
  • 网络public relations;Public Relations Management;PR Management;Managing Public Relations
  1. 公共关系管理在物业管理企业的应用

    On application of public relations management in estate management enterprises

  2. 公共关系管理对企业的发展起着十分重要的作用。

    Public relations management has very important effect on development of enterprises .

  3. 学校外部公共关系管理问题探讨

    Inquiring into the management of the school 's external public relations

  4. 中等职业学校公共关系管理初探

    Prove Preliminary into the Public Relation Administration in Vo-tech Schools

  5. 运用公共关系管理理论提高资料管理效能

    Improve the Efficiency of Information Management by Using the Public Relationship Management Theory

  6. 员工公共关系管理与心理契约的履行

    The Management of Staffs ' Public Relationship and the Implementation of the Psychological Contract

  7. 摘要危机公关是体育明星公共关系管理的重要方面。

    Crisis management is an important part in public relations management of the famous athletes .

  8. 然而我国星级酒店公共关系管理现状不容乐观,存在着很多问题。

    However , is not optimistic about the status of the star hotel management . There are many problems .

  9. 文章第二章主要是学校公共关系管理梯度模型基本理论的介绍。

    In the chapter two , the author introduced the basic theory of the gradient model of school public relations management .

  10. 简而言之,公共关系管理应该成为非营利组织战略管理中的基本环节,并成为日常事务中的组成部分。

    With the upsurge of our social PR economy , the PR management of non-profit and non-governmental organizations is becoming more and more important .

  11. 很多我们的毕业生说,我们的空姐开发的一名护士,一名领班,和公共关系管理人员的技能!

    A lot of our graduates say that our flight attendants develop the skills of a nurse , a headwaiter , and a public relations executive !

  12. 目前,社会化媒体成为最为活跃的信息传播载体,但是其传播无序性和匿名性等特点也给政府公共关系管理带来挑战。

    Currently , social media has become the most active dissemination of information carrier , but the spread of disorder and anonymity features challenges Government Public Relations Management .

  13. 企业公共关系管理既是企业管理中的重要组成部分,又是一项实用性和可操作性极强的研究课题。

    Enterprise Public Relations Management is a very important part of the constitution for enterprise administration , as well as a very practical and operative subject of research .

  14. 如公共关系管理、客户关系管理、供应链管理,对于信息时代背景下的现代企业来讲,都十分关键和重要的管理沟通活动。

    As a modern enterprise against the background of informatization , management of the public relations , customer relations and supply chains plays a key role in the enterprise development .

  15. 探讨了员工公共关系管理对心理契约履行的重要作用,并提出了相应的管理措施。

    This paper probes into the important functions of the management of staffs ' public relationship on the implementation of the psychological contract , and puts forward some corresponding managerial measures .

  16. 分析了进行个人公共关系管理的必要性,通过对个人公共关系的调查,提出了个人公共关系的管理策略。

    This paper analyzes on the necessity of carrying out individual public relation management , and through investigating on the individual public relation management , advances some tactics for carrying out individual public relation management .

  17. 在人力资源管理方面在企业聘用和员工培训方面进行相应调整;在企业公共关系管理中与政府建立健康的新型伙伴关系。

    From the point of human resource , the enterprise should be oriented to the work of employment and training , for its public relation management , a new type of partnership should be established with government .

  18. 摘要基于国家软实力的重要性和社会民众对政府的更多期待,政府公共关系管理职能和政府形象被社会愈加关注。

    Based on the importance of the state 's soft strength and social mass 's far more expectations on government , the managerial function of governmental public relations and governmental form are further regarded by the society .

  19. 第一部分简要阐述了星级酒店公共关系管理研究的背景和意义,回顾了我国公共关系的研究现状,并介绍了本文的研究内容和研究方法。

    The first section describes the background and significance of research for public relations management in star hotels . It reviewed the status of public relations in China at present , and introduce the contents of the study and research .

  20. 比如,理论上照搬西方发达国家、实践中套用企业的公关模式,学校公共关系管理中没有明确主要的利益关系,在管理过程中,要么是流于形式的规划,要么是较多的出于随意和自发。

    Such as using the theories of western developed country indiscriminately , copying the experience of enterprises , don 't having a clear-cut idea about the main interest relationships , and during the course of management , either formalism programming or starting from spontaneous ness .

  21. 如何坚持以人为本加强内部公共关系管理,协调好高校内部各方面关系,塑造良好组织形象,提升组织核心竞争力是高等学校面临的亟待解决的问题。

    How to insist to " people first " strengthen the management of internal public relations , coordinate each aspect 's relations of college inside , build good organization image , promotion organization core competition ability is the problem that university is faced with solves urgently .

  22. 警察临战公共关系活动管理

    On the public relations management in the police facing battles

  23. 体育组织与传媒公共关系危机管理

    Crisis Management of Public Relationship between Sport Organizations and Media

  24. 危机预防管理、危机处理管理和危机事后管理是公共关系危机管理的基本内容。

    Preventing management , in-time management and afterwards management form public relationship crisis management .

  25. 喻捷说:公共关系或管理专业都能为你加分。

    Majoring in public relations or management adds to your advantage , said Yu .

  26. 这些一般是计算机编程,公共关系和管理的课程。

    These are in subjects like computer programming , public relations and administrative work .

  27. 航班延误与公共关系危机管理机制

    Flight Delay and PR Crisis Management Mechanism

  28. 政府危机公关的传播控制策略航班延误与公共关系危机管理机制

    The Communicate and Control Strategy of the Government Crisis PR Flight Delay and PR Crisis Management Mechanism

  29. 因此,必须探索研究积极高效的警察公共关系危机管理,最大程度地预知危机到来、减少危机损失、解决危机尤显重要。

    So we must explore actively efficient police public relations crisis management , maximize the unpredictable crisis , reducing the loss of crisis , this crisis is all the more important .

  30. 警察机关公共关系危机管理能力作为公共危机管理中的组成部分之一,也是衡量当代警察机关管理公共关系危机水平的一项不可缺少的指标。

    The police organs ' public crisis management ability , as one of the components of the public crisis management system , is also an essential index to measure the level of public crisis management ability in contemporary police organs .