
yuān qínɡ
  • grievance;facts of an injustice;gravamen
冤情 [yuān qíng]
  • [grievance] 冤枉的情状

  • 冤情复杂

  1. NBA联盟的仲裁由NBA劳资双方通过协议的方式建立起来的中立裁决制度,它包括冤情仲裁和制度仲裁两种制度。

    NBA Arbitration is the neutral system , which is set up by negotiating way between labor and capital . It includes Grievance Arbitration and System Arbitration .

  2. 回家时他一路上都在发牢骚,说这种冤情足以让人离婚。

    He grumbled all the way home that this was enough grievance for a divorce .

  3. 10年之后,德雷福斯的冤情得以昭雪。

    Ten years later , Dreyfus was rehabilitated

  4. 冤情大白。

    The truth of the injustice eventually came to light .

  5. 他申诉了他的冤情

    He gave air to his grievances .

  6. 述说自己的看法、意见、冤情等

    Air one 's views , opinions , grievances , etc

  7. 重新提起旧日的争吵事、冤情等

    Rake up old quarrels , grievances , etc

  8. 他们向总督申诉冤情。

    They represented their grievances to the Governor .

  9. 她倾诉了她的冤情。

    She gave air to her grievance .

  10. 这次她在同样的情况下重弹旧调。重新提起旧日的争吵事、冤情等

    It was under the same circumstances that she once more attacked the subject rake up old quarrels , grievances , etc

  11. 于是他便尽可能的使眼神和语气温和,对那位大官陈述他的冤情,试著去感动他的心。

    Making his eyes and voice as gentle as possible , he spoke to the officer , and tried to move his heart .

  12. 结合这些年不断出现的冤假错案,人们开始反思出现冤情的原因。

    Concerning about the continuous emergence of falsely and unjustly repudiated cases , people begin to reconsider the reasons for the emergence of grievance .

  13. 随着政府中集体谈判的普及、工会和合同冤情程序常常为不适当的开除或中止提供进一步的保护。

    With the spread of collective bargaining in government , unions and contractual grievance procedures often provide a further source of protection against improper dismissal or suspension .

  14. 或者可能并没有什么冤情,只是当事人中有一方想要玩弄赤裸裸的权术。

    And it may be that there aren 't any real grievances at all , but that one of you is trying to pull off a naked power play .

  15. 之后,有一天当清除污物者带着他们冤情来到他这里时,他决定去尝试一下他们的工作,每天清扫厕所九个小时。

    After that , when the scavengers came to him with grievances one week , he decided to try their work , scraping out latrines for nine hours a day .

  16. 虽然传媒对司法的监督有助于发现错案冤情,防止司法腐败,维护法官的操守。

    Although the media on the judicial oversight can help to safeguard the conduct of the judges found that the grievances of wrong case , to prevent corruption in the judiciary .

  17. 法制是指利用规章,法律制度来规范行为,在这个过程中法律将被实施,冤情将得到应有的赔偿。

    Legal system refers to the rules , or laws , that regulate behavior along with the processes by which the laws are enforced and through which redress for grievance is obtained .

  18. 对团体行动积极热心的主管;主动性的对抗状态;他很主动的关注起他们的冤情。

    A director who takes an active interest in corporate operations ; an active antagonism ; he was active in drawing attention to their grievances . The masses have a vast reservoir of enthusiasm for socialism .