
  • 网络nanowires;nanowire
  1. 电弧放电法制备SiC纳米丝的实验研究

    Silicon Carbide Nanowires Synthesized by Arc Discharge

  2. SEM和TEM照片表明其中有大量的实心纳米丝,其直径30nm~50nm,长度5μm以上,XRD分析表明其为βSiC,拉曼光谱中在785cm-1有一个尖锐峰。

    The results show that large amount of β - phased , solid SiC nanowires , 5 μ m long and 30 nm ~ 50 nm in diameter , formed . A peak at 785 cm - 1 of the Raman spectrum was observed .

  3. α-Fe和Ni纳米丝单向拉伸过程的分子动力学模拟

    Molecular dynamics simulation for axial tension process of α - Fe and Ni nano wires

  4. 三维尖晶石Li4Ti5O(12)纳米丝网状电极的构置与电化学性能

    Fabrication and Electrochemical Properties of 3-dimensional Net Architectures of Spinel Li_4Ti_5O_ ( 12 ) Nanofibers

  5. 对于不同结构金属纳米丝,其形变机制是不同的。V纳米丝在拉伸作用下,主要以孪晶形式发生形变。

    During tensile process , the deformation of nanowires is different for the metals with different structure . It is shown that V nanowire deforms in the form of twinning .

  6. 多晶Mo纳米丝新相形核和断裂都是发生在晶界表明多晶纳米丝的形变主要由晶界效应控制。

    The new phase nucleation and facture occur at the grain boundaries , which indicates the main deformation mechanism of PC nanowire is controlled by grain boundary effect .

  7. 上述表征显示载铂的有序质子膜和担载有序Pt纳米丝炭纸电极都显示了良好的导电性和催化活性。

    The characterizations above demonstrate that both ordered membrane electrodes with Pt loadings and Carbon paper electrodes with ordered Pt nano wires show better conductivity and good catalytic activity .

  8. BCC金属纳米丝由于比表面积更大,拉伸屈服阶段比FCC金属更明显,初始应力更高,表面效应对初始弹性模量的软化作用更大。

    Analysis results show that BCC metal has a longer yield process and higher initial stress than FCC metal , and the soften effect on initial elastic modulus is more obvious in BCC metals because of its higher surface ratio .

  9. 电子纺纳米丝素纤维的制备及结构研究

    Study on Electrospun Silk Fibroin Nanofiber and its Structure

  10. 静电纺丝法制备氧化锰纳米丝电极及其电化学性能

    Electrospun Manganese Oxides Nanofibers Electrode for Lithium Ion Batteries

  11. 考虑小尺度效应影响的金属纳米丝弹性模量的计算

    Calculation of the Elastic Modulus of Metal Nanorod Based on Small Size Effect

  12. 激光烧蚀法制备半导体纳米丝的研究进展

    Progress of Semiconductor Nanowires Synthesized by Laser Ablation

  13. 电化学方法制备钛(Ⅳ)化合物纳米丝阵列

    Electrochemical Fabrication of Titanium (ⅳ) Compound Nanowire Arrays

  14. 铜纳米丝的应变率和尺寸效应的分子动力学模拟

    Molecular dynamics simulation of the strain rate effect and size effect for Cu nanowire

  15. 应变率诱发镍纳米丝的非晶化

    Amorphization of Ni Nanowires Induced by Strain Rate

  16. 因此,本文对纳米丝力学性能的研究有着重要的实际意义。

    Therefore , this article on the mechanical properties of NWs has important practical significance .

  17. 纳米丝负载钯催化剂的制备及催化烯烃加氢性能研究

    Preparation of nano-fiber supported palladium catalysts and their use for the catalytic hydrogenation of olefins

  18. 利用这些病毒她制造出一条几厘米长的纳米丝,这根丝与尼龙绳的强度差不多,在紫外线照射下发出极亮的红色。

    The fiber is as strong as nylon , but glows bright red when held up to ultraviolet light .

  19. 抑菌性实验结果显示,纳米丝素蛋白肽在反应前后,均对大肠杆菌和金黄色葡萄球菌有一定的抑菌效果。

    The silk fibroin peptide and the SFP / PEG compound all have antibacterial effects to Staphylococcus aureus and E.coli .

  20. 用分子动力学的方法来模拟金属纳米丝的拉伸实验,得到纳米丝屈服前每一位移步的应力、应变值;

    The tensile test of metal nanorods is done by molecular dynamics and tensile stresses and strains of the metal nanorods are obtained .

  21. 对单晶镍纳米丝、纳米薄膜零温准静态拉伸破坏过程进行了分子动力学模拟.模拟表明表面效应对单晶纳米材料的原子运动及整体力学行为有显著影响。

    With Embedded Atom Method , the surface effects of monocrystalline nickel wire and nickel film under uniaxial tension are studied by Molecular Dynamics .

  22. 自由表面发射位错,位错的移动消耗能量导致了纳米丝的塑性,自由表面原子的不稳定运动降低了纳米丝的强度。

    Ductility of nano metal stems from dislocation emited from free surfaces , and the instable motion of surface atoms decreases the strength of nano components .

  23. 通过扫描电子显微镜、循环伏安曲线等手段研究了沉积条件如电子信号和电压等对所制备的纳米丝密度的影响。

    Through scanning electron microscopy and cyclic voltammeter , the effects of deposition conditions such as the electronic signals and applied voltages on the quality of prepared nanowires were investigated .

  24. 根据应力-应变关系,利用分子动力学模拟得到的纳米丝的应力、应变数值计算出金属纳米丝的拉伸弹性模量,修正了小尺度效应对纳米丝弹性模量的影响。

    The elastic modulus of the metal nanorod has been calculated based on the relation between stress and strain according to nonlocal elastic theory , the small size effect on the elastic modulus has been modified .

  25. 纳米丝的变形破坏从表面的颈缩开始,逐步向内部扩展;纳米薄膜则是在表面和内部同时产生空位,互相扩展:纳米块体是从内部产生空位,然后向表面扩展。

    Nanowires deformation started from the surface of the neck , and gradually extended to the interior ; nano-films is also occurred void in the surface and interior space , each extension ; nano-block is generated from within the space , and then extended to the surface .

  26. 本论文通过CVD、热蒸发等方法,制备了有序化自组装纳米硅丝阵列、不同直径纳米硅丝、纳米硅管等一维纳米材料。

    In this paper , we synthesized some one-dimensional nano-materials including the silicon nanowires with orderly array , different diameters and silicon nanotubes via methods of CVD , thermal evaporation , etc.

  27. 纳米羟基磷灰石丝素蛋白仿生矿化材料的制备研究

    Study on Preparation of n-HA and Silk Fibroin Bio-mineral Material

  28. 分子动力学模拟单晶纳米铝丝的拉伸破坏

    Molecular dynamics simulation of failure process of nano aluminum wire under axial tension

  29. 纳米金属丝拉伸破坏及其应变率效应

    Failure process and effect of strain rate on mechanical properties of nanocrystalline metal wires under uni-axial tension

  30. 通过原位聚合和溶胶一凝胶法制备了高度有序排列的PANI/Tiq纳米杂化丝。

    The PANI / TiO2 hybrid micro wires were prepared through in-situ polymerization and sol-gel process in template channels .