
  • 网络neuroeconomics
  1. 神经经济学的研究可能颠覆理性决策的观念

    The study of neuroeconomics may topple the notion of rational decision-making

  2. 在神经经济学看来,基数效用论是完全合乎逻辑的。

    In neuroeconomics ' view , cardinal utility theory is entirely logical .

  3. 社会神经经济学:社会决策和博弈的神经学基础

    Social Neuroeconomics : The Neural Basis of Social Decision-making and Game Theory

  4. 冲动性的神经经济学研究:即时满足还是等待时机?

    Neuroeconomic Studies of Impulsivity : Now or Just as Soon as Possible ?

  5. 现在,神经经济学关于满足感的研究已经大量存在,并且还在不断涌现。

    Now , there are massive researches on satisfaction in neuroeconomics , and fresh researches continuously spring up .

  6. 神经经济学是一门应用神经科学技术来确定经济决策的神经机制的新兴学科。

    Neuroeconomics is an emerging transdisciplinary field that uses neuroscientific measurement techniques to identify the neural substrates associated with economic decisions .

  7. 可以说,神经经济学对基数效用的发现已经为基数效用论向主流经济学的回归创造了基本的物质条件。

    So we can conclude that the discovery of cardinal utility in neuroeconomics has provided basic material conditions for the returning of cardinal utility theory to mainstream economics .

  8. 在金融决策过程中纳入神经学因素,是神经经济学这一相对新兴学科的研究者所主要关注的问题神经经济学是一个神经科学、心理学和经济学交叉的学科。

    The idea of a neurological component in financial decision-making is of central interest to those digging around in the relatively new field of neuroeconomics , where neurology , psychology and economics overlap .

  9. 不同于新古典经济学假设消费者是完全理性的,行为经济学和神经经济学假设消费者是有限理性的,并且情感因素在消费者的决策中扮演着重要作用。

    Neoclassical Economics bases on the hypothesis of perfect rationality , while the Behavioral Economics and the Neuroeconomics bases on the hypothesis of imperfect rationality with emotion playing an important role in it .

  10. 神经经济学的发展已经充分证明,主观上的心理满足感存在着与其相对应的客观的神经基础,而先进的测量仪器也为寻找基数效用并加以度量提供了充分的物质条件。

    The development of neuroeconomics has sufficiently proved that subjective psychological satisfaction has corresponding objective neural basis , and advanced measuring instruments have provided good material conditions to find out and measure cardinal utility .

  11. 那么哪种理论更能有效地去解释模糊厌恶呢?模糊决策是特殊的、复杂的风险决策还是一种独立的决策类型,也是最近神经经济学里面争议的一个问题。

    Which is more effective to explain the ambiguity aversion ? Ambiguity decision-making is a special , complex risk decision-making or an independent decision-making type , which is a controversial issue in recent neuroeconomics , a series of fMRI studies reached a different opinion , respectively .

  12. 神经科学、行为经济学和心理学对我们有什么用处?

    Big claims are made for what neuroscience , behavioural economics and psychology can do for us .

  13. 但是近期神经科学的发展表明,借助于先进的神经观测仪器,我们已经能够打开这一黑箱,一门新兴的交叉学科神经经济学由此产生。

    But recent development of neuroscience shows that by advanced neurophysiological observation apparatus , we have been able to open this " black box ", and an emerging interdisciplinary neuroeconomics come into being .