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yuān yù
  • miscarriage of justice;verdict;unjust verdict
冤狱 [yuān yù]
  • [verdict; miscarriage of justice] 指受人冤枉、诬告而定的罪

冤狱[yuān yù]
  1. 多年的冤狱终于得到了申雪。

    The longstanding wrong was at last redressed .

  2. 爱国有罪,冤狱遍于国中;铁路客运合同限额赔偿的法律适用

    Applicable Laws for the Compensation Norm of Railway Passenger Transport COntract

  3. 爱国有罪,冤狱遍于国中;

    Patriotism is penalized and innocent people are in jail everywhere ;

  4. 《史记》叙事和汉武传说系统卫太子冤狱昭雪与西汉武、昭、宣时期政治

    Narration in Historical Records and the Legendary System of Emperor Wu Di

  5. 在本章第二节,作者考察了中国古代冤狱的预防与救济制度,中国近代刑事赔偿制度的产生与发展,中国当代刑事赔偿制度的基本状况。文章认为,中国古代并不存在冤狱赔偿制度;

    The second section is emphasized on the historical development of criminal compensation system in China .

  6. 武则天是个铁腕人物,她为了打击政敌,巩固地位,不惜重用酷吏,制造冤狱,但这并不能说明她生性残忍,“阴鸷好杀”。

    Wu Ze Tian was a powerful person , she put oppressive officials in very important positions in order to consolidate her political power , but this didn 't indicate she was cruel .

  7. 第二部分,对冤狱赔偿运动的整个过程进行了详细的论述,具体包括其发生、发展、高潮、结局及尾声,表明了律师为了这场运动可谓为尽心尽力、殚精竭虑。

    The second part expounded the process of the Criminal Compensation Campaign that included the occurrence , the development , the climax and the end . which highlighted the importance of lawyers in the campaign .

  8. 世界上多数国家对司法裁决错误的赔偿(冤狱赔偿)用无过失责任原则,而对非司法裁决错误的职务侵权赔偿采用过错或者违法原则。

    Most states over the world adopt attribution principle of non-negligence in compensations for erroneous judgments , and attribution principle of negligence or breach of law in compensations for duty torts resulting from non-judicial rule mistakes .

  9. 其中,刑讯制度、证据制度与死刑案的审转制度既是明清审判制度不断完善的标志,也是造成冤狱的重要环节。

    In theses systems , the interrogation system , the evidence system and the trial system of death penalty were not only the symbol of the legal system improvement of Ming and Qing dynasty , but also the important parts that resulted in the wrong imprisonment .