
  • 网络Meyers;Nancy Meyers
  1. 迈耶斯是个勤奋多产的工人。

    Meyers is a diligent and prolific worker

  2. 《Slate》杂志记者德沃拉•迈耶斯将“婴儿凸”这一说法追溯至2002年,当时小报《美国周刊》开始用这个词来形容怀孕名人的上腹部。

    Slate reporter Dvora Meyers traces " baby bump " back to 2002 , when the tabloid Us Weekly started to use it to describe the midsections of pregnant celebrities .

  3. 你知道还有什么不合适的吗,迈耶斯医生?

    You know what else isn 't appropriate , Dr. Meyers ?

  4. 老迈耶斯喜欢他,常常透露给他一些秘密消息。

    Old Meyers liked him and gave him tips .

  5. 在未被诊断为肝病之前,迈耶斯先生几周以来就一直有疲惫的感觉。

    Meyers had been feeling quite run-down for weeks before his liver ailment was diagnosed .

  6. 导演:南希•迈耶斯,美国

    Directed by Nancy Meyers , US

  7. 迈耶斯:最近,所有人都在讨论这个话题,这就是最好的事情了。

    MEYERS Lately everyone is talking about [ this issue ] , and that 's the best thing that could be happening .

  8. 美国《大西洋月刊》文化版编辑大卫•西姆斯称它为导演南希•迈耶斯“近十年来最棒的电影”。

    The Atlantic culture editor David Sims called it director Nancy Meyers " " best film in more than a decade . "

  9. 佩林卡曾经是一位球员经纪人,而之前已有过前经纪人转行当总经理的成功历史,最著名的例子是金州勇士的总经理鲍勃-迈耶斯。

    Pelinka is a player agent , and there is a history of ex-agents , most notably Golden State GM Bob Myers , having success .

  10. 就莱斯•迈耶斯办公室形象来说,这家公司塑造了一套棕色、单排双扣、带条纹细羊毛、上下两件套装,以符合艾伦在伦敦拍摄时对较暖色调的偏好。

    For Rhys Meyers ' office look , it created a brown , single-breasted , two-button , striped fine wool , two-piece suit in accordance with Allen 's preference for warmer tones when filming in London .