
  • 网络Penaeus orientalis
  1. 渤海对虾洄游和分布的研究

    Studies on migration and distribution of Penaeus prawn in Bohai Sea

  2. 渤海对虾流网作业网列和网高最佳尺度研究

    Studies on optimal dimension of train and net height of prawn drift net operating in the Bohai Sea

  3. 渤海对虾渔业的最佳开捕期、过度捕捞和渔业管理问题

    The problem of the optimum open date , overfishing , fishery management of autumn penaeid shrimp ( penaeus orientalis ) fishery in Bohai Sea

  4. 渤海中国对虾的捕食关系

    Predators of prawn ( penaeus orientalis ) in Bohai Sea

  5. 渤海湾对虾产卵场调查

    A summary of surveys of the penaeid shrimp spawning ground in the Bohai Bay

  6. 渤海秋汛对虾渔获量预报及分析

    Prediction and analysis of prawn catch ( penaeus orientalis kishinouye ) in the Bohai Sea in the autumn fishing season

  7. 黄渤海沿岸对虾体表共栖缘毛类纤毛虫的生态与分布沿海岸区域内的土地。

    Ecological studies on the Peritrichs attaching on Penaeus orientalis kis . from beach of Bohai Bay and yellow sea land in a coastal area .

  8. 可以确认,在渤海放流对虾苗种增殖对虾资源,不仅是可行的而且是必要的。

    It would be affirmed that adopting measores of releasing shrimp fry into the Bohai Sea to enhance shrimp stock is not only workable but also necessary .

  9. 饲料中添加虾青素对凡纳滨对虾生长、存活和抗氧化能力的影响黄渤海沿岸对虾体表共栖缘毛类纤毛虫的生态与分布

    Effects of Dietary Supplementation of Astaxanthin on Growth , Survival and Antioxidant Capacity of Pacific White Shrimp ( Litopenaeus vannamei ) ECOLOGICAL STUDIES ON THE PERITRICHS ATTACHING ON PENAEUS ORIENTALIS KIS . FROM BEACH OF BOHAI BAY AND YELLOW SEA

  10. 渤海海洋环境与对虾渔业

    On the relationship between marine environment and prawn fishery in Bohai Sea