
  • 网络miami beach;South Beach;South Beach Miami;North Miami Beach
  1. 到1980年,迈阿密海滩已经完全风蚀了。

    By 1980 , Miami beach had all but totally eroded

  2. 她计划到迈阿密海滩去度过一年一度的暑假。

    She made her plan for her annual summer hegira to the Miami Beach .

  3. 不要根据你读到的新闻来评判迈阿密海滩巴塞尔艺术展(ArtBaselMiamiBeach)。

    Don 't judge Art Basel Miami Beach by what you read about it .

  4. n.离开她计划到迈阿密海滩去度过一年一度的暑假。

    hegira She made her plan for her annual summer hegira to the Miami beach .

  5. 亿万富豪们飞往巴塞尔迈阿密海滩艺术博览会(ArtBaselMiamiBeach),从大型画廊购进作品,私人银行家们告诉客户要提高资产配置多样性,增加艺术品配置;

    Billionaires fly to Art Basel Miami Beach to buy from big galleries , private bankers tell clients to diversify into art ;

  6. 索科尔推荐的是迈阿密海滩的一家店:LaSandwicherie,它在周末一直营业到凌晨6点。

    And for that Mr. Sokol suggests a Miami Beach institution : La Sandwicherie , which is open to 6 a.m. on the weekends .

  7. 我拿出了钱包把身份证抛在桌子上&佛罗里达驾驶照。FCC身份卡,还有迈阿密海滩俱乐部的会员资格,迈阿密商会会藉。威利茨把这地址记在笔记里。

    I took out my wallet and flipped identification onto the table & Florida driver 's License , FCC License verification card , and memberships in a Miami Beach Chamber of Commerce .

  8. 金·卡戴珊(KimKardashian)于24日在离开位于迈阿密海滩的克里斯提·鲁布托(ChristianLouboutin)精品店时,亮出了一件能闪瞎眼的配饰。

    Kim Kardashian was sporting an especially sparkly accessory while leaving a Christian Louboutin boutique in Miami Beach today - a huge gemstone ring .

  9. 比如几年前,流行歌星夫妇Jay-Z和碧昂斯(Beyoncé)就曾经在Instragram上直播他们参加迈阿密海滩巴塞尔艺术节的情形,是他们在已经买下或打算买下的东西前面拍的自拍。

    The pop star couple Jay-Z and Beyonc é Instagrammed their way through Art Basel in Miami Beach a few years ago , posting selfies in front of art they bought or were thinking of buying .

  10. 回到迈阿密海滩之后,他便可以开始修整面颜。

    Back in Miami Beach , he could proceed with his surgery .

  11. 他在迈阿密海滩和古巴都有分支结构。

    He also had interests in Miami Beach and Cuba .

  12. 在迈阿密海滩,您可以来个快艇游。

    At Miami Beach , you can go on a speed boat tour .

  13. 我听说迈阿密海滩是世界闻名的。

    I was told that Miami Beach is famous all over the world .

  14. 就拿迈阿密海滩来说吧,你知道,我过去一直讨厌这个地方。

    Take Miami beach . I 've always loathed this place , you know .

  15. 开车从麦克阿瑟堤道到迈阿密海滩,是我真正的归化之旅。

    The ride over the MacArthur Causeway to Miami Beach was my real naturalization ceremony .

  16. 一对新婚夫妇走进位于迈阿密海滩旅馆的电梯。

    Who is that woman ? The newlyweds entered the elevator of their Miami Beach hotel .

  17. 他证实了迈阿密海滩的那份账户户主确实是伊莱·坦能伯格先生

    He was able to confirm the owner of the account to Mr. Ira Tannenberg from Miami beach .

  18. 我想您一定要去迈阿密海滩看看,那可真是个享受阳光美黑的好地方。

    I think you should check out Miami Beach . It 's a great place to get a tan .

