
  • 网络differential game
  1. 供应链中合作广告策略的Stackelberg微分对策模型

    Stackelberg Differential Game Model for Cooperative Advertising Strategies in Supply Chain

  2. 从Hamilton系统角度,探讨了线性二次型微分对策系统的辛性质;

    From the point of view of Hamilton system , the symplectic characters of linear quadratic differential game were probed ;

  3. 采用BP模型,将微分对策的定量和定性分析结合起来。

    BP model is employed to combine the quantitative analysis with the qualitative analysis of DGGL .

  4. 本文所研究的经济系统的H∞控制就是基于微分对策思想的。

    This paper studied the controlling of the economic system which is based on the idea of differential games .

  5. 基于Hamilton体系和辛算法的微分对策数值法

    Numerical Method Based on Hamilton System and Symplectic Algorithm to Differential Games

  6. 多人微分对策Pareto最优解的最优均衡值算法

    An Optimal Equilibrium Payment Algorithm for Pareto Optimal Solutions of Many-person Differential Games

  7. 一种随机微分对策的Nash平衡

    A Nash equilibria of stochastic differential games

  8. 耦合Riccati不等式组解的局部优化算法及其在微分对策中的应用

    Partial Optimization Algorithm for Coupled Riccati Inequalities and Its Application in Differential Games

  9. N(N≥3)人广告微分对策问题的显式闭环纳什均衡解通常难以获得,很多数情况下需要求助于数值分析。

    The explicit closed-loop Nash equilibrium solution is usually difficult to obtain in the N-player differential game model , in many cases , they need to resort to numerical analysis .

  10. 基于粗糙逻辑(RL)的微分对策理论

    Differential Game Theory Based on Rough Logic

  11. 引进多组线性二次微分对策的非劣Nash策略的概念,证明非劣Nash策略存在的充分必要条件。

    The conceptions called non-inferior Nash strategies for linear quadratic multi-team differential games are introduced . The necessary and sufficient conditions for its existence are derived .

  12. 作为尝试,对无限期间线性二次型微分对策的计算引入SymplecticRungeKutta算法。

    And as a try , Symplectic-Runge-Kutta algorithm was inducted to the resolution of infinite horizon linear quadratic differential game .

  13. 而且控制器的存在性可以和LQ微分对策理论代数Riccati方程的解的存在性联系起来。

    And the existence of the controller can be linked to the existence of solutions of LQ differential game theory of algebraic Riccati equations .

  14. 最优连读控制系统自由端点问题中最大值原理与DP法的一致性及一类微分对策问题的DP解法

    The Sameness of the Maximum Principle and DP Methods on the Optimal Continuous Control System for the FREE-END-POINT Problem and DP Solution for A Class of Differential Game Problems

  15. 其次,证明了该微分对策模型存在唯一的值函数,并根据微分对策理论推导出了值函数满足的IB偏微分方程;

    Secondly , the differential game proved to have a unique value function , and a partial differential equation is obtained for the value function .

  16. 然后将这些结果应用于带随机跳跃的线性二次非零和微分对策问题之中,由上述正倒向随机微分方程的解得到了开环Nash均衡点的显式形式。

    Then these results were applied to get the explicit form of the open_loop Nash equilibrium point for nonzero sum differential games problem with random jump by the solution of the forward_backward stochastic differential equations .

  17. 微分对策求解往往涉及到困难的两点边值问题(TPBV),将线性二次型微分对策问题归结于Hamilton体系。

    The resolution of differential games often concerns the difficult problem of Two Point Border Value ( TPBV ), then ascribe linear quadratic differential game to Hamilton system .

  18. 应用约束最优化方法和微分对策理论,讨论周期时变不确定性线性系统在范数有界外部干扰情况下的MINIMAX控制和参数摄动情况下的MINIMAX控制。

    Resorting to the bounded optimization method and the differential game theory , the paper deals with the minimax control problems of periodically time varying linear system with norm bounded exogenous disturbance and the system with parameter perturbation .

  19. 借鉴微分对策的思想,结合最优控制理论中Pon-tryagin极大值原理和VanLoon路径耦合方法,研究了两家股份制企业之间不断协调和相互适应的博弈过程;

    A dynamic corporate firm model was developed for differential games , with the Maximum Principle of Pontryagin combined with the path coupling procedure of van Loon to analyze the coordinating and adapting processes of the firms in games .

  20. 通过求解一个具待定成本函数的随机微分对策问题确定系统的最坏情况扰动及相应的最优控制的形式,然后以最坏扰动下最优控制系统的最大Lyapunov指数最小为准则确定成本函数。

    The form of the worst-case disturbances and the optimal controls are firstly obtained by solving a stochastic differential game problem with undetermined cost function . The cost function is then determined by the requirement of minimizing the maximal Lyapunov exponent of the controlled system in worst case .

  21. 本文建立了市场价格多买方的非合作微分对策模型,推导了Nash平衡开环最优解,并应用于国家苹果基地苹果价格的制定过程。

    In this paper the noncooperative differential games model of the market price in the multiple buyers is established , a Nash equilibrium of the optimal open - loop strategies is reduced , which is applied to the pricing process of the national apple base .

  22. 对于协商问题,为避免非线性问题带来求解上的困难并且使其能够处理不确定信息,基于T-S模糊微分对策的思想,构造出协商微分对策的模糊线性化模型。

    For cooperation problems , in order to avoid the difficulty in solving nonlinear problems and to be able to cope with uncertain information , a linearized fuzzy model of cooperative differential game is constructed , based on the thought of T-S fuzzy differential game .

  23. 将精细积分法从LQ控制问题扩展应用于有限时间线性二次型微分对策的求解,为微分对策问题求解提供新的思路,也体现出精细积分法高度精密和稳定的特点。

    Expand precise time integration from LQ control problem to the resolution of finite horizon Linear Quadratic Differential Game ( LQDG ) . This provides a new approach to solve differential games , and also embodies the characteristics of high precision and stability of precise time integration .

  24. 线性二次微分对策鞍点策略的小波分析法

    Analysis Method for Saddle-point Strategy of Linear-quadratic Differential Game via Wavelets

  25. 企业经济增长与分配的微分对策

    Economic Growth and Distribution in Enterprises Modelled as a Differential Game

  26. 基于微分对策的多寡头品牌和大类广告策略研究

    Competitive Brand and Generic Advertising Strategy in Oligopoly with Differential Game

  27. 基于目标姿态信息的导弹微分对策制导律研究

    The Design of Differential Game Guidance Law Based on Target Attitude

  28. 微分对策界栅理论在舰艇作战能力评估中的应用

    Differential Game Barrier Theory Used in Evaluating Warship 's Operational Capacity

  29. 协商微分对策理论及其在多机空战分析中的应用

    Bargaining Differential Game Theory and Application to Multiple airplane Combat Analysis

  30. 空-空导弹微分对策最佳导引律的研究

    A study of differential game optimal guidance laws for Air-to-Air Missiles