
  • 网络NASH;Steve Nash;John Nash;Nashi;John Forbes Nash
  1. 我们都低估纳什啦!

    Why we were wrong about Steve nash !

  2. 如果你也想像纳什那样伟大,你就先去看看他眼睛,他的头脑和他的手吧。

    But if you want to know what makes Steve Nash special , look first to his eyes , his head and his hands .

  3. 纳什看见科林步测了他着陆场地的长度,以确保自己能够安全飞离。

    Nash saw Colin pace out the length of the field in which he had landed to ensure that he could fly safely out of it

  4. 基于损益值信息对称缺损的n人静态博弈的灰势-纯策略纳什均衡分析

    Matrix Game of Grey situation-Pure-tactical Nash equilibrium in symmetrical loss information of Game-equilibrium in n-people

  5. MC模式下顾客需求与厂商供应的纳什均衡

    The Nash Equilibrium between customers ' demands and Enterprises ' supplies under MC

  6. 那是一辆双拼色的纳什大都会轿车(NashMetropolitan),他父亲为之配备了一台英国MG公司生产的发动机。

    It was a two-tone Nash Metropolitan that his father had fitted out with an MG engine .

  7. NBA巨星纳什签约代言中国品牌露友。

    NBA 's Nash signs with China company .

  8. 惠特沃斯担任美国股东协会(UnitedShareholdersAssociation)主席时,曾就公司治理问题在电视上与纳什展开激辩。

    When Whitworth was president of the United Shareholders Association , Nash and Whitworth used to spar on TV about governance issues , Nash says .

  9. HelenFelumlee来自俄亥俄州中部城市纳什波特,4月12日,92岁高龄的她离开了人世;

    Helen Felumlee of Nashport in central Ohio died April 12 . She was 92 .

  10. 证明了该博弈算法的纳什均衡点的存在性、唯一性及Pareto有效性。

    We prove the existence and uniqueness of Nash Equilibrium point in this game algorithm .

  11. 当目标研发市场进一步扩大时,就会出现两个纳什均衡点。此时企业A和B只有一方可以选择研发而另一方相应的选择跟随。

    As the target market value further increased , there will be two Nash equilibriums , one party may choose to develop and the other party has to choose to follow .

  12. 基于纳什均衡对策理论和H∞控制理论方法,给出并证明了不确定环境下纳什对策问题状态反馈解存在的条件及其求解方法;

    Based on Nash dynamic game theory and H ∞ control theory approach , the existence conditions and designing method of state feedback solution are presented and proved .

  13. 美国公司董事联合会(NationalAssociationofCorporateDirectors)创始人兼荣誉主席约翰oMo纳什表示:对于惠普公司的治理,拉尔夫是一项宝贵的资产。

    Ralph was a big asset to corporate governance at HP , says John M. Nash , founder and president emeritus of the National Association of Corporate Directors .

  14. 田纳西州(Tennessee)纳什维而(Nashville)的大奥利·奥普利剧场(GrandOleOpry)是这种音乐的中心。

    The Grand Ole Opry in Nashville , Tennessee , is the center for this music .

  15. 并且参考国内外ASP服务站点,针对CRM应用的特殊性,提出了具体的网络与数据安全解决方案。针对特殊的网络分析了纳什均衡的性质;

    According to the particularity of Customer Relationship Management , the solution of network and data safety is brought forward by referring to the worldwide ASP website .

  16. 利用古诺(Cournot)模型研究了在联营模式下多时段水火电混合系统的纳什(Nash)均衡策略问题。

    Cournot model is employed to analyze multi-period Nash equilibrium strategy of suppliers for hydrothermal power system in power pool .

  17. 本文提出利用纳什谈判解(NBS)策略选择合作伙伴。

    In this paper , we use Nash Bargaining Solution ( NBS ) strategy to select partners .

