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  • 网络office;Office of Safe and Drug-Free School
公室 [gōng shì]
  • [family of princes under an emperor in the Spring and Autumn Period] 春秋战国时诸侯的家族。也用以指诸侯王国或政权

  • 其富半公室,其家半三军。--《国语.晋语》

  • 三分公室,而各有其一。--《左传.襄公十一年》

  1. 布劳尔女士找到了教务主任基思·威廉姆斯(KeithP.Williams),此人曾与佛蒙特大学的律师们携手合作,允许跨性别者学生更改登记在校内系统中的名字,但是要求学生必须亲自到这位主任的办公室填写相关文书。

    Ms. Brauer reached out to the registrar , Keith P. Williams , who worked with the university 's lawyers to allow transgender students to change their first name in the schoolwide system , but doing so required an in-person visit to the dean of students " office and filling out paperwork .

  2. 此外,你们也把公室里的常规工作当作自己的责任。

    Besides , you take your responsibility for the office routine work .

  3. 参与创业加速器500Startups训练的公司则能享受250种优惠,包括免费使用群发电子邮件服务SendGrid一年,获得信用管理公司邓白氏(DunandBradstreet)的免费商业信用报告咨询,以及价格更便宜的办公室零食。

    Participants in the 500 Startups accelerator have access to 250 different perks , including a year of free email distribution from SendGrid , a free business credit report consultation from Dun and Bradstreet , and cheaper snacks for the office .

  4. 他被留置在辨公室写报告。

    He was detained in the office writing a report .

  5. 您能把原料传真到渭异公室吗?

    Could you fax the data to my office ?

  6. 在我们大多数表公室任职的是志展伤员。

    Most our offices are staffed by volunteers .

  7. 到时间该会回公室了。

    Time to get back to the office .

  8. 使用范围广泛:适用于家庭、公室、滩、外生活等。

    Wide usage : suitable to family , office , beach , wild life , etc.

  9. 办公厅、公室设主任,在必要的时候可以设副主任。

    A general office shall have a director and , when necessary , deputy directors .

  10. 我们为零售、公室、业和商业房地产的需要提供服务。

    It offers services for all of your Retail , Office , Industrial , and Commercial Real Estate needs .

  11. 这是一份书面要求,把伪钞带回迈阿米办区域公室分析。

    This is a written request to take the counterfeit notes back to our Miami field office for analysis .

  12. 通过研究公室及其他贵族妇女在国家社会生活中的活动范围,包括政治、经济、祭祀及婚姻等方面,揭示她们在国家社会中具有较高的社会地位。

    According to the study on the public rooms and other aristocratic women ranging from social life activities , including politics , economy , sacrifice and marriage , this paper reveals they have high social status in the society .