
zūn yán
  • dignity;honour;pride;sanctity
尊严 [zūn yán]
  • (1) [dignity;honour]∶尊贵的地位和身份

  • 国家尊严

  • 人格尊严

  • 人类生而自由并享有相等的尊严与权利

  • (2) [sanctity]∶不容侵犯的地位和身份

  • 法律的尊严

尊严[zūn yán]
  1. 在整个审讯过程中他表现得文雅而有尊严。

    He conducted himself with grace and dignity throughout the trial .

  2. 应该允许垂危病人死得有尊严。

    The terminally ill should be allowed to die with dignity .

  3. 我认为灰白的头发使你看上去很有尊严。

    I think grey hair makes you look very distinguished .

  4. 尊严和自豪已深深扎根于这个群体之中。

    Dignity and pride run deep in this community .

  5. 在整个审讯过程中,他始终沉默以保持尊严。

    Throughout his trial he maintained a dignified silence .

  6. 这张海报冒失无礼,有辱女性尊严。

    This poster is offensive and degrades women .

  7. 我努力恢复自己的一点儿尊严。

    I struggled to regain some dignity .

  8. 他们应当享有上帝赋予每一个受造物的尊严。

    They should be treated with the dignity proper to all individuals created by God .

  9. 她一言不发,以保持尊严。

    She maintained a dignified silence .

  10. 一个无家无业的人难以保持自己的尊严。

    It 's difficult to preserve your dignity when you have no job and no home .

  11. 他时刻提防着任何有辱尊严之事。

    He is constantly on guard against any threat of humiliation .

  12. 我们当然想为英国网球挽回一些尊严。

    We definitely wanted to salvage some pride for British tennis

  13. 失去了美貌和尊严,她看上去糟透了。

    She looks terrible , shorn of all her beauty and dignity .

  14. 他凭借超乎常人的保持生命尊严的信念和顽强意志力忍受着各种病痛的折磨。

    He suffered a long series of illnesses with tremendous dignity and fortitude .

  15. 如此维持一个人的生命是对人类尊严的冒犯。

    It 's an affront to human dignity to keep someone alive like this

  16. 就算是只想表现出正常的尊严,也会被人认为是骄傲自大。

    If you just tried to show normal dignity , you were viewed as uppity .

  17. 星期五那天他的表现既不得体,又有失尊严。如此失态非常少有。

    On Friday he showed neither decency nor dignity . It was an uncommon lapse .

  18. 为了孩子们的安全,舍弃她丈夫的尊严不算什么。

    Her husband 's pride was a small thing to sacrifice for their children 's security

  19. 这种社会主义说到底并不能提供实现富足和人格尊严的神奇方案。

    This socialism does not after all offer a magic formula for prosperity and human dignity .

  20. 她仍然保持着自己的尊严。

    She still has her dignity .

  21. “同性恋尊严”游行活动不会彬彬有礼地向政客们游说,而会通过示威引起关注。

    Rather than politely lobbying politicians , Gay Dignity will be making its presence felt through demonstrations .

  22. 如果你错了,那就承认。你不会因此而失去尊严,反而会赢得尊重。

    If you were wrong , admit it . You won 't lose dignity , but will gain respect

  23. 由于管理较为宽松而且经常从事劳动,这里的囚犯因此多了一份其他监狱的囚犯所没有的尊严感。

    A more relaxed regime and regular work lends the inmates a dignity not seen in other prisons .

  24. 被俘的指挥官面对审问不失尊严。

    The captured commander faced the interrogation with dignity .

  25. 国会女议员不失尊严地离去。

    The congresswoman made a dignified departure .

  26. 在美国的自由理想中,公民们发现了经济独立带来的尊严和保障,而不是徘徊在生存边缘的辛苦劳作。

    In america 's ideal of freedom , citizens find the dignity and security of economic independence , instead of laboring on the edge of subsistence .

  27. 裘德挑战社会限制并展现他的尊严。

    He challenges social confinements and shows his dignity in the end .

  28. 爱意味着尊重我所爱的人的尊严。

    Love means having respect for the dignity of the person I love .

  29. 比如亵渎神圣等。想用尊严和神圣不可侵犯之类的话来打动你们。

    Desecration , and so forth , and lectured you on dignity and sanctity .

  30. 他们的居所既宽敞舒适又尊严气派。

    Their habitation was not merely respectable and commodious , but even dignified and imposing .