
yuān chóu
  • enmity;rancour
冤仇 [yuān chóu]
  • (1) [rancour]∶指由于受人侵害或侮辱而产生的怨恨

  • (2) [enmity]∶敌意,尤指相互间的仇恨或敌对

冤仇[yuān chóu]
  1. 这场冤仇积结了多年。

    The feud smouldered on for years .

  2. n.家族的累世宿仇这两家已有三代的冤仇了。

    feud The two families had been at feud with each other for three generations .

  3. 戴杰·格列斯派:她进入火中吞咽着他们的冤仇。

    Dahlia Gillespie : Into the fire , she swallowed their hate .

  4. 他在卡普里岛引起了三场不可和解的冤仇。

    He had aroused three irreconcilable feuds in Capri .

  5. 莫霍克族和法国人并无冤仇。

    Mohawk got no quarrel with les francais .

  6. 鸿渐知道她对辛楣总有点冤仇,也不理她。

    Hung-chien knew she was somewhat hostile toward hsin-mei , and so he ignored what she said .

  7. 你的嫉恨、冤仇、挫败和嫉妒之心终将消失。

    Your envy and hate , the feud , setback and the heart that envy will disappear eventually .

  8. 这个短小精悍,血色红润的小伙子,是很爱跟大鲸格斗的,他好象总认为这种大海兽跟他有切身的和传统的冤仇;

    A short , stout , ruddy young fellow , very pugnacious concerning whales , who somehow seemed to think that the great Leviathans had personally and hereditarily affronted him ;

  9. 而且以自己的身体,废掉冤仇,就是那记在律法上的规条。为要将两下,藉着自己造成一个新人,如此便成就了和睦。

    Having abolished in his flesh the enmity , even the law of commandments contained in ordinances ; for to make in himself of twain one new man , so making peace ;

  10. 该剧的主人翁是赵氏门下攻人程婴,他割舍了自己的亲生骨肉,拯救了孤儿的生命,最后哺育孤儿长大,向恶棍报了冤仇。

    The hero of this play is CH'eng Ying , the family physician of Chao , who sacrifices his own child to save the life of the orphan and finally instigates the orphan to take vengeance on the villain .