  18. 二是WTO的加入使得我国彩电业厂商之间无限次的多时期博弈变为有限次且已知的多时期博弈,这样囚徒困境的纳什均衡就成为彩电业的唯一均衡;

    Secondly , the games among the firms have turned into definite with the entry to the WTO , so the Nash Equilibrium of the " prisoner dilemma " is the only equilibrium of firms .

  19. Cournot博弈的解为纳什均衡。

    With a Cournot game model , Nash Equilibrium is considered as the solution of this game .

  20. 以纳什均衡理论为基础,依靠市场机制,实现基于QoS的网格资源管理和调度。

    A market-based approach is presented to allocate grid resource , which is based on Nash equilibrium theory and which realizes the optimal allocation of grid resources by the market mechanism .

  21. 文中使用混合策略纳什均衡作为FDG的解决方案,为接收到泛洪分组的节点提供转发概率,由此得出各节点的转发策略。

    Use the mixed Nash equilibrium strategy as a solution to the FDG to provide the forwarding probability for every node .

  22. 纳什均衡解及其QPSO算法求解

    Nash equilibria and quantum-behaved particle swarm optimization

  23. 基于纳什(Nash)均衡对策理论,应用求解单目标H∞控制问题的代数Riccati方程方法,给出并证明了线性离散系统两目标H∞状态反馈解存在的条件,得到了其状态反馈解。

    Based on the Nash equilibrium game theory and single-objective H ∞ control theory approach , its existence conditions are presented and proved . And the solution could be obtained by solving two Riccati equations .

  24. 火箭教练迈克-德安东尼其实经历过类似状况,之前他曾在太阳执教过两连MVP史蒂夫-纳什。

    Rockets coach Mike D'Antoni has seen this situation play out before during his time coaching a certain two-time MVP with the Phoenix Suns .

  25. 西尔维娅•纳萨尔(SylviaNasar)撰写的纳什传记,为好莱坞大片《美丽心灵》(ABeautifulMind)提供了情节素材。该片一举夺得四项奥斯卡大奖(AcademyAwards),罗素•克劳(RussellCrowe)在片中出演纳什。

    A biography by author Sylvia Nasar provided the basis for the plot of A Beautiful Mind , a blockbuster featuring Russell Crowe as Nash , which scooped four Academy Awards .

  26. 无限次重复博弈以及由此而引发的触发策略,能够实现帕累托最优的纳什均衡,是SDN合作伙伴关系稳定发展的深层经济学原因。

    Infinitely repeated game and grim strategy that can lead to Pareto dominance Nash equilibrium are the deep economic reasons which explain the stability of SDN.

  27. 本文主要研究了基于非精确网络状态信息下的QoS路由算法及有关技术,并结合蚁群算法的思想提出了针对QoS路由优化问题的改进的蚁群算法。针对特殊的网络分析了纳什均衡的性质;

    This thesis concentrates on the study of Quality of Service ( QoS ) routing algorithms and related technologies with imprecise network state information , proposes the new method on optimization of QoS routing based on Ant Colony algorithm ( ACA ) in IP network .

  28. 结合线性系统的动态矩阵控制(DMC)分析了算法的迭代收敛性,并与基于纳什优化的分布式预测控制算法进行了比较。

    The convergence property is studied combining with the distributed dynamic matrix control ( DMC ) algorithm . The comparison between the algorithm based on plant-wide optimality and the algorithm based on Nash optimality was also given .

  29. 看看德克和纳什那样的球员好了,人们也不是一开始就把他们看作MVP,而是直到他们的球队开始逼近决赛。

    Look at guys like Dirk ( Nowitzki ) and ( Steve ) Nash , who weren 't talked about as MVPs until their teams started to get close to the Finals .

  30. 为了降低系统流量传输消耗,利用纳什议价博弈方法分析用户和ISP之间、ISP和其他ISP之间利益关系。

    In order to reduce the flow transmission consumption of the system , this strategy not only considers the benefit relationship among the ISPs but also the relationship between the ISP and users by using Nash bargaining game of Nash equilibrium .