
  • 网络microcell;micro-cell;Micro cell
  1. 微蜂窝环境中多径数目一般远多于智能天线阵元数,角度扩展也很大,此时UCA智能天线对系统性能提升很少,甚至不如微分集天线。

    But in microcell multipath number were commonly much bigger than elements of UCA , and the angle spread was also large , in this environment the performance of UCA was badly depressed , and sometimes it would be worse than diversity antennas .

  2. 城市微蜂窝通信中场强预测的一种方法

    A New Method for Field Strength Prediction in Urban Microcell Communications

  3. 蓝牙微蜂窝系统MAC协议的数据传输优化算法

    Data transmission optimized scheduling on MAC protocol on bluetooth pico-cellular system

  4. 通过仿真,认为移动IP基本满足网络宏移动的应用,但对于将来的微蜂窝网络下的快速移动应用还不能很好地支持。

    The result shows that although Mobile IP may be appropriate for macro mobility applications , its long handoff periods make it unsuitable for micro mobility support .

  5. 贵阳PHS网络通信系统,采用的是微蜂窝通信技术。

    PHS network communication system of GuiYang , it was little cellular communications technology that was adopted .

  6. 目前,多数无线电管理GIS系统中包括了宏蜂窝电波传播预测的模块,而基于射线跟踪模型的微蜂窝电波传播预测的应用还相对较少。

    At present , the prediction model for macrocells has been integrated to most of the radio wave management GIS system , but the application of prediction for microcells is only few .

  7. 目前蓝牙微蜂窝无线系统MAC协议数据传输采用的循环法(RR)信道时隙浪费严重。

    The Round Robin scheduling adopted by bluetooth pico-cellular wireless system MAC in data transmission results in the serious wastage of channel slots .

  8. 本文讨论了具有分层小区结构的CDMA(码分多址)系统中切换策略的性能,分别用一维和二维的马尔可夫模型来分析微蜂窝和宏蜂窝中的状态。

    This paper discusses CDMA ( Code Division Multiple Access ) system performance with Hierarchical cell structure and analyzes handover strategy with one-dimensional Markov model in micro-layer and two-dimensional Markov model in macro-layer .

  9. 最后在宏/微蜂窝瑞利衰落信道环境中仿真了UCA智能天线的性能,并分别与全向天线和分集天线做了对比。

    At last , the author simulated the performance of UCA in macrocell and microcell assuming the channel being Rayleigh fading .

  10. 在仿真过程中设计了基于微蜂窝网络的移动台的6个方向越区漫游仿真算法,然后用Visualc++6.0所编制的程序的运行结果进行分析,得出了移动台越区漫游具有局部性的结论。

    During the simulation , we design a method of a mobile acrosses the boundary of LAs in six direction ; then , analysis the result from the simulation by Visual C + + 6.0 and get the conclusion : mobile roaming is locality .

  11. 主要定位在微蜂窝中低速移动无线语音和中低速数据业务的PHS技术取得了较大规模的发展。

    PHS technology , which is positioned in micro-cell medium and low speed mobile wireless voice and medium and low speed data service , has been developed greatly .

  12. 提出了一种有效的微蜂窝电波传播预测模型,该模型基于射线跟踪法和UTD理论,并使用辐射源树的方法。

    This paper presents an effective radio wave propagation prediction model by using radiation sources tree for microcellular environment . This model is based on ray-tracing and UTD .

  13. PHS是无线市话的简称(俗称小灵通),它是一种依附现有固定电话网络采用微蜂窝技术实现无线覆盖的个人接入系统。

    PHS ( Personal Handy-Phone System ) is the easy name of the wireless telephone . It is a kind of personal access system attached to the settled telephone which could realize wireless covering by micro comb technology .

  14. 由于PHS系统采用微蜂窝和微微蜂窝结构,对网络规划和话务吸收带来一定难度,同时PHS的技术特点也决定网络优化是一项长期而具有挑战性的工作。

    The micro-cellular and sub-micro-cellular configuration of PHS leads to the difficulty of network programming and the telephone traffic absorbability , at the same time the PHS technology characteristic decides the long term and challenge work in network optimization field .

  15. 本文对具有Nakagami衰落和对数正态衰落的同频道于扰特性进行了理论分析,并提出了对微蜂窝多径衰落移动无线电系统中的同频道干扰及其影响进行预测的近似方法。

    The paper analyzed theoretically the performance of cochannel interference with Nakagami fading and log-normal fading , and presented the method of approximation which could predict the cochannel interference and its effect in microcellular multipath fading mobile radio system .

  16. 该模型基于物理光学(PO)、几何绕射理论(GTD)、一致性绕射理论(UTD),利用改进的射线跟踪法对微蜂窝中电波传播特性进行了数值分析计算。

    The model is based on the theory of physical optics ( PO ), geometry theory of diffraction ( GTD ) and uniform theory of diffraction ( UTD ), and it can compute and analyze the propagation of EM wave in microcellular environments by using improved ray tracing method .

  17. 微蜂窝与低轨道卫星通信中的多址协议研究

    Study of Multiple Access Protocols in Microcellular and Low-Earth-Orbit Satellite Communications

  18. 微蜂窝移动信道中基于分形的信号分布特性分析

    Fractal Based Analysis of Signal Distribution Characteristics in Microcellular Mobile Channels

  19. 利用电磁波极化实现微蜂窝系统扩容的研究

    Research on increasing the capacity of micro-cell system using electromagnetic polarization

  20. 微蜂窝多径衰落信道中的无线电信号传播模式

    Propagation Model of Radio Signal in Microcellular Multipath Fading Channel

  21. 微蜂窝多径散射环境中的电波传播特性分析

    Analyzing Properties of Wave Propagation in Microcellular Multipath Scattering Environment

  22. 微蜂窝移动通信中动态信道指配研究

    Study of Dynamic Channel Assignment for the Personal Communications Systems

  23. 微蜂窝型导管和气吹集束型光缆系统的技术介绍

    Microcell Conduit and Blowing Clustered Optical Cable System Technology

  24. 一些人想用微蜂窝技术来解决这一问题。

    Some people see microcell technology as a solution .

  25. 城市微蜂窝网络中自适应传输的频谱效率

    Spectral Efficiency of Adaptive Transmission in Urban Microcellular Networks

  26. 微蜂窝中电波传播预测模型的改进

    Improved Models for Propagation Prediction in Micro - Cell

  27. 用于微蜂窝电波传播预测的二维射线跟踪模型

    A Two-Dimension Ray-Tracing Model for Microcellular Wave Propagation Prediction

  28. 针对微蜂窝的特点,人们提出了射线跟踪预测方法。

    Accordingly ray tracing models for microcells propagation prediction has become an important subject .

  29. 数字微蜂窝通信系统切换关键技术

    Handover Technology in Micro Cell Mobile Communication Systems

  30. 在微蜂窝码分多址小区的上行链路实现比特同步的设想

    The bit - synchronous communication on the up-link of micro - cell CDMA Systems