
  • 网络Government revenue
  1. 公共财政收入10.37万亿元,增长24.8%;

    government revenue was 10.37 trillion yuan , an increase of 24.8 % ;

  2. 公共财政收入增加,政府开支受到控制,赤字压力大为纾缓。

    Public revenue has increased and government expenditure has been contained , greatly easing the fiscal deficit .

  3. 要完善公共财政收入体制,就要建立健全以税收为主政府非税收入为辅的公共财政收入制度。

    In order to perfect the system of public finance income , it is necessary to establish a sound to tax , non-tax government revenue as a supplement to the public revenue system .

  4. 基层国税部门作为组织公共财政收入的基本单位,具体承担着筹集财政收入、制定税收管理手段、执行税收政策和做好纳税服务等重要任务。

    As a base unit of organizing public financial revenue , the basic level tax bureau takes the responsibilities to collect revenue , make tax management rules , carry on its policies and provide a revenue service .

  5. 具体来说,首先是要推动财政立宪步伐,其次是要完善公共财政收入、公共财政支出、公共财政监督三个方面的法律制度。

    Specifically , the first is to promote the pace of fiscal constitutional , and then , to improve the three kinds of the legal system of the public revenue , public expenditure and public finance supervision .

  6. 从政府经济行为的角度考虑,目前影响消费需求的主要因素除了公共财政收入再分配因素外,购买性公共支出和转移性公共支出以及两者内部结构不合理也是影响居民消费增长的重要原因。

    Think over from the economic behavior of our government , there is another very important reason to affect the consumer demand which is the purchasing expenditure and transferring expenditure and there interior structure besides the reason of income redistribution .

  7. 彩票公益金是公共财政收入的补充,彩票公益金筹集的根本目的是将公益资金高效地投入到社会公益事业中去,彩票公益金制度的完善是发行彩票的目的真正实现的关键。

    The basic purpose of lottery welfare fund raising is that , public funds will be efficiently invested in the social public welfare . The key to truly realize the purpose of issuing lottery is that , the perfection of LWF system .

  8. 公共财政收入从5.1万亿元增加到11.7万亿元;累计新增城镇就业5870万人,城镇居民人均可支配收入和农村居民人均纯收入年均分别增长8.8%、9.9%;

    and now ranks second in the world.Government revenue went up from 5.1 trillion yuan to 11.7 trillion yuan . A total of 58.7 million urban jobs were created.The per capita disposable income of urban residents rose by an annual average of 8.8 % , and the per capita net income of rural residents rose by 9.9 % .

  9. 公共财政下财政收入质的研究

    A Study on the " Nature " of Fiscal Income in Public Finance

  10. 预算是一国政府在特定时期内公共支出和财政收入的安排和使用计划。

    Budget is a kind of arrangement and plan for the use of public expenditure and fiscal income during a period .

  11. 我国现行的公共财政政策已经成为收入差距快速增长的重要原因。

    Chinese current public financial policies have becoming the main source of rapid growth of income difference .

  12. 公共财政支出在调节收入分配的某些功能上不完善,导致公共财政支出以调节居民收入分配为名,以为部分群体谋利益为实的结果。

    Income distribution of Public financial expenditure are imperfect on some of the features , resulting in public financial expenditure to adjust the income distribution under the pretext that to seek benefits for some groups as the real results .

  13. 烟草行业关涉国家经济安全、社会公共利益及政府财政收入等,具有很强的特殊性,这个行业行政垄断的规制自然呈现出与其他行业不同的个性特点。

    The tobacco industry , which is of particularity , involves national economic industry , social and public interests and government financial income , etc. Thus the regulation of administrative monopoly of tobacco embraces different individual characteristics from that of other industries naturally .

  14. 公共财政框架包括公共财政收入理论、公共财政支出理论、公共财政管理体制等,也包括与之相适应的预算形式,即公共预算。

    Public finance frame includes public finance income theory , public finance expenditure theory , public finance management system , also requires a budget form adapted to it which is public budget .

  15. 主权债务危机的直接原因是一国公共财政的失衡,表现为公共财政支出超过财政收入出现差额。

    The direct cause of the sovereign debt crisis is the imbalance of public finance , which is manifested by excessive fiscal spending over revenue .

  16. 本章根据我国1978~2009年的公共财政支出数据,研究了我国的公共财政支出对居民收入分配的影响。

    This chapter analysis the Public Finance expenditure impact on income distribution , According to 1978-2009 data .