
  1. 在高校管理中,可以采用竞争、培训、尊重、激励、约束等手段使高校教师进行增值。

    In university management , we can adopt competition , training respect , encouragement , restraint to make the teachers appreciation .

  2. 尊重沉默,激励表达。

    Respect silence and encourage expression .

  3. 理念核心是以人为本,理解人、尊重人、激励人,充分发挥人的主动性和积极性。

    The core concept of building a harmonious police camps is " people-oriented ", which means understanding people , respecting people , inspiring people , and encouraging full initiative and enthusiasm of people .

  4. 在音乐作品与创作者不断分离以及音乐作品不断商品化的进程中,通过法律赋予创作者一定的人格权和财产权是尊重创作和激励创新的必要手段。

    In the process of musical works separated from their creators and musical works continuously commercialized , the law played an important role in respecting creation and encouraging innovation through giving creators some rights of personality and property .

  5. 道家尊重个体自由,激励个人充分发挥内在潜力。

    Taoists respect freedom as well as stimulates individual 's internal potential .

  6. 树立良好的师德形象,并努力以一名教师对学生的尊重与宽容来激励学生健康成长。

    Teacher set a good image and efforts to a teacher to students to encourage respect for and tolerance of students grow up healthily .

  7. 文章从人格主权尊重、工作动机激励、个性差异管理、组织文化建设四方面对员工核心心理调适问题进行了探讨。

    The article makes an exploration of the problem by expounding respecting the personality of their personnel and workers , encouraging their motives for doing well , managing them in different ways according to their different personality and building enterprise culture .