
  • 网络nanofabrication;nanomanufacturing;nano-fabrication
  1. 自组装&自底而上的纳米制造方法(续)

    Self-Assembly : A Bottom-up Approach for Nanofabrication ( Continued )

  2. 当前,原子力显微镜(AFM)在微笑电子学、微机械学和新型材料学、电磁学、化学和生物医学以及纳米制造和纳米操作等领域具有广泛的应用。

    At present , the atomic force microscope ( AFM ) has been widely used in many fileds such as microelectronics , micromechanics new material science , electro - magnetism , chemistry , biological medicine , nanotechnology , nano-fabrication and nano-operational .

  3. 自装配技术在物理、生物化学、MEMS以及纳米制造等领域得到了广泛应用,对该领域的研究显示出重要的应用前景和重大的理论价值,成为一个充满生机活力的热点。

    The self-assembly technology is widely applied to physics , biochemistry , MEMS and nano-manufacturing fields etc. , and the researches in those fields show important application prospect and theoretical significance , which becomes a vital research hotspot .

  4. 微/纳米制造技术的摩擦学挑战

    Challenges to Tribology Arisen from the Development of Micro - and Nano-Manufacturing Technology

  5. 生物制造&一种新型微/纳米制造技术

    Biomanufacture & A New Micro / Nano Manufacturing Technology

  6. 本课程介绍了微米/纳米制造的理论和技术。

    This course introduces the theory and technology of micro / nano fabrication .

  7. 这表明在与英特尔的32纳米制造工艺生产的晶体管先看看。

    Intel showed this first look at a transistor built with its32-nanometer manufacturing process .

  8. 随着微纳米制造技术的发展,对测量技术的要求不断提高。

    With the development of micro-nanometer manufacturing technology , the demand for the measurement technology has been increased .

  9. 本文论述微米纳米制造技术的发展过程,微细加工的进展,微型机电系统的概念、主要研究课题,以及它的应用领域。

    This paper deals with the process of microtechnology / nanotechnology , micro machining , the concept and main topic of MEMS and other fields .

  10. 台积电本周一高管表示,40纳米制造问题已经解决,铸造计划翻一番,在此节点上,今年的能力。

    This week a TSMC executive said the40nm manufacturing issues had been resolved , and the foundry planned to double its capacity on that node this year .

  11. 近年来,由于纳米制造工艺技术的发展,各种纳米结构的加工也相对容易,表面等离子体激元在微结构上的特性得以展现,成为学者们关注的焦点。

    In recent years , due to the development of nanometer process technology , various nanostructures fabrication are relatively easy , surface plasmon polaritons have become the focus of scholars ' attention .

  12. 介绍了21世纪先进制造技术的重点发展方向:纳米制造技术、微型机械制造技术、智能制造技术和绿色制造技术的现状及其在制造业应用的实际意义。

    The main developing direction of advanced manufacturing technology in the 21st century is pointed out , e.g. nanon manufacturing , micro-machine manufacturing , intelligent manufacturing , green manufacturing . The significances of their practical applications in manufacturing industry are also described .

  13. 扫描隧道显微镜(STM)在纳米结构制造中的应用

    Applications of Scanning Tunneling Microscope ( STM ) in the Fabrication of Nanostructures

  14. 将近10年前,中芯国际从IBM获得了45纳米芯片制造技术许可,但该技术在当时已现老态。

    Nearly a decade ago , SMIC was granted a licence to IBM 's 45 nanometre chipmaking technology - already , at the time , a technology that was getting long in the tooth .

  15. 图形化技术在纳米器件制造中的应用研究进展

    Development of Surface Patterning in Nano-electronic Devices

  16. 与此同时,利用纳米材料制造水过滤器从而更好地吸收污染物的技术已经被几家企业采用。

    Meanwhile , technology for making water filters using nanomaterials for better absorption of contaminants has been taken up by several firms .

  17. 随着纳米材料制造成本的降低,其应用领域也将越来越广泛,也为纳米材料在高耐久性混凝土和高性能混凝土中的应用带来了希望。

    Nano-materials will apply to more wide field with study of nano-materials and decrease of their cost and it bring hope for nano-materials to be used in high durability concrete and high performance concrete .

  18. 例如,公司正在与美国能源部合作一个2年期项目,考虑如何利用纳米技术制造永磁体,从而在不影响磁性的前提下,将稀土成分减少80%。

    For example , GE is working on a two-year Department of Energy project to consider how to make permanent magnets using nanotechnology to reduce the rare earth content by 80 per cent without affecting strength .

  19. 纳米材料制造业、纳米食品合成业、纳米计算机业、纳米微型机业、纳米克隆业等乃是通向人类自由处理、改变、获取一般物的信息结构的理想之路。

    NM material manufacture industry , NM food composition industry , NM computer industry , NM micro-machine industry and NM clone industry in all are the ideal roads of mankind toward being able to freely deal with , change and obtain matter information structure .

  20. 人工组装纳米结构和制造纳米器件的技术发展迅速。

    The technologies needed to fabricate nanoscale structures and devices are advancing rapidly .

  21. 介绍了几种纳米颗粒的制造方法。

    Some manufacture processes of nanoparticles were presented .

  22. 通过纳米材料和制造的研究,推动了省内纳米技术的应用与产业化。

    The research has promoted the application and industrialization of nano technology in Liaoning province .

  23. 根据激波的固有特点和在其他领域的成功应用,本文把压电陶瓷激波技术应用于纳米复合材料制造领域中。

    In terms of the inherent characteristics of piezoelectric shock wave and the successful experience in other domain , this paper applies piezoelectric shock wave into Nanocomposites technologies .

  24. 表面处理技术不仅是产品的美容术,也是许多产品的制造技术,产品性能的改良技术和最新纳米材料的制造技术。

    Surface treatment technology is not only a decorative technology of products , but also a manufacturing technology of products , improvement technology of products function and manufacturing technology of the latest nano materials .

  25. ST造纸蒸煮助剂纳米纺织纤维的制造技术

    Cooking Additive Agent for ST Paper Making Nanofibers Spinning Techniques for Textile

  26. 这三个创新之处,为未来纳米尺度器件的制造提供了理论指导。

    All these findings offer a designed guideline for nano-scale photonic devices .

  27. 用于纳米集成电路可制造性设计的测试结构版图生成器设计

    Design of Test-Structure Layout Generator for Nanometer IC Design for Manufacturability Use

  28. 用纳米磁性液体模拟制造失重和微重力状态的流体

    Create an Weightlessness and Microgravity Environment with Nano-magnetic Fluids

  29. 纳米技术在汽车制造领域中的应用

    Application of nanotechnology to vehicle manufacturing

  30. 纳米纺织纤维的制造技术

    Nanofibers Spinning Techniques for Textile