
  1. 公园面积398平方公里。它主要是风蚀作用形成的雅丹地貌景观。

    Covering an area of398 square kilometres , it mainly consists of Yadan geomorphologiclandscapes formed by wind eolation .

  2. 这里的人均公园面积多于大多数其他同等大小的城市。

    The region is also home to more acres of parks per capita than most cities of its size .

  3. 加蓬自然公园的面积是世界上最大的。

    Gabon has the largest area of nature parks in the world .

  4. 城市避震疏散场所公园绿地面积指标的研究

    The Study of Park Green Area Criterion for Evacuation during Earthquake in Cities

  5. 主题公园的面积很大,游客们常常要乘游览车穿梭其间。

    They are such huge places that visitors often use shuttles to get around .

  6. 建成区人均公园绿地面积为5.85平方米。

    The greenery area of per capita park of finished area is 5 . 85 square meters .

  7. 世博公园大面积土方造型中的轻质挤塑板置换施工技术研究

    Study on Construction Technology of Extruded Light-Weight Plastic Sheet Replacement for Mass Earthwork Formation in Shanghai World Expo Park

  8. 一半以上的水上公园的面积覆盖着水,这使得这个公园迷人的和特殊的一个。

    More than half of Water Park 's area is covered with water , which makes this park a lovely and special one .

  9. 西溪国家湿地公园总面积约12平方公里,是全国首个国家湿地公园。

    With an area of around 12 square kilometers , the Xixi National Wetland Park is the first national wetland park in the country .

  10. 景山公园占地面积23万平方米。1949年辟为景山公园。

    The Jingshan Park covers an area of 230 , 000 square meters and was opened as a park to the public in 1949 .

  11. 2009年我国城市人均拥有公园绿地面积达9.71平方米,建成区绿化覆盖率37.37%[1],城市绿化迈开了新的步伐。

    In 2009 , our urban per capita green area covers 9.71 square , and green coverage reaches 37.37 % . Urban greening starts opening new strides .

  12. 北海公园的面积共为七十多万平方米,其中水面占去了一半以上。

    The Beihai Park covers a total area of over 700 , 000 square meters , of which the water surface occupies more than half of it .

  13. 优胜美地国家公园占地面积约1200平方英里,横跨加利福尼亚的三个郡,95%的面积是荒野,其优美的山岭、瀑布、巨型红杉树和多种动物闻名遐迩。

    Yosemite National Park spans almost 1200 square miles across three California counties . With around 95 % of it designated as wilderness , it 's well known for its beautiful cliffs , waterfalls , giant sequoia trees and animal diversity .

  14. 这座冰山大约60英里长,总面积约1120平方英里——超过了卢森堡公园的占地面积。

    The iceberg is about 60 miles long and 1120 square miles in size - larger than Luxembourg .

  15. 野象谷是一个于1996年对外开放的热带雨林森林公园,占地面积达到了370公顷。

    The Wild Elephant Valley is a tropical rain forest park that opened in 1996 , with a total area of 370 hectares .

  16. 每逢星期天,家长们往往带着孩子去参观金门公园占很大面积的美丽的日本茶场,观赏茶场里那些稀奇古怪的树木。

    On Sundays parents often take their children to look at the strange trees in the pretty Japanese Tea Garden in the huge spaces of Golden Gate Park .

  17. 结果显示:福州城市公园绿地斑块面积较小,类型偏少,破碎化程度较高,连通性较差,多样性指数较低。

    The results showed that : Fuzhou city parks are with small green plaque space , few landscape diversity index , a high degree of fragmentation , low connectivity .

  18. 这个人正在测量国家公园的土地(面积)。

    The man is surveying land for a national park .

  19. 对于每个公园,参照公园面积、功能分区位置,选取具有代表性的群落作为样地。

    With reference to the each park , functional partition position and the selection of the typical community as a sample .

  20. 城市公园是城市中面积大、功能全的绿地,集环境生态、休闲游憩、园林艺术和文化内涵于一体,是衡量城市建设水平和文明程度的重要标志。

    Urban parks , the large and full-function green area in the city , which assembles the environmental ecology , recreation , gardening art and the cultural connotation , is a measure of the level of urban development and an important symbol of the degree of civilization .

  21. 在它的南面是一个面积很大的3A级国家公园,公园里湖水的面积有84个足球场那么大,这里是干燥多尘的北京城拥有的稀有的景地。

    To its south is a giant3A-rated park with a sweeping lake the size of84 football fields , a rare landscape in the dusty capital known for its dry climate .

  22. 荷兰:库肯霍夫公园每一年,库肯霍夫公园32公顷的面积上都开满超过400万朵郁金香,当然还有其他别的花卉。

    Every year , 32-hectare Keukenhof in Lisse is overlayed with more than four millions tulips and other flower species .

  23. 城市公园对城市热岛的缓解作用广为人知,但是对公园面积和结构如何影响其降温作用却缺乏足够的了解。

    The mitigation effect of urban park on urban'heat island'is well known , but how the park size and plant community structure affects urban park air temperature is rather unknown .