者倘若把黄禹锡的下台看作是对更广泛的道德控诉的一个证明,那么他们就错了。

    Critics of stem-cell research would be wrong to see Hwang 's downfall as vindication of their broader moral complaints .

  14. 邱仁宗表示,问题不是中国是否会经历类似黄禹锡的事件,而是何时。

    According to Qiu , the question was not whether China was likely to experience a similar episode , but when .

  15. 上周韩国一位主要的干细胞科学家黄禹锡的辞职事件有一个巨大的讽刺。

    There is a deep irony in last week 's resignation of South Korea 's leading stem-cell researcher , Hwang Woo Suk .

  16. 双黄连雾化吸入佐治喘憋性肺炎的疗效观察黄禹锡事件:震惊与反思

    The therapeutic effect observation of the Shuang Huanglian inhaled in children with gasping pneumonia Woo Suk Hwang Event : Astonishment and Thought

  17. 遗憾的是,黄禹锡成功地培养出病人专一性的干细胞系的这唯一一例报道,最终被证实是个骗局。

    Sadly , the only report of the successful generation of patient-specific cell lines by Woo-Suk Hwang was subsequently exposed as a fraud .

  18. 汉城国立大学的黄禹锡说,合作和分享技能将是亚洲成功的关键。

    Collaborating and sharing technical skills will be key to Asia 's success , says Woo Suk Hwang of Seoul National University in South Korea .

  19. 应加强国内医学文章刊出的管理&读《黄禹锡论文如何逃过同行评议和编辑审查》一文有感

    Strengthen the management of publishing of domestic medical articles : cognition after reading How the Paper of Huang Yuxi Escaped the Peer Review and Editor Checkup

  20. 有感于一年前曝光的黄禹锡干细胞研究作假案,顶尖科学杂志计划采取更为更格的措施,预防研究中的欺诈行为。

    A top scientific journal plans to adopt some stricter safeguards against fraud , in wake of a headline-grabbing South Korean cloning sham exposed a year ago .

  21. 2005年,黄禹锡被揭捏造研究,他声称利用了克隆技术制造人类胚胎并从中提取干细胞。

    In 2005 , Dr. Hwang was found to have fabricated research that he had claimed used cloning to produce human embryos and extract stem cells from them .

  22. 黄禹锡说,中国、日本、韩国和其他亚洲国家之间的合作,对于克隆猴子的干细胞用于研究人类疾病,将是至关重要的。

    Collaboration between China , Japan , South Korea and other Asian countries will be crucial for cloning monkey stem cells to study human disease , said Hwang .

  23. 互联网的威力在确定科学的欺诈行为充分表明,去年,在案件黄禹锡,抹黑,韩国克隆研究。

    The power of the Internet in identifying scientific fraud was amply demonstrated last year in the case of Woo Suk Hwang , the discredited South Korean cloning researcher .

  24. 黄禹锡领导的一个研究组去年率先从一个克隆的人类胚胎中制造出了干细胞(干细胞可以分化成任何种类的细胞)。

    Hwang led the first team to produce stem cells ( which have the potential to become any type of cell ) from a cloned human embryo last year .

  25. 方舟子则在一篇文章中写道,他希望中国学术主管部门能够有黄禹锡所在的首尔大学的勇气和能力。

    " I hope the Chinese academic authorities will have the courage and capacity shown by the University of Seoul in the case of Hwang Woo-suk ," says Fang .

  26. 《科学》杂志不久前发表了韩国科学家黄禹锡的研究成果,然而黄禹锡在论文中造假,伪称自己克隆出了人类胚胎。

    The role of journals was highlighted recently , when Science published research by Hwang Woo-Suk of South Korea , in which he falsely claimed to have cloned human embryos .

  27. 这一次也没有证据表明,在黄禹锡的事件中,经济压力在他上周所承认的错误行为中扮演过任何重要的角色。

    Again , there is no evidence that , in Hwang 's case , economic pressures had any significant role to play in encouraging the practices he admitted last week .

  28. 目的:韩国黄禹锡博士的干细胞论文造假事件发生之后,看似萎缩的干细胞研究在世界各国政府支持下出现更为活跃的迹象。

    OBJECTIVE : Since the false event of stem cell thesis reported by Korean Doctor Huang , shrinking stem cell research becomes active with the support of government in the world .

  29. 黄禹锡去年否认了他所研究使用的人类卵子来自他的研究组的一些下级工作人员,然而上周黄禹锡承认当时他在这件事上说了谎。

    Last week , he admitted he had been untruthful last year when he denied that human eggs used for his research had come from junior members of his own team .

  30. 在这之前,他的这项突破性研究存在着一些争议。黄禹锡研究了通过克隆人类胚胎从而获取干细胞的技术,这项技术可能会产生治疗一系列人类疾病的疗法。

    The move followed controversy over his groundbreaking research on techniques for cloning human embryos to supply stem cells , which many think could lead to treatments for a range of human diseases .