
  • 网络use the government cars for private purposes;use government cars for private purposes;government cars used for private purpose
  1. 有效遏制“公车私用”,提高车辆办公利用效率;

    Improve the efficiency in using cars , to be against the enterprise and institution cars for personal use .

  2. 今年晚些时候起,广州市想要公车私用的官员将需要支付一定的费用。

    Officials in Guangzhou will have to pay when they want to use their government cars for private purposes later this year .

  3. 公务用车维护费用高、公车私用现象严重、使用效率低下、超编屡禁不止是目前中国公务用车的主要问题。

    High maintenance costs , official cars for private use , rare use , and excessiveness are four major problems in the current official car fleet .

  4. 公车私用产生的一系列后果还为法律适用方面制造了难题,比如在公车私用过程中发生交通事故后的责任承担问题。

    More serious is the consequence caused by private use of official cars produces a typical problem to the application of legislation . For example , once the official vehicles are involved in traffic accident , who is the responsible person ?

  5. 从政治方面来讲,公车私用现象的存在影响到政府的工作效率,公车私用的发生,导致执行公务所配车辆变成了私人的专属用车,使得政府办事效率降低,从而降低了行政效率。

    From the aspects of politics , the existence of the phenomenon of private also affect the work efficiency of the government , private , result in performing official duties the exclusive of vehicles into a private car , lowered the government efficiency , reducing the administrative efficiency .

  6. 公务用车在给党政机关公务人员带来便利的同时,也导致了公车资源的浪费、公车私用、公务人员腐败行为的加剧等多方面的问题。

    While official vehicles bring great convenient to the servants of government , they also caused the bus resources waste , use official vehicles for private purposes , aggravate corruption and so on .