  19. 但是他们不确定这种色彩鲜艳的入侵者能否登上迈阿密海滩餐厅的菜单上。

    But they weren 't sure whether the brightly colored invader would appear on the menus of Miami Beach eateries .

  20. 北迈阿密海滩:佛罗里达东南部一城市,是位于迈阿密海滩北部大西洋上的度假社区。人口35359。

    A city of southeast Florida , a resort community on the Atlantic Ocean north of Miami Beach . Population , 35,359 .

  21. 目前的三家分店分别位于伦敦、伊斯坦布尔和迈阿密海滩,很快在加利福尼亚州的西好莱坞也会开一家。

    There are three - in London , Istanbul and Miami Beach - and soon there will be one in West Hollywood , Calif.

  22. 6月24日,位于迈阿密海滩以北近10公里处的瑟夫赛德镇尚普兰大厦南塔公寓大楼发生坍塌。

    The collapse occurred on June 24th at the Champlain Towers South condominium in Surfside that sits nearly 10 kilometers north of Miami Beach .

  23. 盛大的迈阿密海滩巴塞尔艺术展一向很受欢迎,去年吸引了七万多名观众。今年的第14届在南海滩举行。

    The 14th edition of this popular , glitzy fair , which attracted more than 70000 visitors last year , returns to South Beach .

  24. 两周前,贾斯丁刚刚解决了他的另一起诉讼案件,案件有关摄影师杰弗里·宾起诉比伯,说比伯曾在2013年命令保镖在的迈阿密海滩殴打他。

    This comes two weeks after Justin resolved his other lawsuit involving photographer Jeffrey Binion who accused the star of ordering his bodyguard to him in Miami Beach in 2013 .

  25. 生长于费城,现在居住于纽约市,并且喜欢在迈阿密海滩和伦敦的家度过她的空闲时间。

    Born and raised in Philadelphia , Toral now resides in New York City , and likes to spend her free time at her homes in Miami Beach and London .

  26. 布希还赞扬了热火队球员所做的社会工作。他对热火队阿隆索·莫宁成立基金会、“闪电侠”韦德做慈善工作、以及奥尼尔在迈阿密海滩担任兼职警察表示了称赞。

    Bush lauded the Heat 's work in the community , citing Alonzo Mourning 's foundation , Dwyane Wade 's charitable work , and O'Neal 's part-time job as a police officer in Miami Beach .

  27. 另外,美国中央情报局重新衡量了我们革命成功的机会,结果在迈阿密海滩为阿罗约及其内阁安抚性地开了一席早午餐。

    On top of that , the CIA has reconsidered our chances of bringing off the revolution and as a result threw Arroyo and his cabinet a conciliatory brunch at Wolfie 's in Miami Beach .

  28. 迈阿密海滩时装周期间,在周四的这场麦记高级定制时装秀上,这些标志性的包装并没有用来装巨无霸或薯条,而是装点在了模特身上,迈着猫步大走T台。

    These iconic wrappers were not filled with Big Macs or fries because they were instead adorned on models strutting down the catwalk on Thursday during the McDCouture Fashion Show at Miami Beach Funksion Fashion Week .

  29. 泰诺将《大饭店》的背景设定在迈阿密海滩酒店,讲述酒店企业家族、企业经营人和他们华丽外表下所隐藏的惊天秘密。

    Written by Tanen , Grand Hotel is a soapy drama set against the backdrop of a Miami Beach hotel , centering around the family who owns the business , the staff who run it , and the explosive secrets they hide under the perfect exterior .

  30. 他们还表示,洪水正在让很多沿海城镇的生活苦不堪言——比如迈阿密海滩、弗吉尼亚州的诺福克,还有南卡罗来纳州的查尔斯顿——这主要是人为排放导致的,而且情况很可能在未来的年份里恶化。

    They added that the flooding that is starting to make life miserable in many coastal towns - like Miami Beach ; Norfolk , Va. ; and Charleston , S.C. - was largely a consequence of those emissions , and that it is likely to grow worse in coming years .