
  1. 中国神话题材电视剧的类型叙事和美学精神

    Study on the Narrative Style and Esthetics Spirit of Chinese Myth Theme Opera

  2. 二十世纪八十年代以来,神话题材电视剧亮相荧屏,并迅速发展成火爆之势。

    Since the 1980s , the myth theme opera has presented on the screen , and rapidly expanded .

  3. 本文通过对有代表性的历史及神话题材的当代创作歌曲演唱技术的综合分析,探究民族声乐领域中不同风格不同题材作品的特点,以丰富民族声乐演唱技巧理论研究的内容。

    This paper is trying to analyze the singing technique of Chinese art songs for history and mythology , so as to study various features of national vocal composition for different style and different theme , and enrich the singing technique theory of national vocal music .

  4. 意大利诗人但丁著名的《神曲》三部曲中,大量地采用古希腊罗马神话题材和现代题材,突破了当时中世纪以宗教为主要题材的单一性,以此针砭时政,隐含着丰富而又深邃的主题。

    In the trilogy of Divine Comedy written , Dante Alighier broke though the unity taking the religion as a chief subject in the Middle Ages by adopting many themes of Roman mythology and modern subjects in ancient greece , criticizing current politics and involving rich and profound subject .

  5. 最近上映的一部电视剧是以卡米洛特的神话为题材的。

    A new television series is the latest dramatisation of the Camelot myth .

  6. 汉代神话传说题材的装饰艺术研究

    Han Dynasty Myth Fable Theme Decoration Art Research

  7. 同时,将爱情、武侠、神话等题材合于一体,丰富了故事的趣味性和可观性。

    The same time , love , martial arts , mythology and other subjects together in one , rich a story interesting and observability .

  8. 英雄神话在军旅题材电视剧中的消解与重构

    The Mythology of Hero in the Chinese Military TV Plays

  9. 他以神话传说为题材,反映母子之爱伟大的深刻主题。

    This story takes myth and legend as types of literature , reflecting the theme of great mother love .

  10. 其二,洪水神话以避难题材为主,但也反映主动抗争精神,如鲧禹治水;

    Flood myth with topic of " seeking refuge " is lord , but also reflect the active spirit , just as the Gong and Yu conquered the flood ;

  11. 不仅如此,鲁迅还创造了以神话传说为题材的小说和杂文,将自己特有的生命体验凝注于神话传说人物身上,思考传统,批判现实。

    Not only that , Lu Xun also created the myths and legends to the theme of novels and essays , his unique life experience about figures on the myths and legends , traditional thinking , critical reality .

  12. 西方的洪水神话多以避难为题材,没有体现出主动抗争的精神,恰恰相反,中国的洪水神话以治水为题材,主要体现了对洪水的利用和控制。

    The theme of western flood myth is asylum , which did not reflect the spirits of protest . On the contrary , Chinese flood myths take the " harnessing water " as a theme , which mainly reflected the use and control of flood .

  13. 神话历史叙述&鲁迅神话题材历史小说研究

    Myth , History and Narration : the Research on Lu Xun 's Historical Novels of Myth Subject Matter

  14. 得出的结论是:中国神话中的中原体系和昆仑体系是他最常用的神话题材,在这些题材的诗歌中渗透了他对于空间和时间的艺术表现。

    The conclusion is : subjects of Area south of Yellow River system and the Kunlun Mountains system in Chinese myth are most commonly used in his poems .