
shén wǎng
  • be charmed;be carried away;be rapt;take one's breath away
神往 [shén wǎng]
  • [be carried away;be charmed] 心中向往

  • 心驰神往

神往[shén wǎng]
  1. 一个月的闲暇时光令她神往。

    The prospect of a month without work was beckoning her .

  2. 这美丽的山色使我们为之神往。

    The sight of the beautiful mountains took our breath away .

  3. 杂技表演使孩子们神往。

    The acrobatic tricks absorbed the children .

  4. 这叫作众议院的流言蜚语,它同戏剧界的流言蜚语一样,对圈外人是高深莫测的,而对他们说来,也象戏剧界的流言蜚语对演员们一样,使人神往不止,乐此不倦。

    This was house of Commons gossip , as esoteric as theatre gossip , as continuously enthralling to them as theatregossip was to actors .

  5. 出于这些理由,比尔?盖茨(BillGates)在今年早些时候宣称,他本人对这个概念心向神往。

    For those reasons , Bill Gates declared himself an aficionado of the concept earlier this year .

  6. 他们神往的可能是这种车,但到了真正掏钱的时候,他们买的车往往还是离不开三个热门类别:紧凑型和小型车、紧凑型SUV、跨界车。

    Those may be their wants , but the cars they actually buy often fall into one of three popular segments : compact and midsize car , compact SUV , or crossover .

  7. 正如詹姆斯·托宾(JamesTobin)所说:增长是一个永远使经济学者着迷和神往的问题:无论是现在还是未来。

    As it is said by James Tobin : " Growth is a fascinated and fascinating question that always attracts economic scholar : whether it is now and in the future . " So far , economists have been dedicated to this task .

  8. 悲剧就端坐在生机蓬勃、苦乐兼并的情景中间,庄严肃穆,悠然神往;她在倾听一支遥远的遥远的哀歌,歌中唱到“万有之母”,她们的名字是Wah-ne,Wille,Wehe(幻想,意志,痛苦)。

    Tragedy is seated amid this excess of life , suffering , and pleasure , in sublime ecstasy , listening to a distant melancholy song that tells of the mothers of being whose names are : Delusion , Will , Woe .

  9. 埃塞俄比亚这个国家最让人神往的便是它无数的历史古迹,方尖石塔,阿克苏姆(Axum)石碑,教堂,塔纳湖岛Tigre的科普特人修道院,以及拉利贝拉(Lalibela)的非洲耶路撒冷的岩石教堂。

    Much of the fascination of Ethiopia lies in its myriad historical sites , the obelisks and stele of Axum , the churches and coptic monasteries in the Tigre , in the Lake Tana isles and in the Lalibela : the African Jerusalem with its monolithic churches .

  10. 新疆让中国以至全世界的人民神往。

    Xinjiang fascinates people from all over China and the world .

  11. 他心向神往的只是到岛上去住上3个月。

    Three months on the island was what his soul craved .

  12. 她不禁为之神往。

    She can 't help having a deep longing for it .

  13. 这本书使他神往,或者更确切地说,使他感到安心。

    The book fascinated him , or more exactly it reassured him .

  14. 美国人对表现他们特征的这张图片也极神往。

    Americans themselves have been fascinated by this picture of their character .

  15. 她所神往的这个花花世界完全把她吸引住了。

    The showy world in which her interest lay completely absorbed her .

  16. 诗人。世上再没有比这更令我神往的。

    A poet . I want that more than anything in the world .

  17. 这把打开通往过去的大门的钥匙使我为之神往。

    The key that had unlocked a door into the past fascinated me .

  18. 这首歌使年轻人为之神往。

    The song captured the imagination of young people .

  19. 在澳大利亚工作六个月的想法,令她神往。

    The idea of work in Australia for six months appeal to her .

  20. 看到我们的飞机,听到飞机的声音,令我特别神往。

    The sight and sound of our plane filled me with special longing .

  21. 只要你在身旁,任何的日出日落都会让我神往。

    Any sunrise or sunset will take my breath away if you 're aside .

  22. 我们大家都为之神往的那种令人倦怠、无穷无尽的完美炎夏。

    The perfect , languorous , endless hot summer that we all dream of .

  23. 幽默是一种饱含智慧和情趣的领域,令人解颐,畅怀,回味和神往。

    Humor is a bursting memorable and fascinating area full of wisdom and interest .

  24. 但是,最使人迷恋神往的是泰山黄昏。

    However , the most fascinating and infatuating sight is the dusk of mount Tai .

  25. 一九一○年我诞生的时候,欧洲正在神往于工业革命。

    When I was born in1910 , the industrial revolution has been absorbed in Europe .

  26. 书店更是让人神往。

    the bookshops are to die for .

  27. 在英格兰到达鼎盛时期之前,这部歌剧看起来几乎令人无比神往。

    The opera looks almost longingly at an age before England had reached its peak .

  28. 这篇小说并未使他神往或感动,然而写得干净利索。

    It did not move or touch him but it was something quick and neat .

  29. 不可逆地演进的大自然,依旧充满了令人屏息神往的对称之美。

    The nature , evolving irreversibly , is still full of the breathtaking beauty of symmetry .

  30. 这迷人的奇观,正因为它美丽而神秘,令世人神往了几个世纪。

    This magical iridescent phenomenon has entranced people for centuries both for its beauty and mystery .