
  • 网络respect knowledge;respect for learning
  1. 要使军队领导干部自己有知识而且尊重知识。

    Leading army cadres should become knowledgeable and respect knowledge .

  2. 传统的保守主义鄙视民粹主义,尊重知识。

    Traditional conservatives disdain populism and respect knowledge .

  3. 尊重知识是人的重要特征之一,拉丁文称知识为scientia,因而science(科学)成为最受敬重的那一部分知识。

    Respecting knowledge is one of the most important characteristics of human . In Latin , it is called scientia , therefore science has become the most respected part of knowledge .

  4. 费列罗的国际业务副总裁弗兰切斯卡保罗富尔奇(francescopaolofulci)说:“我们祝贺中国作出了有利于尊重知识产权的判决。”

    Francesco Paolo Fulci , Ferrero international vice-president , said : " we congratulate China for having decided in favour of the respect of intellectual property rights . "

  5. 尊重知识,尊重人才的人才观;

    The idea of valuing the knowledge , respecting the talented ;

  6. 犹太民族自古以来就是一个尊重知识、注重教育的民族;

    Jewry has been a nation always paying respect to knowledge and education .

  7. 以尊重知识、尊重人才为出发点,创新人才环境。

    Cresting talent environment on the basis of respecting the knowledge and talents .

  8. 营造一种尊重知识、尊重人才的空气

    Create the atmosphere of respecting Both knowledge and intellectuals

  9. 第九条,概括地说就是“尊重知识,尊重人才”八个字。

    The ninth part can be summed up as'respecting knowledge and talented people ' .

  10. 《信报》高举自由市场经济,尊重知识与财富创造;

    HKEJ advocates the free market economy , respects knowledge and encourages wealth creating .

  11. 尊重知识产权,有效保护泰达品牌。

    Respect intellectual property rights and adopt effective methods to protect the TEDA brand .

  12. 进行社会主义现代化建设必须尊重知识、尊重人才。

    In our drive for socialist modernization , we must respect knowledge and talented people .

  13. 尊重知识、尊重人才;

    Respecting knowledge and talent ;

  14. 公司本着尊重知识,善用人才的超前人才战略。

    Companies in respect of knowledge , make good use of talent ahead of human resources strategy .

  15. 37.香港要成为创新科技中心,必须尊重知识产权。

    37 . If Hong Kong is to become an innovation centre we must respect intellectual property rights .

  16. 一定要在党内造成一种空气:尊重知识,尊重人才。

    We must create within the Party an atmosphere of respect for knowledge and respect for trained personnel .

  17. 但是,从五十年代后期起,党的人才资源思想出现了一些错误,偏离了尊重知识、重视人才的方向。

    But since the late 1950s , the CPC deviated from the direction of " respecting knowledge andtalent " .

  18. 只有真正做到以人为本,尊重知识,尊重人才,从根本上对人才流失问题进行综合治理,才能人才流失状况。

    Only respect knowledge , respect the talented person , can solve the loss of talented people 's condition .

  19. 做一个雅典人就是要高度尊重知识,尤其要高度尊重对知识的探求。

    To be an Athenian is to hold knowledge and , especially the quest for knowledge in high esteem .

  20. 追求和谐,以人为本,尊重知识和人才,构建和谐美欣达员工大家庭。

    Pursuit of harmony : Pursuit of harmony and human-oriented , respect talents to build a big family of MIZUDA .

  21. 全党和全社会都要真正尊重知识,真正发挥知识分子的作用。

    The entire Party membership and the community at large must truly value knowledge and let intellectuals make their contribution .

  22. 条件是必要的技术和组织基础、良好的机构文化和尊重知识、尊重人才的内部环境。

    The essential conditions include technology , structure basis , good library culture and internal environment of respecting knowledge and talents .

  23. 特别是自1978年以来,在“尊重知识、尊重人才”的大环境下,优秀人才不断涌现。

    Under the environment of respecting knowledge and talents in 1978 , capable individuals have consistently stood out from the rest .

  24. 尊重知识产权树立学术诚信&重温教育部《关于加强学术道德建设的若干意见》

    Respect Knowledge Property Rights and Hold Academic Honesty-Review " Several Advice on Improving Academic Morality construction " of Ministry of Education ;

  25. 新昌精力以“尊重知识,以人为本”为行为准则;以“诚信、互利”为经营理念;

    Xinchang Jingli sticks to " knowledge respected , human oriented " principle and " sincerity , mutual profit " management theory .

  26. 营造尊重知识、重视人才的社会氛围,形成了优秀人才在陕西创业。

    Establishing the environment of ken-esteem and personnel respect , giving a full scope in attracting excellent personnel to make achievements in shaanxi .

  27. 儒家有重视教育、尊重知识的优良传统,可以为科技创新提供积累知识的必要的文化土壤。

    The Confucian tradition of attaching importance to education and respecting knowledge can supply essential culture land soil for knowledge accumulation in scientific creation .

  28. 尊重知识,不断创新,以一流的设计,精湛的制作,完善的售后服务,是我们的职业准则。

    Our vocational norm is to respect knowledge innovate nonstop , use the first-rate design , the consummate manufacture and the perfect after-ale service .

  29. 人才市场的发展为人才成长提供了良好的机遇和环境,促进了尊重知识、尊重人才的社会风尚的形成;

    As personnel markets developing , they offer many appropriate chances and surroundings , promote to form social custom that knowledge and talent be respected ;

  30. 尊重知识、追求真理和净化心灵,要比追求金钱、荣誉和名声高尚得多。——

    To care for wisdom and truth and the improvement of the soul is far better than to seek money and honour and reputation . -