
  • 网络Meteora
  1. 在空中飞舞的寺院坐落在希腊卡兰巴卡的迈泰奥拉顶部分布着24座东正教修道院,这些修道院从11世纪就存在了。

    Located in Kalampaka , Greece , the Meteora are series of 24 Eastern Orthodox monasteries atop towers of rock built starting in the 11th century .

  2. 在希腊语中,迈泰奥拉是“在空中飞舞”的意思,这些寺庙与本系列开头的悬空寺有异曲同工之妙。

    In Greek , Meteora means " suspended in air , " and the monasteries are an architectural marvel akin to the Hanging Temple that opened this story .