
  • 网络microstructured fiber;microstructure fiber;microstructured optical fiber;micro-structured fiber;mof
  1. 而三角形格点分布的渐变微结构光纤对空气孔间距、最内层空气孔的直径和直径递增量都比较敏感,不同参数条件下它的色散曲线变化较大。

    But the triangle-lattice MOF have strong sensitivity to the three parameters , and its dispersion curves change significantly at different cases .

  2. 结果表明这两种渐变微结构光纤的色散对最内层空气孔的直径的依赖性都比较高;

    Obtained results show that : the dispersion of this two kinds of MOF depends strongly on the diameter of the center air ring .

  3. 柚子型微结构光纤Bragg光栅温度和应变传感特性研究

    Temperature and strain sensing property of grapefruit microstructure fiber Bragg grating

  4. 微结构光纤中高效反Stokes波产生研究

    Research on the efficient anti-Stokes generation in microstructure fiber

  5. 报道了微结构光纤(MF)包层结构对超连续光谱产生影响的实验研究。

    The influence of the structure of microstructure fiber on the spectral broadening of femtosecond laser pulses is experimentally studied .

  6. FTTH用微结构光纤

    Micro - structured optical fiber for FTTH

  7. 通过改进的堆积法,制备无间隙孔微结构光纤(MSF)。

    We describe an improved stacking-capillary method , which can fabricate the micro-structure fiber ( MSF ) without interstitial holes .

  8. 输出功率大于10W的掺镱双包层微结构光纤激光器

    Yb ~ ( 3 + ) - doped double cladding microstructure fiber laser with output power exceeded 10 W

  9. 该微结构光纤经过显微镜放大和CCD采样到计算机得到的图片表明:光纤中空气孔基本均匀,并且微孔点阵基本呈现正六边形排列。

    From the photos of the microstructure optical fiber obtained by microscope and through CCD sampling to computer , we could find that the air holes are distributed uniformly , what 's more , the micro-holes lattices are just hexagon on the whole .

  10. 利用全矢量有限元方法,对椭圆六角对称分布微结构光纤(MF)的双折射特性进行了理论分析,得到了双折射大小与结构参量、入射波长间的依赖关系。

    Based on the full-vector finite element method , the birefringence in microstructure fiber with squeezed hexagonal lattice is numerically analyzed . The correlation between the birefringence and the structural parameters , incidence wavelength is obtained .

  11. 光子晶体光纤(PCF),又称为多孔光纤(HF)或微结构光纤(MF),是一种单一介质,并由波长量级的空气孔构成微结构包层的新型光纤。

    Photonic crystal fibers ( PCFs ), also called holey fibers ( HFs ) or microstructure fibers ( MFs ), are a new class of single-material optical fibers with wavelength-scale air holes running down the entire length .

  12. 只要合理设计其几何尺寸,其它排列的晶格阵列的微结构光纤也可以具有大负色散特性,例如双芯六角形晶格MSF,双芯圆形晶格MSF,方形、蜂窝形等。

    Appropriatly designed the other structures can also have de the large negative dispersion , such as dual-core hexagonal MSF , dual-core circular MSF , quadrate , honeycomb and so on .

  13. 提出了一种新型的方形分布渐变空气孔微结构光纤。

    A new square lattice varying microstructured optical fiber is presented .

  14. 飞秒激光在双折射微结构光纤中模式控制的四波混频效应的实验研究

    Mode-controlled four-wave-mixing in the birefringent microstructure fiber by femtosecond laser pulses

  15. 大尺寸气孔微结构光纤在光纤光栅中的应用

    Applications of Large Air Hole Microstructure Optical Fiber on Fiber Gratings

  16. 微结构光纤光栅谐振峰的分析

    The Analysis of Microstructure Optical Fiber Bragg Grating Resonant Peaks

  17. 飞秒激光脉冲在双折射微结构光纤中频率变换的研究

    Frequency Conversion in a Birefringent Microstructure Fiber by Femtosecond Pulses

  18. 提出了利用高非线性微结构光纤自相位调制效应进行全光再生的研究方案。

    All-optical regeneration based on self-phase modulation in microstructured fiber is studied .

  19. 微结构光纤间隙孔在制备过程中形变的研究

    Transformation research on the interstitial hole during the fabrication of micro-structure fiber

  20. 利用高非线性微结构光纤实现波长变换的研究

    Researches on All-optical Wavelength Conversion in Highly Nonlinear Microstructure Fibers

  21. 微结构光纤的有限元分析计算法

    Analysis of the Microstructure Fiber by the Finite Element Method

  22. 高非线性色散平坦微结构光纤的研究

    Research on high nonlinearity and flattened dispersion of microstructure fibers

  23. 侧向压力对微结构光纤双折射的影响

    Influence of Lateral Pressure on Phase and Group Modal Birefringence in Microstructure Fiber

  24. 偏振复用光纤通信系统及微结构光纤器件的相关技术研究

    Studies on Technologies for Polarization-Division-Multiplexing Fiber Communication Systems and Microstructure Fiber Based Devices

  25. 一种新的低非线性宽带色散补偿微结构光纤的设计

    Design of a Novel Microstructure Fiber with Broadband Dispersion Compensation and Low Nonlinearity

  26. 微结构光纤预制棒拉制过程的温度场分布

    Temperature distribution of microstructure fiber preform during fiber drawing

  27. 分析了微结构光纤非接触光学测量的理论及方法。

    And then the theory and method of non-contact optical measurement were analyzed .

  28. 微结构光纤的参数测试与研究

    Measurement and Study on Parameters of Microstructure Fiber

  29. 关于微结构光纤制备的研究

    The Research on the Fabrication of Micro-Structure Fiber

  30. 相干背散射法测量微结构光纤中的光子局域化

    Measurement of Photon Localization in Micro-Structure Optical Fibers Using Coherent Back Scattering SPLIT-PHASE METHOD